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What's the best magazine for Atari 2600 coverage?


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I'm looking to get back into the Atari 2600, and I'm wondering what magazines, past or present, do the best job in analysing the system and the game library. When it comes to game play, I suppose most games don't have much to be discussed, but hearing from programmers and developers would be interesting as well.

There aren't a whole lot of choices. Imagic produced two issues of "Numb Thumb News", which had game reviews, high score challenges and other things. Activision published seven issues of their newsletter, which was all about upcoming stuff from Activision. Atari put out around a dozen issues of a newsletter/publication called "Atari Age" which had interviews, previews, and other goodies. This one is probably your best bet. :)

One of the few non-house organs was Atarian, but it was very short-lived with a three-issue run in 1989. It was mainly focused on the 7800 and Atari XE computer, but also had some talk about 2600-related things as well. Blip was a similarly short-lived magazine that covered arcade and home gaming; while it wasn't specific to the 2600, it did feature articles about Atari carts from time to time. We've got the first issue preserved here. :)



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Retro Gamer Magazine (UK) has a series of "bookazines" that reprint many articles from their past issues. Recently they released "The Atari Book Second Edition". It covers 2600, 5200, 800xl, 7800, ST, Lynx and Jaguar. It has a brief overview of each system, perfect 10 games, list with screenshots of"the rest" of the games.The second half of the book has articles with or about the developers and the making of many of the games.

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Thanks for your insights. I'll be sure to look into them. :)

I actually have two issues of Retro Gamer. I've got issue 52, which features a cover story on Star Wars games, and #62, focusing on the Mega Drive/Genesis. I highly enjoyed reading both of them. I wish they were more affordable, but given the climate for print publications, importing costs, and that it targets a niche market, I can understand.

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Retro Gamer Magazine (UK) has a series of "bookazines" that reprint many articles from their past issues. Recently they released "The Atari Book Second Edition". It covers 2600, 5200, 800xl, 7800, ST, Lynx and Jaguar. It has a brief overview of each system, perfect 10 games, list with screenshots of"the rest" of the games.The second half of the book has articles with or about the developers and the making of many of the games.

I just ordered the third volume of the Retro Gamer eMag with 25 back issues on DVD. Seemed like a good deal for slightly under 20 bucks total to ship to Canada.

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Areala named most of the state-side in-house 'zines & newsletters but here are a few unofficial 'zines I'd also recommend. None are 100% 2600 (aka VCS) specific - and all eventually began pushing computer gaming hot and heavy by the end - but they all offer various levels of 2600 content. Reviews, strategies, interviews, etc.

Electronic Fun with Computers and Games (eventually Computer Fun) - good source for reviews and designer interviews.

Joystik - if you thought it impossible for someone to write a multi-page strategy guide for a 2600 game, Joystik will prove you wrong. :) Mostly arcade strategies though. The 'zine adds more home game reviews over time.

Electronic Games - considered the grand daddy of golden age video gaming magazines but EG liked to cast a big net - you basically get a little of everything (including the 2600).

Videogaming Illustrated (eventually Videogaming and Computer Gaming Illustrated, then Video and Computer Gaming Illustrated) - hefty news section, reviews, and celebrity guests (Walter Koenig, Adam West, Ben Bova, etc). You'll find some industry interviews here (though mostly from a corporate angle).

Video Games - some reviews and mostly corporate-centric interviews and commentary.

Video Games Player (eventually Computer Games) - another good source for reviews and misc. interviews. (The database entry is still a work in progress here at RetroMags so I linked to a forum discussion instead.)

Vidiot - apparently what happens when video games begin cutting into music sales. Mostly arcade coverage but with some home console reviews.

You may also want to check out a 90s era fanzine newsletter titled 2600 Connection. It ran 100 issues I believe - the editor eventually collected the first 50 across two volumes but I'm not entirely sure if they're still offered. I'd contact Tim by e-mail before placing any order. Digital Press covered the 2600 too.

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