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Congrats to Areala our newest Admin


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  • Retromags Curator

Congratulations, Areala!

Are all admins equal in power? If so does this mean I get to pester Areala instead of Philly the next time I need 1000 issues of some Japanese mag added to the database? ;)

Yes and No, we all have the same permissions as far as the forum software is concerned. But I am the only one with access to the Billing section ( lucky me :P ) .

New Gallery Categories - Yes all 3 admins have the ability to get these created, as well as move, delete and edit existing images.

New Publication Database Records - Yes all 3 admins have the ability to get these records created, all 3 of us also have access to all the hidden fields for those records that can only be edited by us. Fields like the Index, First Issue, Last Issue....because these fields allow HTML....they are only editable by us.

New Magazine Database Records - Yes all 3 admins have the ability to create new categories in the magazine database, we also have the ability to create new records (issues) under these categories. In addition the Admins can see all the fields for these records, so if a date is wrong....or link to the next record is wrong....we are the only ones that can edit those hidden fields. Now even though all 3 Admins have the ability to create records in this database....because of the sheer number of fields, doing this manually would be cumbersome. Take Dengeki Playstation, that required 700 magazine records to be created.....and each of those records had 30+ fields that needed to be filled out. I wrote a program that I can fill out a form and have it create all these values. I then need to go above the forum software to the database itself and run all those queries. I am the only one that can do this part.....so if it is a small magazine that has under 20 magazines total......yeah E-day or Areala might be able to manually create those records, but I would still need to come behind and do the SQL drops to fill in all the values.

New Download Manager Categories - Yes, again all 3 of us have the ability to create new categories in this section, hide files, approve files...etc.

Promoting Users - All 3 of us have the ability to promote users to Team Members or Patrons based on contributions we see around the site.

I think that covers almost everything :)

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  • Retromags Curator

Keep in mind that, along with promoting users, I have the power to demote as well. Worship me wisely and cater to my whims, my beloved flock... ;)

In all seriousness, thank you all. You guys are the reason Retromags has been such a huge part of my life for the last seven years, and I love seeing the site grow at the incredible rate we've been seeing for the last year. I will use my new-found powers only for good, but while I will attempt to help as best I can, I'm still low girl on the totem pole and if you have serious issues or problems with the site, I may point you to E-Day or Philly just because I'm the clueless noob on the Admin totem pole. :)


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9*Yea, verily, thou shalt find favour within my flock, miketheratguy. Your supplication is heard. :)



Oh, I see. Your FIRST act as administrator is to abuse your power by editing my perfectly valid post. That's how it works here? Not only squelching a statement just because it's unpopular but actually going so far as to edit it to make me prostrate myself at your feet? Is this level of unbiased moderation the kind of precedent that you want to set here? This is the kind of person you want representing your site? Alright, that's fine. You can edit my posts all you want. But you know what you can't edit? My middle finger! You see this? I'm running right up to my monitor, keyboard in hand so I can continue to type, and thrusting my middle finger RIGHT at you. Really, REALLY HARD!!! Supplication? SUPPLICATE THIS!!!! RRRGH, I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW!!!

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...I'm still low girl on the totem pole ... :)



You know... low hanging fruit and all, but I'm gonna leave that joke well enough alone. Congrats on the promotion, you do a lot to make this site fun to visit. I came for the magazines, and decided to stay for the company. :)

That, and a forum that grows in this era of social media and short attention spans, I have a certain place in my heart for a place like this.

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Congratulations to her Majesty, Areala! May your reign of terror benevolence reach far and wide throughout the world. Every loyal subject in this Kingdom of Retromags must ::bow:: before her Highness everytime you speak in her presence. Long live the Queen of Retromags! Long live The Queen! All Hail to the Queen! All Hail to the Queen!

P.S. Sarcasm aside--congrats, Areala. Just remember, "With great power there must also come--great responsiblity."

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  • Retromags Curator

Just remember, "With great power there must also come--great responsiblity."

You know, you're absolutely right. My responsibilities are 'kicking ass' and 'taking names'.

And I already know all your names...



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You know, you're absolutely right. My responsibilities are 'kicking ass' and 'taking names'.

And I already know all your names...



Are you at least gonna let us bite down on something next time? I still can't sit right...

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