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324 Magazines Donated to Retromags!


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So I have had some requests to see the recent donation of 324 magazines. Attached are the images, until I get a moment to properly go thru each box and create a list. Look for many of these magazines to show up in the following months.


Big Thanks to @LowScore for this donation, this will keep me busy for a while :)


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  On 10/2/2016 at 11:38 PM, LowScore said:

Happy to help! 


Read: "Yo Philly!  Two months, dawg!  Where dey at?!" ;)


(What the studio audience doesn't realize is that Phillyman has secretly placed the keys to a new car AND a new and different magazine scan beneath each of their chairs.  Let's watch their reactions as 324 scans are revealed at once! )

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  On 10/3/2016 at 9:24 PM, kitsunebi77 said:

I realize you're kidding, but I actually don't think that would even be a good idea.  Too many mags released at once just means that none of them would get the attention they deserve.  Better to release things on a steady basis to keep people interested in coming back every day.


I'd think it'd be just the opposite. Large releases get noticed, word would spread, and it would lead to a lot of attention. Perhaps too much in that it would stress the site, but who knows?

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  On 10/4/2016 at 3:33 AM, marktrade said:

I'd think it'd be just the opposite. Large releases get noticed, word would spread, and it would lead to a lot of attention. Perhaps too much in that it would stress the site, but who knows?


Would it, though?  If we suddenly get 50 new Game Player's or whatever, the people it would impress the most are the ones who already visit the site and can recognize them as new scans.  Anyone brought to the site due to some sort of outside media attention (as was recently the case with NP) isn't going to see 50 new Game Player's, they're going to see all the Game Player's lumped together, since it's all new to them.  Pretty much every single one of those NP news stories reported it as if all one hundred forty-odd issues (or whatever it was) had suddenly been released all at once for the first time ever on archive.org.  No one had any idea that those mags had been slowly built up and available for years at our site and others.


So really, if we want to impress people who aren't already regular visitors, we don't need to make a big deal about new scans.  We just need to make a big story about what we've already got.

50 new issues of Game Player's at Retromags!!! is awesome for regular visitors, but to attract new visitors,

142 issues of EGM!!! 132 issues of GamePro!!! And hundreds more!  Available at Retromags!!! is a far more impressive story.


Besides, editing 50 mags will take a really long time no matter how short the mags or how fast the editor, so they'd essentially be sitting on finished mags for ages before any saw the light of day.  I'd rather see them released as they're finished.  I wouldn't have time to read 50 new mags all at once, anyway.  But that's just my 2 cents.

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  On 8/10/2016 at 12:15 PM, Areala said:

My word...look at all those pretty Game Players and Ultra Game Players magazines! :)





I actually donated all the missing Ultra Game Players, and the missing Game Players from 1996 or so, to MarkTrade earlier in the year, and he scanned all them. They've been on his Archive.org page for months, they're just not on RetroMags yet. I'd hate to see those issues get unnecessarily destroyed.  :D


I saw some other duplicates in there, such as the NextGens. But that's a great haul, Phillyman, looking forward to them!

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For anyone not in-the-know, those scans of marktrade's up at archive.org are waiting to be edited BY ANYONE.  If you ever wanted to give something back and contribute to Retromags, but don't want to destroy your own mags or don't have access to a quality scanner - this is your chance. 



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  On 10/5/2016 at 10:32 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

For anyone not in-the-know, those scans of marktrade's up at archive.org are waiting to be edited BY ANYONE.  If you ever wanted to give something back and contribute to Retromags, but don't want to destroy your own mags or don't have access to a quality scanner - this is your chance. 



And people who edit mag scans can earn free membership upgrades up to and including Lifetime Membership without needing to pay a cent. :)




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