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Need help remembering an old NES Strategy Guide


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 I figure this is my best bet.

 I distinctly remember a full color, multiple NES game guide that I used to check out from the local library alot when I was a kid. It fascinated me, as I bobbled up anything Nintendo.

 The thing is I cannot remember its name so I can Amazon or EBay it like I have with the rest of my collection. Its the last magazine/strategy guide on my list, but I cant seem to find it.

Going off of memory, I will describe it the best I can:

~I am 80% sure it had a green cover.

~It was not a Consumer Guide as it does not have a Sprial Spine

~It was nothing but NES games and had full color screenies

~I specifacally remember it covered Super Mario 3, Megaman 3, and had a small review of Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, which I am sure was near the back.Therefore, I would think it was realeased in 90, 91 at the least.


Any and all help would be most appreciated, as I said its the last magazine on my list.

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I know you said it wasn't a Consumer Guide because it wasn't spiral-bound, but not all of the Consumer Guide books had a spiral binding. This one, for instance, was perfect-bound and fits all of your criteria:




Does that one look familiar at all? :)



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Lol, I passed by this one on Amazon, thinking it was just another CG guide. Only six bucks, so placedon't an order. I'l know it once I look inside. (Crosses fingers)

Even if it's not, thanks for the help and it will go well with my collection either way.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Lol, it came in today and it turns out they sent me a CG Play Action Strategies SNES book instead. I would be more angry about it if I already had it, but this goes nicely with the others either way.

 Trying again...

*laugh* Well, I hope this one works out. :)




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 Came in today, and sadly its not the one. The layout is not what I remember and nothing is ringing any bells. Also, mine was thicker then 64 pages.

Are there any other NES centered mags that have Mario and Megaman 3?

I also remember a screenie of Mario in the desert level with a wistle, and the screenie I remember most is Megaman jumping at one of the large snakes in Snakemans level.

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  • 3 weeks later...

HOLY S___!

I found it! Its Game Player's Encyclopedia of Nintendo Games: Volume Two.

My nostalgia is tripping balls in the biggest way possible. Thanks for having it on your site so I could confirm it.

 I am so fu-king happy right now. Ordering now. Cant breath.

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