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New Releases: NextGen Issues 82, 83, and 84


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NextGen Issue 82

October 2001


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NextGen Issue 83

November 2001


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NextGen Issue 84

December 2001


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Thank you to aloram for donating this issue!

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What the heck is your secret? I can scan with relative quickness, but straightening/cropping/touch-ups/etc takes hours upon hours. No way I could do one issue in a single day, let alone three (edit: FOUR!). Do you even have any free time, or is spoiling all of us your full-time job? You know what, I don't care. Whatever you're doing, keep it up!

Edited by kitsunebi77
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Well you'll notice I didn't touch up as much in these issues as some others. I have been trying to speed things along. No one should be under the illusion that I make the same quality edits as others here in a faster time. I just don't see it as important to remove all the flaws from the scans. I'm a month behind where I wanted to be!

Oh, and these are shorter issues. These three issues have fewer pages than one EGM.

Edited by marktrade
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"Dead or Alive 3: Is this the game that will make you buy an Xbox?" No, Morrowind was. And then it was delayed by like half a year! BASTARDS!

Robbed of Morrowind, my first Xbox wound up sitting in the trunk of my car until I literally forgot that I even owned one and eventually wound up selling it. In the trunk with it was that exact issue of Next Gen, which I got during my last month at Funcoland (when it was still called that). As a result that specific cover of the magazine is absolutely ingrained in my memory, a time capsule of a point in my life that was just around the corner from some big changes (namely Morrowind, a replacement Xbox, the awesome girlfriend that got them for me, and the move across the country to be with her).

Good times.

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Heheh, whoops. It appears in my late-night editing rush to get all the issues in I missed 36 entire pages from issue 83. I was wondering why that issue seemed so short.

Scanning and editing now.

Edit: Fixed. ADO link fixed as well.

Next time you wonder how marktrade can scan so fast, ask yourself if all the pages are there. :lol:

Edited by marktrade
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