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Dumb things you did in video games as a kid


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My earliest gaming memory is being terrified of Dr. Robotnik....In GREEN HILL ZONE. I think it was the music that set me off.

On my first playthrough of Pokemon Red, I deleted Charizard's Flamethrower for Fire Spin.

I used a P-Wing in the first Mario 3 fortress with the Boos because the Princess mentioned ghosts in her letter, and gave me the item, so I thought I had to use it where there were ghosts. Then I flew into a Thwomp. :(

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It's not exactly dumb, but it's also not making effective use of resources either.

In Final Fantasy III/VI on the SNES, virtually every clock in the game has an Elixer hidden inside it (walk up to the clock, press action, and voila, free Elixer). Elixers, in case you've never played the game, are extremely potent healing items that restore all of your HP when used. And you're literally collecting them all through the game. By the time I got to the final dungeon, I had double-digits worth of them in my inventory and never purchased one from a shop. Because they were so powerful, I wanted to make sure I only used them when absolutely necessary...and I committed the cardinal RPG sin of ignoring resources just because they were so useful. I beat the game with all those Elixers, even though they would have come in handy any number of times, because I was always afraid I might "need them later". :)

To be fair, this is a sin I commit far too often in virtually every RPG I play, and it only makes it harder on myself when I do this. I guess I'm just a hoarder when it comes to RPG items, especially in games where you have an unlimited storage space like Final Fantasy VI. She who dies with the most toys wins? If that's the case, I'm pretty sure I win the hoarding game. ;)


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It took me until the third-last mission to realize I could buy something other than anti-air cannons in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom after capturing a city. (I failed a spot check and totally missed the arrow signs, and accidentally hit Up on the D-pad when checking a city out.)

On the plus side, the fact that I managed to beat almost all of Yugi’s campaign without knowing how to activate those features is kinda cool.

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  On 3/30/2016 at 6:11 PM, Areala said:
To be fair, this is a sin I commit far too often in virtually every RPG I play, and it only makes it harder on myself when I do this. I guess I'm just a hoarder when it comes to RPG items, especially in games where you have an unlimited storage space like Final Fantasy VI. She who dies with the most toys wins? If that's the case, I'm pretty sure I win the hoarding game. ;)

I tend to do this as well, even though I was taught early on that I should know better...

I remember playing Final Fantasy as a kid and reading in the Nintendo Power strategy guide that you should have 99 heal potions and lots of pure potions (which for some reason I remember as being "99" as well, though I can now see that they don't specify a number) before venturing into the marsh cave. I spent so many hours grinding and fighting ogres to get enough money to purchase those potions I nearly gave up on the game. And when I finally bought them all and DID go to the cave, I probably only ended up using about 10 potions to finish it lol.

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  On 4/1/2016 at 12:57 AM, marktrade said:

Even worse is when items can be used for crafting and you actually do come across a moment where you feel you need to use that item but you think you might need it later to craft something and you don't even know what that something might be.

This is why the Persona series, no matter how much I love the storylines for the games, drives me up the wall. I'm ALWAYS terrified to fuse my various Persona into others because I know that as soon as I do, I'll reach a point where I absolutely need that one fairy-type, and then I'll be screwed. :)



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I thought the restaurant Sonic was named after Sonic the Hedgehog.

I tended to spoil my monsters in Monster Rancher because I felt bad about punishing them or working them. I very rarely made it past Rank C.

When I played Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga I didn't know you could increase stats other than HP, so that was all I increased.

I somehow made it to Bowser's Castle, but was never able to beat it.

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Speaking of FF, I had a terrible habit in RPG's. I checked EVERYTHING. I would scour towns looking in cans, boxes, clocks, whatever could hold items. Why? I didn't want to leave useful things behind. So I too would have a stockpile of items but at least I wasn't afraid to use them in a pinch. The reason I remember it is because I was on the porch one day and some neighborhood friends wandered over to do stuff. Obviously I needed to find a save point before I could quit so they watched a while. Then asked what was taking so long. I had not wandered off into a new dungeon or anything.

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Final Fantasy III for the SNES


there's was this monster that only appears on an island at the corner of the world map.

It had an attack that basically suck in one of your party member into itself.


I was worried my party member would be dead permenently and I keep trying to defeat the monster but failed and got all my party members sucked in.


I was devestated but was in absolute shock when the game continues in a dungeon inside the monster and even got a new character Gogo at the end of it.

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Tomb raider 2 for the psx had insta-save. I was trying to jump across a far gap to reach a dragon statue. Every time, I would fall to my death. so as Lara was falling to her demise, I would just reload from the point before I make the jump. I did this so fast over multiple tries, that I accidentally hit save file instead of load file. My save was now useless because Lara would die every time.

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  On 8/4/2016 at 4:32 AM, Kelgio82 said:

Tomb raider 2 for the psx had insta-save. I was trying to jump across a far gap to reach a dragon statue. Every time, I would fall to my death. so as Lara was falling to her demise, I would just reload from the point before I make the jump. I did this so fast over multiple tries, that I accidentally hit save file instead of load file. My save was now useless because Lara would die every time.


I feel bad for laughing at that.

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i think the dumbest thing i ever did on a video game was when i was maybe 8 or 9 and on zelda LTTP I repeatedly assaulted a chicken with the sword and just didn't stop and then all the sudden i snapped out of this chicken-destroying trance i somehow descended into when i noticed i was being swarmed by angry chickens coming from all angles. And then I was like whoa they actually designed the game with this feature knowing that some idiot would just endlessly pound away at these chickens? I mean you have to hit the same chicken like 40 times without letting the screen scroll off him for this to even work. But that motivated me to explore the games possibilities further and in one of my chicken experiments, i discovered a glitch (feature?) where I could go to this one house in kakariko village and toss a chicken through a wall into the next room over. In yet another chicken experiment of mine i found one where you could sprinkle magic powder on it and it would turn into a woman. I still feel like this game has many more wonderful chicken mysteries but so far those are all i ever found. But if there's any guy out there who can find them i'm sure its me cuz i never get bored with those chickens...

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