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Your Shameful Gaming Secrets


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I saw the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde NES game at my local game store for 20 dollars. I ALMOST bought it but didn't.

Surely you've seen some of the AVGN episodes containing that game? James, Mike, Bootsy, and some other folks finally beat it at some convention that they went to, and streamed them playing.


That game is, for lack of a better term, either very broken, or badly misunderstood.

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Shameful gaming secret??? I own more games than I've actually played. For example, despite having so many NES games to choose from, I still play SMB2, Circus Charlie, and Felix the Cat over and over and over again! :-P


if this is shameful, then i'm fully in this predicament as well. i'm at least 3-to-1, probably closer to 4-to-1. this ratio means i've played at least a full level or set of lives or whatever.

if you only count games that i've fully embraced and played for at least an hour or two, that number is easily closer to 10-to-1. at best.


i always go back to the same games as well. for NES, that means Zelda 1, Punch-Out!, Double Dragon, and Adventure Island

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