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Your first game for each system


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In my country NES was never released, back then our big retailers actually sold Fami-clones. First two games I got with my system was: Tag Team Wrestling and Hokuto no Ken.

Four years later my nephew who stayed by us got a Mega Drive (Sega was big by us, SNES never got released here) He got two games with the system: Taz-Mania and Sonic 3.

A few years later I got my own Mega Drive and I got Sonic: Spin-ball with it <_<

Next was PS1: Tomb Raider 2, Tekken 2, Crash Bandicoot 2 and Nuclear Strike

PS2: GTA 3

XBOX 360: Lost Planet, Chronicles of RIddick, Burnout Paradise/Trivial Pursuit Bundle

3DS: One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP

Only received a SNES recently: Mario All-Stars, The Lion King, Aladdin and Spectre

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  • 2 weeks later...

PS1 is the first console I can remember having. That had Crash Bandicoot 1, and Spyro the Dragon

SNES was next, in fact I still have my original. It was my mum's collection. Still have our original copies of SMW, Earthworm Jim 2, Stunt FX Race, Mario All-Stars, and a few lesser known titles.

Next would probably be the original XBOX. We got nearly 20 games with it at a yard sale. Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Tony Hawk's Underground 2, Bloodwake, Crimson Skies, Scaler, and more.

Genesis came next, because when I was 7 I saw it at a yard sale and thought it would play my Game Gear copy of The Terminator. Parents, said no as they wanted $20(which at the time even, was a god deal), and the lady gave it to us for free. Realized it didn't play game gear games, so I got MK3, and until 2 years ago it was my only genesis game.

Got a GBA for my birthday with Pokemon Emerald.

After that point I was old enough to get a job, started to buy my own stuff.

First console I bought myself was a PS2 Slim, still have it along with the "Mortal Kombat Kollection" I bought with it.

Built up other collections until I got my Game Gear with Talespin.

Next was a flea market Game Boy Pocket, came with Tetris

Then I bought an Oddyssey 2, I got Keyboard Creations for it, I now have 7 games

PS3, first game Heavy Rain.

Wii, New Super Mario Bros or DK Country Returns.

Took me forever to get an NES, but I got one and the first thing I bought was a CIB SMB3 and CIB Dragon Warrior, loose Dr. Mario, SMB/duck Hunt/ Track Meet, and SMB2

DSI a friend gave me when he got a 3DS, no games with it, bought myself Golden Sun Dark Dawn

N64, came with Scooby Doo Creepy Capers

2600, Jungle Hunt, I think?

I believe that is it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SNES-------------------Super Mario World since it came with the game. After that I probably bought The Legend of Zelda or Super Castlevania 4.

Game Boy------------- Zelda

Game Boy Advance-Castlevania Circle of the Moon

3DS-------------------- Zelda Ocarina of Time

Virtual Boy------------ Wario Land

Wii U------------------- Super Smash Bros.

Sega Genesis-------- Splatterhouse 2

Game Gear----------- Shinobi

PS1--------------------- Twisted Metal

PS2--------------------- Twisted Metal Black

PSP--------------------- Twisted Metal Head On

PS3--------------------- GTA 4 (damn that was a crappy xbox 360 port)

PS4--------------------- Metal Gear Solid 5

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Atari 7800 - I don't remember.

NES - came with Mario/Duck Hunt got it and Zelda one year for Christmas.

TurboGrafx 16 - Only had Keith Courage that came with it.

Genesis - Came with Sonic I think Taz-Mania was the first game I got.

SNES - Came with Mario World I think I got the system, Final Fight and X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse one year for Christmas.

PlayStation- I got the system, Ridge Racer, Battle Arena Toshinden and Killing Zone one year for Christmas.

PS2 - I can't remember. I remember buying it paying cash and $50-$60 worth of quarters and had to wait a month or 2 after that to afford a game.

PS3 - Assassins Creed III and Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition all bought the same day.

Game Boy - came with Tetris I think I got it, Super Mario Land, Mario Baseball and Teenage Mutant Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan one year for Christmas.

Game Boy Advance - Bought it and Advance Wars, Doom, Wolfenstein 3d and Super Mario World all the same day on Ebay.

PC - First game I picked out from a store was Double Dragon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NES - pack-in Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt

Game Boy - pack-in Tetris and bought Spider-man along with it.

SNES - pack-in Super Mario World and bought Super Mario All-Stars along with it as it replaced my NES.

Megadrive - pack-in The Lion King and bought Bubsy along with it.

PC - First PC game I bought was Tomb Raider

Game Boy Color - Yellow Version bought with Pokemon Red

Saturn - pack-in Tomb Raider

N64 - Bought used with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

PS2 - Silver edition for free with purchase of a Nokia cell phone with 2-year contract. First game bought was DragonBall Z: Budokai

GameBoy SP - Bought used with Pokemon Crystal and several other games I can't remember...

NDS - Bought for download play to multi-play games with my wife; then ordered R4 after; Found Metroid Prime Hunters in Parking Lot.

Wii - I pre-ordered Skyward Sword first, then bought the system with pack-in Mario Kart and bought New Super Mario Bros. along with it.

PS3 - pack-in The Last of Us and bought Diablo III along with it.

Wii U - Bought used with New Super Mario Bros U, Super Smash Bros Wii U, Super Mario 3D World. NintendoLand.

GameCube - Found in a dumpster with Pikmin 2 (System and Game are both in working condition)

PS1 (1st release) - Found in a dumpster with Spyro the Dragon (System and Game are both in working condition)

(I worked as a Janitor and had to clean dumpsters and Parking lots too. I got lucky a few times :D )

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  • 2 months later...

This will be in rough chronological order:

Game Boy - This was my first video game system and I believe that Mortal Kombat was the first game I had for it. My parents might have gotten me Quarth at the same time or that could have been a little bit later down the road.

SNES - This was a Christmas present from my nana and it came packed in with Ken Griffey Jr. Present Major League Baseball. I'm not sure what the second game was for the console or what I got for myself.

Nintendo 64 - I got Wayne Gretzkey's 3D Hockey for Christmas along with the console itself instead of Super Mario 64 which was sold out everywhere at the time.

Playstation - Metal Gear Solid is the game I got with this Christmas present as well as being the game that made me want the Playstation.


Gameboy Color - I believe that Super Mario Bros. DX was the first game I had for this. If it wasn't that then it was probably Link's Awakening DX.


Dreamcast - Soul Calibur was the first game I got for this console for Christmas.

Playstation 2 - Originally I was going to get Onimusha but I opted for Zone of the Enders once I found out that Metal Gear Solid 2 was going to be a pack-in demo for it.

Gameboy Advance - I really do not remember what was the first game that I had for this. It might have been Castlevania Circle of the Moon.


Xbox - I got a few games with my Xbox, which I got for my birthday and they were Fatal Frame, Shenmue II, Splinter Cell, and Mech Assault.


Sega CDX - I got this for Christmas one year which I wanted for the sole reason of Snatcher. The CDX also came with the Genesis action 6-pak cartridge.


Nintendo DS - I got the gold edition that came packed in with Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.


Saturn - I got this from a friend and I'm not sure what was the first game. I think it was Enemy Zero or even Street Fighter the Movie.

Xbox 360 - I wanted this for Mass Effect and that's what I got when I bought the 360.

PSP - This was a birthday present from my fiancee and it was the red God of War version with Chains of Olympus.


Wii - I'm not sure what was the first game I got for the Wii.


Playstation 3 - This is actually my fiancee's and it came packed in with Medal of Honor and Uncharted 2.


3DO - I bought this as part of a lot off of Craigslist. It came with Doom, Mad Dog McCree, Gex, Crime Patrol and a whole bunch of other games.


Xbox One - I got the Halo Collection with this console which I won at an old job during a company Christmas party.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NES- Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt and Mickey Mousecapade- my 5th or 6th or 7th birthday gift.. can't remember

Sega Genesis- Sonic 2, it come with the Sega Genesis model 2 console yes!- my x-mas gift

Super NES- Super Mario World and Super SFII- i get them from local video game store

PS1- Mortal Kombat 3 and Demo Disc- my 14th birthday gift

PS2- Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance- also my x-mas gift


i'm now 34 and still playing and of course still reading old mags lol

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