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Your first game for each system


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I was reading an EGM review of South Park for the Nintendo 64, (not so) fondly remembering the fact that I somehow chose that as my first game for that console instead of Ocarina of Time. It got me to remembering the first titles that I got for all of my other systems, and wondering what everyone else's were. What sold you on your favorite system? Did you get that favorite game as a birthday or Christmas gift? Were you stuck playing a crappy game on your brand new machine, or were you blissfully enraptured with quality right from the start? I'd like to know!

Here's how it went down for me.

ATARI 2600: This was a Christmas gift for my sister and I in 1982. While the earliest game that I have photo documentation of playing is Donkey Kong, it was never a high favorite.

NES: This was my Christmas gift of 1987, purchased for me because I was frothingly desperate to play Super Mario Bros. Aside from that pack-in game, however, my first NES title was Ghosts 'N Goblins. It was spring or summer of 1988 when my parents decided to let me choose a second game, and I remember picking that one out from the local Sears catalog because I loved the idea of a game full of spooky creatures. Now, had I known how insanely difficult the game was...

GAMEBOY: Following a trend, the Gameboy was my Christmas gift of 1989. In addition to Tetris, which I became addicted to like any good gamer, I also received Super Mario Land.

GENESIS: I got my first Genesis by trading the motor of our riding lawnmower to a buddy of mine who wanted it to craft a makeshift go-kart. With the system came Altered Beast and Super Thunderblade, plus maybe a third title that I don't remember. The first Genesis game that I actively chose to buy was Sonic - in fact that game was enough to get me to buy a second Genesis, since in the intervening time I'd actually gotten bored with my first one and sold it.

SNES: The Super Nintendo was my Christmas gift of 1991, quite possibly my favorite Christmas present of all time. And though it was a tight race between Final Fantasy II and SimCity, it was SimCity that won my vote for second place on the list. Alternating between hours of Super Mario World and SimCity made for one of the happiest holidays that this kid ever had.

TURBOGRAFX 16: I bought this from my friend Howard for $75 bucks in late 1994, along with the CD attachment, Ys, and a handful of other well-known games such as Legendary Axe and China Warrior. Along with Ys, my interest in getting the system was for D&D game "Order of the Griffon".

SEGA CD: I received this for my birthday in 1995 after deciding that I absolutely NEEDED to own The Secret of Monkey Island.

3DO: Catching this system in 2000 during that short valley between first release and collector market prices, I paid thirty bucks to own it and did so specifically for Wolfenstein 3D.

PLAYSTATION: I was given the Playstation for my 18th birthday, the system marking my transition into adulthood. While my first few months with the machine were marked by rentals of Doom, Theme Park, King's Field, Resident Evil and Loaded, I wouldn't actually own any games for it until Christmas a few months later. Those were Road Rash and Theme Park, two of the three games that topped my list (the third was "D", which I didn't really care not to get).

NINTENDO 64: I bought this system for Christmas of 1998, along with South Park. Somehow I convinced myself that the game would be an immersive open-world exploration of the South Park universe and not just a crummy, rudimentary 3D shooter with complete linearity and terrible draw distance. I quickly learned my mistake and ran to get Ocarina of Time just days later.

SATURN: I bought this system in 2001 or 2002 after being told by Gamespot employees that its version of Mortal Kombat II was arcade-perfect. I was lied to.

DREAMCAST: After playing Crazy Taxi at a different Gamestop in the spring of 2000 and becoming wholly addicted to it, I literally decided on a whim to buy both the system and the game after my next shift at work.

PLAYSTATION 2: I waited 6 hours in line to receive a PS2 not because I had any great interest in any of the games, but because I knew that the system would be hard to get and I wanted a dvd player. True story. Though I guess the first games that I wound up really enjoying were Tekken Tag Tournament and Dynasty Warriors 2.

XBOX: I bought my first Xbox as soon as I possibly could in anxious anticipation of Morrowind. Then the game was delayed, I needed money, and wound up selling the unused Xbox. A year later Morrowind was available so my awesome girlfriend got me the game along with a whole new Xbox.

GAMEBOY ADVANCE: Grabbed this from my stint at Gamestop in the fall of 2001, getting Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Final Fight and F-Zero Advance with it.

SEGA MASTER SYSTEM: Someone dumped one off at that same Gamespot but we didn't sell them and no one had called dibs so I snatched it up. Don't have any games for it though.

GAMECUBE: That same awesome girlfriend randomly bought me a new Gamecube in the summer of 2003 because she knew that I was interested in the free Wind Waker pack-in. She also got me The Twin Snakes.

GP32: The Korean "Gamepark 32 BLU+" is a portable emulator of moderate power which I bought for $200 bucks for my birthday in 2005.

PSP: The awesome girlfriend, yet again, bought me the PSP for Christmas of 2005 along with my first choice of game, GTA Liberty City Stories.

XBOX 360: My girlfriend and I bought the system in the summer of 2006 for Oblivion. Don't get no simpler.

GAME GEAR: Found one at a local Goodwill for five bucks in 2008 or so. No games for it.

PLAYSTATION 3: I shruggingly bought the PS3 in the summer of 2012 because I had some spare cash and figured that I'd want to play games online with my friend back home sometime. My first game for it was the Ico / Shadow of the Colossus HD collection, one of like three exclusive that I cared to get the system for.

PS VITA: My friend bought it (plus Mortal Kombat) from a buddy of his for $35 bucks because the guy no longer wanted it. Then a few months later my friend gave it to me for Christmas because he no longer wanted it. I bought Minecraft and Dynasty Warriors Next within a day or two of getting the system.

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  • Retromags Curator

Oh geez let me see

Atari 2600, 5200 and 7800 were all bought at yard sales. I was in elementary school when I got those. Not sure what game was the first, but Circus Atari stands out in my mind.

NES - Bought when the Action Set came with the orange zapper. Already had played Super Mario Bros at a friends house, remember playing Legend of Zelda on Xmas morning.

Sega Master System - Bought used from a yard sale, no memories really stand out for this one

Genesis - Probably Sonic 2, I think i was a late adopter of this system. Played Sonic 1 at a neighbors house.

GameBoy - Tetris bundle, remember playing it coming home from ToysRUS in my parents station wagon.

Super Nintendo - Super Mario World, probably the first console game I ever beat without a Game Genie

Nintendo 64 - Mario 64 was the first game I played

Playstation - I think Ridge Racer and Air Combat were my first two games

Playstation 2 - bought with Twisted Metal Black for like $500

GameCube - nothing stands out

Gameboy Advance - Rayman, I remember playing it under a lamp with the lampshade off so I could see the screen.

Xbox - Nothing stands out for my first play

Xbox 360 - Nothing stands out

Nintendo Wii - Got Wii Sports and a bunch of other games. We played the hell out of bowling

Nintendo Wii U - Nothing stands out

Need to think more on this topic :)

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NES - Purchased Excitebike along side of the pack-in Super Mario Bros.

SNES - I didn't get this until 1993 surprisingly. System came with Super Mario World, but I bought Super Mario Kart and Pilot Wings in addition.

N64 - Super Mario 64

Gamecube - Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2

Wii - Zelda Twilight Princess

Wii U - New Super Mario Bros U and Zombi U

Genesis - I believe the system I bought was packed with Altered Beast and I purchased Sonic as well.

Sega CD - Dracula Unleashed lol

Sega Dreamcast - Went a little crazy with this launch...Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Blue Stinger, House of the Dead 2, Soul Calibur, Hydro Thunder.

PS1 - Suikoden

PS2 - Final Fantasy X

PS4 - The Last of Us Remastered, Resogun

Xbox - Knights of the old Republic

TG-16 - My family actually won this system with 10 games in a raffle that was held at our local grocery store. Games were: TV Sports Football, TV Sports Hockey, Power Golf, Final Lap Twin, Victory Run, Devils Crush, Bonks Adventure, Tricky Kick, Keith Courage, and King of Casino.

Gameboy - Super Mario Land and Baseball

Gameboy Advance - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon and Tony Hawk 2

DS - Super Mario 64 DS

3DS - Street Fighter 4

Gamegear - Olympic Gold and Mortal Kombat

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Commodore Vic20 - Gorf

PC - Rogue (they named an entire genre after it!)

NES - pack-ins, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

Game Boy - pack-in, Super Mario Land

SNES - pack-in, Final Fight, Actraiser

N64 - Mario 64

Playstation - Wild Arms

Dreamcast - NFL2K

XBox - 007 Nightfire

PS2 - ??

Gamecube - ??

NDS - Castlevania Portrait of Ruin

PSP - Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

The PS2 and Gamecube were purchased at a time in my life where I was buying tons of games (I have at least 100 games that have never been played even once...), so perhaps that's why I can't remember what I bought first. And yeah, as you can see, I pretty much stopped playing on consoles a couple of generations ago. I'm happy to wait until they can be emulated. If that never happens, I can live with it. Hey, this is a retrogaming site - what do you want from me??!

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  On 3/23/2016 at 7:10 PM, miketheratguy said:

But unlike eating, your first Xbox game is important!

When I was a kid, I saved up my lunch money ($1.00 a day until I got $200 in a year) to get the SNES! I would grab some french fries from my buddy's lunch plate almost everyday since I didn't have any lunch money. Pretty insane, but my video games were more important than my stomach. lol.

Anyways, here is my first game list for each console.

1. NES - Ah yes, the story behind this one was pretty cool. My parents used to get those giant Sears and Sam Solomon catalogs. At the end of each catalog were awesome pictures of the latest video game consoles and their games. It was 1988 and the Atari 2600 was still going. So, I asked my mom to get me the Atari 2600 since a friend of mine (yes, it was a girl.) introduced me to Frogger, Pac-Man, and Galaga. But my mom was like, "Well, the Nintendo has better technology, and you'll be able to play it for much longer than the old Atari thing." I was like, "Sure, mom! That's even better." So, we went to Sam Solomon to get a NES. But unfortunately, it was all sold out. We put one on order and waited for that phone call. A few weeks later, I got the phone call and ran around the house like a chicken without its head on. I got the core NES system, so it didn't come with any games. I chose Rygar as my first game! After I hooked it up at home (took me an hour due to my childhood non-technical brain), Rygar was jumping around on my screen. I couldn't figure out the controls so I kept pressing the A button. My mom was like, "I paid over $150 for that thing, and all it does is jump around like that?" Hehe. The rest was history.

2. SNES - As with the lunch money story up there, my SNES only had Super Mario World that came with it. As a kid, I didn't have money to buy any other games for years to come. I just rented games almost every week. The first game I actually bought was Final Fantasy III (FF VI in Japan). Another tradition I started with this console was that it got purchased at Toys R' Us. And almost every console after that, I only bought from Toys R' Us.

3. Sega Saturn - After years of playing Nintendo games, I got desperate and wanted something Sega. I skipped the Sega Master System and Sega Genesis generations. I bought the Saturn during Sega's pre-launch campaign in May 1995 (it supposed to have came out in September). I just couldn't wait. The first games were Shinobi Legions and Bug!. Virtua Fighter was the pack-in game.

4. Sega Master System - I didn't get this console until 7-8 years ago on Ebay. It came with like a dozen games. So there were no particular games that I really wanted the system for.

5. Sega Genesis - I bought the Genesis Model 3 years ago on Ebay brand new. I bought Altered Beast and the 6-pak cart later on. More recently, I also bought the Genesis model 2.

6. Sega CD/32X - This one came with some games, but nothing notable. I bought the system from a Game Xchange store. I didn't test the 32X unit that came bundled with the system for like 12 years later. I'm happy to report that it does work perfectly after buying my first game for it called Star Wars Arcade.

7. Sega Dreamcast - I wasn't too excited to purchase this console. But my first game was Shenmue.

8. Atari 2600 - The same with this one. I bought this system when I was visiting a Game Xchange in Athens, GA. I bought like 50 games for $30. Not a bad deal at all.

9. Atari 7800 - I got this console on Ebay like over 10 years ago. It came with 10 games. Nothing worth noting.

10. Colecovision - I used to own a game store. So, a customer brought it in with dozens of games all for $80.00.

11. Turbografx-16 - I bought this a few years ago. But I didn't buy any games for it. The console came with Keith Courage. The first game I actually bought for it was Dungeon Explorer.

12. Turbografx-CD - The system was from Ebay, but it was semi-broken. But I fixed it to perfection later on, and the first game I bought was The Addams Family. It wasn't a great game, but it was something to test the system with.

13. 3DO - I bought the console at the Game Xchange, and it came with a few games like Gex and Road Rash.

14. Game Boy - I never owned one until like last year. LOL. It was also semi-broken (bad pixels). I had to fix it as well. I always had Game Boy games in my collection before I had the original Game Boy (they were playable on newer models like the Game Boy Advance). But the first Game Boy game was The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.

15. Game Boy Pocket - Got this one over a decade ago. Like I said, Zelda was the first game.

16. Game Boy Advance - The first game was obviously Super Mario Advance, which was Super Mario Bros. 2 port from the NES game.

17. Sony Playstation - I went to a friend's house and played the original Resident Evil. It got me hooked. So, I had to jump out and get a Playstation of my own. Naturally, my first game was...wait for it, Resident Evil.

18. Nintendo 64 - I waited to the last minute to get this one, since I forgot about Nintendo during this generation. I bought it for collecting purposes only. My first games I bought were The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Fighting Force 64, and Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness.

19. Playstation 2 - My first rate selection was Devil May Cry. There were a lot of games on PS2, so it was tough choice as the first game.

20. Xbox - I didn't buy any games when the console was first purchased. I played with demos from the Xbox Magazines for a while. Then, I pre-ordered Ninja Gaiden due the numerous times I played the demo. Ninja Gaiden was tough as nails, but also really fun.

21. Gamecube - I bought the Resident Evil remake and Metroid Prime at the same time.

22. Nintendo DS - The first game was Hotel Dusk Room 215. Those of you who like classic point-n-click games know what I'm talking about. The DS had a great selection of adventure games.

23. Playstation Portable - God of War: Chains of Olympus was my first one. God of War was my favorite series on the PS2. So it's natural that I would get it on the PSP right away.

24. Nintendo Wii - I got this system for free. I used to own a game store where customers would drop it off for repairs and never pick it up. Therefore, it ended up being my own. I bought Wii Sports for it. Sounds weird, but it was a used system. It didn't have a game bundled with it.

25. Xbox 360 - This is one of those times where I bought a game before the console. I literally owned Prince of Persia (the original one, not The Forgotten Sans) a week before getting a Xbox 360. Thus, I bought the Xbox 360 because of a game, not the other way around.

26. Playstation 3 - Once again, I bought the PS3 for a game called Heavy Rain. It was a great adventure game that a bunch of people missed out simply because it had "slower" gameplay. The PS3 was sold out everywhere in 2010, so I had to hit an Ebay auction for a brand new system.

27. Nintendo Wii U - Besides the pack-in games, Super Mario 3D World and Nintendo Land, I later bought Resident Evil: Revelations. Yep, I've been a Resident Evil fan for 20 years since August 1996 when I bought the original Playstation.

28. Xbox One - I initially bought Killer Instinct to test out broken consoles, not because I wanted to own a game before buying a system.

29. Neo Geo X - I actually bought this console at launch back in 2012. As you may know, it is a modern version of the classic Neo Geo AES console back in the 1990s. I still don't feel like spending the cash on the original Neo Geo. So this would be the closest I can get to experiencing the system's library of fighting games, sports, and shooters. The Neo Geo X initially came with 20 games plus Ninja Master's SD Card. But these days, when you can buy the console, it comes bundled with the Mega Pack Vol 1, which has an additional 15 games.

Read about the games here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo_Geo_X

30. PC - My dad gave me a Compaq PC (Pentium I, 75 mhz) for my High School graduation back in 1995. The first game I bought was Myst, although he didn't approve of it, since my dad bought it for school. :-) It's okay, he was only upset for a few days. lol.

There you have it. I'll update this post as I add more consoles to my collection.

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Oh man, let's if i remember.

Atari 2600 - It came with Pac Man but IIRC dad also bought Frogger and Space Invaders or it was a few time later?Not sure...

Nes - Another that i don´t remember, it was a Brazilian nes clone Called Dynavision II packed with Kung Fu, i believe that my first game was Super Pitfall, yeahh...

Mega Drive - Did not have any games for it, only rented

Snes - Mortal Kombat II

N64 - Super Mario 64 - One of the most amazing jump in graphics AND gameplay that i ever had, the last time that gaming feel fesh to me.

Dreamcast - Shenmue and RE code Veronica

Gamecube - Rogue Leader

Xbox - Halo and MGS 2 Substance

Wii - Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and RE 4

Xbox 360 - RE 5 - Ughh

So far none of the current consoles atract me.

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NES - Super Mario Bros, came with the unit.

SNES - Street Fighter 2. My parents knew at the time what a big fan of SF I was because of the constant pleading with them to take me to the arcades, and so bought me the game as well as the SNES for Christmas.

PS1 - WWF Warzone.

PS2 - Dead or Alive 2

PS3 - Street Fighter 4

PS4 - Ryu Ga Gotoku: Kiwami, Note I don't currently own a PS4, but I bought this game in Japan while I was there expecting that I will buy a PS4 in future...

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Not counting the pack-in games...

Atari 2600 - Space Invaders. Loved it to death, and got rather good at nailing the flying saucer.

NES - Contra. Mastered the game to the point where I knew how many shots it took to kill EVERYTHING in the game.

Genesis - Sonic the Hedgehog. Got it in trade.

Super NES - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time. I'd say it was a good first pick. Far better than my later selections. Damn lying game journalists.

PSX - Rally Cross. Taught me how to drive. I'm not joking in the least.

Saturn - Virtual On. Never liked it much without the sticks.

Dreamcast - Power Stone 2. What's not to love?

PS2 - Armored Core 2. I was blown away by the demo at Babbage's.

Gamecube - I don't remember

Xbox - The Punisher

Xbox 360 - I don't remember

PS3 - Dragon's Crown

After the Gamecube, I started getting systems sideways and backwards, so it's harder to remember when I got an Atari 7800 or a 3DO.

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I added the Neo Geo X and PC to my original post. Though it's not the original console like my other ones on the list, it still was designed and endorsed by SNK as a modern equivalent. Unfortunately, SNK wasn't satisfied with Tommo's manufacturing of the unit and customer service. So, the console died only a couple of years after its release; therefore, besides the Mega Pack Vol 1 of games released later on, there won't be anymore games coming out for it. However, Tommo still has a contract to continue manufacturing and distributing it to retailers. It is still currently for sale at major retailers.

The Neo Geo X's joystick, graphics & sound (after the update), games, aethetics, design, and even its logo are all authentic Neo Geo. So, I am proud to own this system despite the initial issues with it.

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Oh wow! this takes me back. Let see,

Famicom - Legend of kage, played until the power adaptor blow up.

Megadrive - Sonic (packed in)

Playstation - Street fighter the movie, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Playstation 2 - Devil May Cry, heck yeah!

Playstation 3 - Little big planet (bought it for the kids)

Gameboy color - Wario (not sure which one)

Gameboy advance SP - Astro boy, great game.

Gamecube - Super Mario Sunshine, a bit weird but fun

Wii - Wii sport, of course

Wii U - New Super Mario Bros

Man, all those manhours lost on these games, hahahah.

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Nes. SMB 1 was my introduction to gaming in 1989. It's probably still my favorite on the system.

Snes. This was the first system that was actually mine. I got SMW for Christmas in 1991. I wasn't keeping up with what was new yet, so I was confused when my grandmother said it was a Nintendo because it looked nothing like the one my dad had. My favorite is probably Terranigma.

Game Gear. Sonic 2 is the only game I had for this system. The only thing I remember about it is never being able to play it for more than 10 minutes without getting dizzy.

SMS. I got this in 1996. My dad told me I was getting a Sega for Christmas. I assumed he meant a genesis because I knew he couldn't afford a Saturn. I didn't know what the SMS was. Double Dragon and The Ninja were my first games. I think I had more, but those are the only 2 I liked. My favorite is probably Phantasy Star.

Atari 2600. I discovered retro gaming in 1998. I didn't like the 64, but I was too much of a Nintendo fan boy to give the Saturn or Playstation a chance. I found a 2600 jr, 2 of all types of controllers, all the hookups, and about a dozen games for around $10 or $15. Donkey Kong was the first thing I played on it. I liked the novelty of seeing Nintendo as a third party developer. My favorite now is probably Berzerk.

GBC. I got this in 1999 or 2000 just so I could play the port of Crystalis. My favorite now is probably Oracle of Seasons.

Genesis. I finally got one of my own in 2004. I bought it off a friend for $10. I remember a few Sonic games, Altered Beast, and Golden Axe were included. My favorite now is probably Phantasy Star 4.

GBA. I got this in 2004. My first original title was Mario Vs Donkey Kong. My favorite now is probably Aria of Sorrow.

PS1. I finally gave it a chance when I found one at a thrift store for $10 in 2006. Final Fantasy 9 was the first thing I played. Symphony of the Night is my favorite.

DS. I got it in 2006 so I could play NSMB. My favorite now is probably Order of Ecclesia.

PS2. I got it in 2009. Lament of Innocence was the first game I played. My favorite is definitely Digital Devil Saga.

Wii. It was given to me in 2009. NSMB Wii is the only thing I play other than vc on it.

PSP. I got it in 2011. My first game was Oath in Felghana. My favorite is Ys Seven.

PS Vita. I got it in 2013. My first games were Dragon's Crown and Retro City Rampage. My favorite is Memories of Celceta. I also preordered a vita tv. I didn't think Ys Chronicles, Oath in Felghana, Seven, or Memories of Celceta could get any more awesome, but they did.

3DS. I got it in 2013. My first games were NES Remix and NSMB 2, although the first thing I actually did with it was download and beat SMS 1. Bravely Default is probably my favorite.

Wii U. I got it in 2014. My first games were Mario 3d World, NSMB U, and Smash. Mario Maker is my favorite, but I think that will change once Star Fox is out.

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Not sure how I bypassed answering this one back when it was posted, but here we go...

Arcade: My first arcade game memory is Pac-Man, played at the local pizza place, while standing on a chair since I was all of, I dunno, 4 at the time and couldn't see the screen otherwise.

2600: One of the kids who was a neighbor of my grandparents got an Atari for his birthday. The first game I ever saw played on it was The Empire Strikes Back, while the first game I ever played on it was Atlantis.

Intellivision: RealSports Baseball. This was the only game hooked up to the demo unit at a local electronics store. I'm not that big into sports games, but hey, you took what you could get in those days.

NES: Super Mario Bros., of course.

Master System: Hang-On! was built into the unit, and I'm reasonably sure that's the one I played first. I didn't own one, but a classmate of mine did.

Genesis: Altered Beast, followed shortly thereafter by E-Swat: City Under Siege.

Super NES: Super Mario World, naturally, although the first game I played for the system after I acquired it was Ys III: Wanderers From Ys.

TG-16: Splatterhouse.

Gameboy: Tetris, followed by Super Mario Land, and then Alleyway.

Game Gear: Mortal Kombat. Blood code enabled. Naturally.

GBC: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX. Totally worth it. :)

Jaguar: Aliens vs. Predator. Controller made my hand cramp up something awful, but damn if it was impossible to put down! One of my favorite console-exclusive FPS games.

Sega CD: Night Trap, of course! Drove us all nuts, because none of us could figure out what, exactly, the point of the game was and the girls kept getting killed. Could have been worse, though...could have been Corpse Killer.

Sega 32X: Corpse Killer. Yeah... *sigh* I misused an awful lot of my youth.

PlayStation: Twisted Metal on the demo kiosk at the local Target. Later that year, Resident Evil in the dorm at college, where it wasn't uncommon for a group of guys to hook a PS1 up to the big screen TV down in the lobby and shoot zombies until 3am. :)

Saturn: Tomb Raider. One of my friends in college had a Saturn, and this was the only game for it that he owned. The poor guy was so sure the sequels would have Saturn releases that he missed his opportunity to basically get a 1:1 trade on it for a PS1. Probably still kicking himself to this day. :)

N64: Super Mario 64 at the demo kiosk in Target. Later that year, Goldeneye in the dorm at college, where it wasn't uncommon for a group of guys to hook an N64 up to the other big screen TV down in the lobby and shoot one another until 3am. :)

Dreamcast: Soul Calibur on the demo kiosk in Funcoland. :)

GBA: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon.

PS2: Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore. Hells to the yes!! :)

PSP: Corpse Party. The whole reason I bought the system in the first place...along with the remakes of Persona and Persona 2. :)

Xbox: Halo. Made me realize just how awful the Xbox controller (at the time) was, and ensured I didn't buy one for a long-ass time.

Gamecube: Soul Calibur 2. Made me realize just how terrible the GC controller was, and ensured I never bought one.

Wii: Wii Sports. Of course.

Nintendo DS: Elite Beat Agents. Agents are...GO!!

PS3: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, although the very first thing I did with it was put in Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction just to see if I really could play PS2 games on it (I got the 60 gig, don't hate...). :)

Xbox 360: So far, I've had the fortune to not play anything on this machine. I plan to keep it that way, though if someone forces me, I have a copy of Oneechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad I can pull out in self-defense. Doesn't everybody?

PS Vita: Persona 4 Golden, basically the reason I bought the system.

3DS: Shin Megami Tensei IV.


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Atari2600: i inherited this from my mom and it came with a pretty good collection of games (40ish i think?) River Raid has always been my favorite. Actually, the first game i picked up myself to add to the collection was Dig Dug, so in a weird way it might win.

the earliest memory i have of the NES is Legend of Zelda and also SMB2. now, obviously we had the first one, as it came with the set that we owned, but i remember playing 2 first. damn faulty memory.

SNES: i never owned a Super Nintendo as a kid. never had the money. funnily enough, a couple of my cousins had one, so i picked up Zelda: Link to the Past. so it was my first SNES game, despite not owning the system itself for another 12 or so years. when i did finally buy a system, by first pick up was Super Mario World.

GameBoy: i don't remember how a got a gameboy, or from whom, but i only had a single game for the longest time. WWF King of the Ring. not even that great of a game, but i played the shit out of it.

N64: Super Mario 64. bought on launch day. i couldn't actually open the system until christmas, tho, and by that time my mom surprised me with MK Trilogy, so i guess it's a tie.

GameCube: Luigi's Mansion. bought on day one. i wasn't really in love with any of the launch titles and figured this would hold me over the month or so until Smash Bros. came out. it didn't. NHL Hitz 2002 became the first game that mattered.

Wii: i bought a Wii the first day that a black console was released in America. if you remember, it launched in only white for the first year or two. [edit: i just looked it up. it was 3 1/2 years later] by then, i had quite a few choice games available. i believe i bought 3 that day: New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart, and Wii Play (is that the one that came with a controller?)

Wii-U: Super Mario 3D World. i knew i'd buy this system eventually, but i figured that i could hold out until the new Legend of Zelda came out. Glad i didn't, since it's 3 years later and still no Zelda game. Mario 3d World convinced me that i needed to own this. right now!

X-Box 360: UFC Undisputed 3. i don't think i've mentioned it here, but i'm a HUGE fan of the UFC. a friend picked up this game, and i was at his place playing it so much, i finally broke down and bought a used XBOX360 and this game and sunk countless hours into it. i sold it off a year or more ago, but sometimes i wish i could still play this game....

3ds: Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds. i bought the system specifically to play that game. the system still doesn't get much use, but it's not like i'm gonna get rid of it or anything.

past that, i couldn't tell you. i've owned a PS2 for years but can't remember what my "must own game" was that made me buy it. ditto for Genesis. probably Sonic 1 tho.

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Oh man this is gonna be tough I have to think way back haha..

Atari 2600 - Combat, Pac-Man (made dad by me Pac Man with the 2600)

NES - Super Mario Bros, Karate Champ (got the NES for christmas along with the horrible Karate Champ as another gift)

Genesis - I THINK it was Sword of Vermillion but it might have been a Sonic game, I can't remember if mine came with one or not.

SNES - Killer Instinct

N64 - Super Mario 64

Game Cube - Was either Mario Kart or one of the Rogue Squadron games. Cant remember exactly.

GBA - Mario Kart Super Circuit

Nintendo DS - Mario Kart DS

Wii - Ghostbusters, Metroid Prime Trilogy. Technically it would've been Wii Sports but I bought both of those on the way home after I bought the Wii.

Xbox One - Destiny, Call of Duty Ghosts, and Call of Duty Advanced Warfare all at once the day I got it as well.

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Arcade - Rastan. No Comments. I spent so many coins on this game)))

Bandai Wonder Swan\Color\Crystal - Buffers Evolution. I bought console year ago with this game.

NES\Famicom - Contra and Yie Ar Kung-Fu. Definitely. On my friend's birthday.

Sega Mega Drive\Genesis - my first own game was Duffy Duck Goes To Hollywood. Hate this game, because it was the only cartridge i had. Later i exchange it on Rocket Knight Adventure.

Super Nintendo\Super Famicom - Biker Mice From Mars. Still love this game.

XBox 360 - GTA V - it was the reason why i took the XBox from my friend)

ZX Spectrum - i think it was Lode Runner in one of our computer clubs in 90s. I still love this Spectrum port and think it's the best port.

And many many more on emulators...

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Atari 2600 - My parents bought it for me from Florida when it still wasn't available in Canada. Aside from the Combat pack-in they also bought me Pac-Man (sooo bad, but loved it at the time)

Colecovision - Parents won it at a raffle, came with Donkey Kong, I quickly begged them to buy me Zaxxon separately.

Commodore 64 - First game was a budget Mastertronic game called 'Hero of the Golden Talisman'. I distinctly remember picking out from behind a glass case at Zellers

PC - Commander Keen, shareware edition

NES - Was late to the NES because I believe consoles were stupid after the first console crash. Finally caved when Super Mario Bros 2 came out. Bought it with the system.

Gameboy (B&W) - Got one for X-mas. Parents got me Super Mario Land to go with the Tetris pack-in.

Genesis - Sold every NES game I owned to come up with the cash to buy the Genesis and one extra game when it came out. Extra game was Space Harrier 2

SNES - Couldn't wait for the North American release so I sold all my Genesis games / system to come up with the cash to import a Super Famicom with some games (no pack-in). Cost me (as a 15 / 16 year old a fortune at the time)

I bought Super Mario World, Gradius 3 and Big Run

PSX - Bought the system, Ridge Racer, and Battle Arena Toshinden the same evening.

N64 - I dont remember if Super MArio 64 came with the system or not but I had that and Pilotwings 64

Dreamcast - Just bought the system and Soul Calibur

PS2 - Imported Japanese version with Ridge Racer 5 and Street Fighter EX 3

Gameboy Advance - Imported Japanese version with Castlevania Circle of the Moon & Super Mario Advance

Gamecube - Preordered from Best Buy with Wave Race Blue Storm and Rogue Squadron 2

Xbox - Unit + Halo

PSP - Bought at launch with Ridge Racer and Darkstalkers

Xbox 360 - Bought at launch with Perfect Dark Zero

PS3 - Didn't buy until much later, from the classifieds with Uncharted

WII - Got one for Xmas the year it launched with Excite Truck and Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz

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  • 3 weeks later...

2600: My dad bought one off a buddy of his back in the late 80s. It came with a bunch of games including the first game I ever remember playing, Joust.

NES: My dad bought this console so that he and my uncle could play through Super Mario Bros. 2. So that was the first game we got beside the Mario/Duck Hunt pack in

SMS: Once again this was a console my dad bought, got it with After Burner, Space Harrier, and Penguin land

SNES: Back in the late summer of 92 our local rental store just got an SNES available for rent. I convinced my mom to rent it for me as well as Turtles in Time. When my dad got home from work that evening and saw the console hooked up to the TV he asked me about it. I told him mom rented it for me. He tried the game I had rented and then went back to the rental place and rented Street Fighter II. Two weeks later I come home from school to see him and my little sister playing Street Fighter II on our new SNES. Worst part about that is that I literally got grounded two days before he bought the console

Genesis: First console that was actually purchased for just me. I got this back in 94 for my 10th birthday. Got it with Sonic 2 and Superman

Sega CD: Got this one for my 12th birthday. My parents were finally going to get me a Sega CD after years of bugging them for one. So we go to Toys 'R' Us to pick one up. Did I mention that my 12th birthday fell on September 29th 1996. Yep that's right the launch date of the Nintendo 64. So we go to the store and I see all the displays and I try out the new system. I beg my parents for one and they stick to their guns and buy me that Sega CD with a bunch of games like Sewer Shark, Tomcat Alley, and a bunch of other FMV games. So much better than a 64 with Mario 64. Oh well, now that I'm an adult I understand why they would rather get me the stuff on clearance rather than the shiny new thing

32X : Picked this one up a couple of months later on clearance at Toys 'R' Us

Saturn: Got this one for Christmas 96. With Vitura Fighter, Vitura cop, Sega Rally, and Daytona USA.

PlayStation: Got this one for my 14th birthday in 98. Got Final Fantasy VII and Wild Arms

Dreamcast: Got this in early 2000. Was at an auction with my mom and there was a lot that had a Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure, Shadowman, Powerstone, an extra controller and a vmu. There was a bunch of old people there that had no idea what it was I had my mom bid on it and got the whole lot for 90 bucks.

N64: Got this one in late 2000. Got it for a good price used from Blockbuster. Got both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask

PS2: My dad bought me this in exchange for helping him out at work. I got it in early 02 with GTA 3. I got it at a time where memory cards were hard to find and I didn't get one until like 2 months after I got the console. I got really familiar with the first mission of GTA 3.

Gamecube: First console I bought myself, got it used at EB games with Wind Waker and Resident Evil IV back in early 05

Xbox: Picked it up at a Gamestop back in 05 with KOTOR 1 and 2 as well as Jade Empire

Xbox 360: Back in mid 06 I had a full time job at the local Wal-Mart I was still living with my parents and had no bills so I blew an entire check on this and Dead Rising.

Wii: Got this one on launch with Red Steel and Twilight Princess.

PS3: Two weeks after launch I was walking through the electronics section after just picking up my paycheck, when I saw that we had a 20gb PS3 in stock. They also just informed me that because of the holiday we got double the normal employee discount on any one item. I knew it was meant to be and blew my whole check on the console and Resistance.

PS4: Got it at launch with Assassin's Creed IV.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sega Genesis: Sonic The Hedgehog 2

Game Boy Pocket: Donkey Kong Land

Nintendo 64: Super Mario 64

Playstation 2: WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It

Game Boy Advanced SP: Super Mario Advanced 2: Super Mario World

XBOX360: WWE Raw vs Smackdown 2007

Playstation 4: Infamous: Second Son

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I'm not 100% sure of all of these, and some I got multiple games with the system.

GameBoy: Donkey Kong Land

Sega Genesis: Sonic 2

Nintendo: Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt

Dreamcast: Grand Theft Auto 2, NFL 2K, Sonic Adventure

GameCube: Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour

Playstation: NBA Hangtime

GameBoy Advance: Final Fantasy IV Advance

Playstation 3: NHL 14 (bundled)

XBox: NHL 06

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/21/2016 at 10:46 PM, ButtonMasher said:

I'm not 100% sure of all of these, and some I got multiple games with the system.

GameBoy: Donkey Kong Land

Sega Genesis: Sonic 2

Nintendo: Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt

Dreamcast: Grand Theft Auto 2, NFL 2K, Sonic Adventure

GameCube: Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour

Playstation: NBA Hangtime

GameBoy Advance: Final Fantasy IV Advance

Playstation 3: NHL 14 (bundled)

XBox: NHL 06

Good man. Always nice to see the Final Fantasy IV love. And hell, your first Dreamcast acquisitions almost mirror my own.

It's been fun to read everyone's responses to this question. A lot of great and predictable games showing up in some of these lists, plus a few unexpected clunkers. :)

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