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Areala Asks: What's Your Favorite Season?


Favorite Season?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Which season is your favorite?

    • Summer - sunshine, beaches, vacation!
    • Autumn - crisp breezes, Halloween, crunching through leaves!
    • Spring - flowers, gentle rains, chirping birds!
    • Winter - holiday gatherings, snowball fights, extended shopping hours!

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Now that we're through pondering mortality, let's get simple. One question, four choices, no regrets.

What is your favorite season?

See how easy that is? Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. Easy-peasy. Pick one and defend it. To the death, if necessary. :)

Vote, then feel free to chime in with why you picked that choice!


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I'm pleased to see that autumn has 100% of the votes. (All 2 of them so far :) )

Seeing as 100% of you have voted correctly, I don't feel I need to preach to the choir about why it's best.

Summer, on the other hand...let me put it this way: Japan doesn't believe in using air conditioners in the workplace (they stress being "eco" aka saving energy). I spend every day bathed in sweat until I make it home. So $%$@ summer.

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autumn for me also.

i live in Iowa, where we get all four seasons with a fury. i don't do well in the heat, so summer is out. i hate shoveling sidewalks with a passion, so winter is out. my b-day is in October, so fall wins!

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I have to go with summer, with an asterisk. I live in Wyoming. My dad used to call this place the armpit of the world. Big Piney, WY is often the coldest place in the country, even counting Alaska. Fortunately, I don't live there, but it isn't too terribly far from the climate where I do live. So, winter is obviously right out. When you have seen temperatures where the Fahrenheit measurement is actually colder than the Celsius, it's really hard to appreciate winter. From shoveling snow to having to drive to work in the slush and muck (worrying about the morons on the roads who have no business being on them..), I can't say that I care for winter.


Fall, aside from the fact that my annual Supras in Vegas meet falls in the September / October part of the year, nothing really stands out in a positive light. On the plus side, it's cooling off a bit, for those intolerant of the heat, Walking Dead is starting up, and those of us cursed with daylight savings time get to go back to the normal time frame that the rest of the sane world is on. Negatives, kids are back in school, and for me personally, that means getting to drive on the same roads as the breeders, and I have FIVE elementary schools within a short distance of home, ugh... Also, it's getting to the point that you know that winter is coming... another ugh.


Spring, I tend to appreciate. Finally, I can drop the top on the Miata, and it seems, you know, normal. I do it frequently during the winter (at least on days that it gets above 40°F) and I get a lot of funny looks haha. Weather is getting pleasant, allergy season hasn't kicked in fully yet, bugs aren't all over the place, it's not too bad, all in all. However, due to where I live, snow is a possibility, literally every single day of the year. Those lovely "spring showers" some of you get to enjoy, I might get snowed in, and then need to use the A/C by the afternoon. It's a weird climate around here sometimes...


So, that leaves us with summer. I'll get the negatives out of the way first. It's hot, the electric bill goes up a bit due to A/C use, bugs are more active, weeds are growing all over the place, allergies, hotter weather can be taxing on your car... However, hotter temperatures mean one very important thing for me. Driving. Provided your car is kept in good shape, you can put stickier tires on it, and go explore those roads that are often closed during the cooler months due to snow and ice. Those roads tend to be less traveled, beautiful and scenic, as well as in better shape, both due to less traffic and not being salted and plowed to clear snow.


For me, as a driver... the choice is pretty obvious. :P

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  On 7/20/2016 at 4:45 AM, te72 said:

When you have seen temperatures where the Fahrenheit measurement is actually colder than the Celsius, it's really hard to appreciate winter.


a few years ago, i lived in a college town. while waiting for the bus one day, an Asian girl was bundled up in a winter coat, hat, and gloves. it was about 20 degrees. i was in shorts. she said something along the lines of "aren't you cold?" to which i responded "it hasn't even gotten cold yet". she seemed concerned, and asked "how cold does it get?" and i responded, honestly, "it can get to 10 below pretty regularly". she says "below what?" and then i just felt terrible for laughing. i hope she made it thru the winter.

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  On 7/20/2016 at 4:45 AM, te72 said:

When you have seen temperatures where the Fahrenheit measurement is actually colder than the Celsius, it's really hard to appreciate winter.


OK, I get that Wyoming can get cold as balls.  But I'm confused as hell by this statement, as well as twiztor's response to it.  Fahrenheit is always going to be a higher number than Celsius.  "10 below" is gonna be 23 below in Celsius.  Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you meant?


  On 7/20/2016 at 6:04 AM, twiztor said:

a few years ago, i lived in a college town. while waiting for the bus one day, an Asian girl was bundled up in a winter coat, hat, and gloves. it was about 20 degrees. i was in shorts. she said something along the lines of "aren't you cold?" to which i responded "it hasn't even gotten cold yet". she seemed concerned, and asked "how cold does it get?" and i responded, honestly, "it can get to 10 below pretty regularly". she says "below what?" and then i just felt terrible for laughing. i hope she made it thru the winter.


And I've gotta say that I agree with that girl -- 20 degrees F is too cold for shorts, no matter how much colder it gets later.  But then again, I see people here in Japan wearing hooded sweatshirts and jackets right now even though it's blazing hot (although I suspect they're just trying to look fashionable, and comfort be damned.)  So I guess dressing for the weather isn't something everyone feels is necessary.

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Winter is tough here.  You need to stock your nuts in the tree from the rest of the year.  I get to fire up my all wheel drive with studded winter tires.  I tend to get in shape in the winter but work by far sucks.  It's always dark.


Spring comes just in time.  I get called back to the refinery for 6 weeks and earn enough to get out of the debt I accumulated.  Springs nice.  I do nothing until June.


Summer is hit or miss.  If I have to shingle roofs it couldn't be any worse.  If I just loaf around and can't find work it is depressing.  A new career would have made it good but that is another topic.


Autumn tends to be my favorite.  I can usually find some work that will help me through winter.  The women turn into aggressive bears.  If they don't have summer boyfriends they try to find winter boyfriends.  The fall television, as well as NES marathons and my annual Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas playlists get dusted off.  It's also time to do the annual re rapping of Christmas gifts.

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