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does anyone think 3DO's controller contributed to its failure?


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Most of the gaming magazines showed the controller from an angle that didn't even show its two top shoulder buttons. Also when you see the front of it on the right side there is only 3 buttons which makes it look like it's 3 buttons less than the SNES or at least 1 button less than SNES if you are away it has shoulder buttons. Some or many of us like myself know some SNES games made good use of all its buttons so this could really make the 3DO seem like a big step back in interactivity with games. PS1 had one more button on the right side of the controller as well as two extra shoulder buttons. I know Jaguar had lots of buttons but I don't the controller did much to hurt or benefit system sales but just in the case of 3DO I speculate it could have played a large role.

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The controller for 3DO was bad.  It was released before the Street Fighter boom and everyone from NEC to Sega were releasing 6 button controllers.  Super Nintendo players only needed to form a new connections in their brain to use the shoulder buttons for fierce attacks.  I personally remapped them to jab.  jab jab jab fierce, knock opponent off balance and launch into aggressive modes.


You neglected to mention that 3DO used an old computer trick of Daisy Chaining the controllers.  Only one port on 3DO but 2nd, 3rd or 4th had to plug into player 1 controller. 

At least TG16 used a 5 player Turbo Tap. 




3DO was too expensive for the "times".  I loved videogames.  I was young and reckless and had a job.  I only ever rented 3DO so I could play road rash, Family Feud and some other junk.  I must have rented it 5 times but there was never a reason to purchase it.  No games.

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3DO was too expensive for the "times".  I loved videogames.  I was young and reckless and had a job.  I only ever rented 3DO so I could play road rash, Family Feud and some other junk.  I must have rented it 5 times but there was never a reason to purchase it.  No games.


I was too young to have a job, so a system that launched at $700 wasn't even a consideration. I could give a crap what the controller looked like - I had a hard enough time getting a SNES a couple years earlier for $200.  No way in hell I had a shot at getting a $700 system.  Honestly, I barely even noticed the 3DO's coming and passing.

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I was too young to have a job, so a system that launched at $700 wasn't even a consideration. I could give a crap what the controller looked like - I had a hard enough time getting a SNES a couple years earlier for $200.  No way in hell I had a shot at getting a $700 system.  Honestly, I barely even noticed the 3DO's coming and passing.



hell, i didn't get a SNES until WELL into the n64 lifespan, and didn't get a Sega Genesis until the PS2 was already out. that's why i have such an affinity for the NES.

the 3DO sounded exotic and cool, but it was so far out of my price range that i never gave it any serious consideration.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recall the 3DO launching at around $700. I got to borrow one for a week, and played the crap out of Need for Speed, but by that time, the PSX was already out, and around half the price.


The controllers were all over the map, so the most sought-after option was the adapter for SNES pads.

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The 3DO controller really wasn't that bad. It's pretty ergonomic although it did not have as many buttons as the SNES, it had enough to get the job done. The high price, lack of third party support and quality titles really tanked the system. I think that the high price is the ultimate contributor to the 3DO's demise.

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