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Areala Asks: Web Comics (20160909)


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Web comics. They're everywhere. Hundreds of 'em. Thousands of 'em. They cover every topic imaginable, from relationships to video games to relationships with video games. Old ones die, new one replace them, and some of them have been running solidly since the 1990s. So I simply want to know:


Which one is your favorite?


One minor caveat: if your favorite is Penny Arcade, then tell me your second-favorite. Penny Arcade is big enough to have its own gravitational well, Jerry and Mike host an international gaming expo, and if you're on the internet and have never stumbled across a Penny Arcade strip then how's your WebTV working out for you? :)


For a bonus, feel free to link your personal favorite strip as well (assuming the comic writer allows for direct-links to their content). Do NOT post the image here directly if it's at all questionable or adult in nature. 'Sexy Losers' is hilarious, but I'm pretty sure Phillyman will personally disinfect everybody's eyes with bleach if NSFW images start showing up in this thread, and make sure any links to more mature stuff are flagged as NSFW. Thank you! :)


Just to start things off, I've always had a soft spot for 'User Friendly'. :)



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No NSFW?  Well then, I'll just leave this one as a link.  A link I HIGHLY recommend you investigate thoroughly.  Nothing to do with video games, sorry, but excellent.



I have been reading Oglaf for years. *grin* Following my own rules I can't link to my favorite one, but if you're familiar at all with the archives, "Even some of the trees have been stabbed," should be enough to trigger fits of laughter. Or is that only for me? :)




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I remember sitting in on an English class for Japanese students while in college.  Any time the professor would yell "Exception!" a collective groan could be heard throughout the room.


I hadn't realized - until then - how convoluted the English language actually is.   :)


I used to work in the ISP field so User Friendly was almost required reading.  I eventually purchased a print collection, actually - good stuff.

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Stand Still Stay Silent, Drive, Vattu, Clockwork, Wilde Life, The Boy Who Fell, Unsounded, The Abominable Charles Christopher, The Glass Scientists, Shlock Mercenary, and XYventures are all on my regular reading list. Warning: Unsounded and XYventures are occasionally NSFW and definitely not for the under 16. All of those links will take you to either the first page of the comic or the appropriate navigation page.

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