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Anyone else never really play the single player campaigns of games?

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I have so many games for Xbox, 360 and PS4 that I've never played the single player campaign for. Usually buy a game just for the multiplayer portion. Have pretty much all the CoD and Battlefield games that are pretty much "new" since I never played the damn SPC for them!


Thought of this today because I preordered CoD:IW for the MW remaster. That will be the first game in a long time that Ill play the SPC for. Waiting to get my projector back from being repaired before I play it though...probably in a week. Ain't nobody got time to play on a spare 42" i'm using for now lol.


Maybe that will put me in the mood to finish off the MW, Black Ops and BF series lol.

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Eew, you play CoD? Even knowing that it hasn't stopped recycling content for many years and there is SO much better content out there? Personally I wouldn't devalue my collection by getting it. That goes for Activision as a whole. They haven't produced a good game since canceling GH.


Anyways no I always play the SP. That's what a game is for. MP is tacked on to too many games where it doesn't belong. Never touched online modes for things like Bioshock, Uncharted, TR, Dead Space, Mario Kart, etc. As a collector I don't like online-only games because they eventually become useless. Unlike Kit though I do play some things online.

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I'll occasionally jump into the multiplayer portion of a game, but if I do, it's only ever with friends, and for co-op purposes in games like Dead Island or Borderlands. While I could out-beast half the planet at Unreal Tournament back in 1999 (and oh dear LORD the stuff you'd hear over the chat channels when someone realized they got fragged by a girl...), I don't have the reflexes to compete in the deathmatch arena any longer.


Multiplayer bores me now because there's no story. I buy games to get lost in another world made for me by other developers; just jumping in to kill random strangers gives no satisfaction. Let me smash zombies with three friends or loot Pandora with a bevy of buddies and I'm happy as a clam. :)



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I don't consider online functionality - including online multiplayer but also an over-reliance on DLC, heavy patching and updating, etc - as part of the value proposition of a video game.  Usually the opposite, actually.


So if a game is 75% online, I'll wait and pay 25% of the asking price.  If it's DLC heavy and/or shipped broken I almost always pass and hope for a GOTY edition or something (fingers crossed for Arkham Knight).


Not that I'm opposed to online multiplayer.  But I'd much rather have the option for split-screen, LAN, console server, etc.  Anything reliant on servers outside of my control only hurts the overall value, imo, as I'm not really buying that portion of the game - I'm only renting it.  (Same goes for digital downloads, btw.)


Personally, I'd much rather see the next CoD at a $20 price point.  Sell the offline content as something to be owned and appreciated, then hit me up for an extra $40 if I want to access the online stuff.  Separate the product from the service and I think more gamers would be more supportive of gaming in general.

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  On 10/7/2016 at 6:57 PM, Areala said:

I'll occasionally jump into the multiplayer portion of a game, but if I do, it's only ever with friends, and for co-op purposes in games like Dead Island or Borderlands. While I could out-beast half the planet at Unreal Tournament back in 1999 (and oh dear LORD the stuff you'd hear over the chat channels when someone realized they got fragged by a girl...), I don't have the reflexes to compete in the deathmatch arena any longer.


Multiplayer bores me now because there's no story. I buy games to get lost in another world made for me by other developers; just jumping in to kill random strangers gives no satisfaction. Let me smash zombies with three friends or loot Pandora with a bevy of buddies and I'm happy as a clam. :)





Ah a fellow UT fan. I wasted too many years on that one. I still enjoy those games once in a while but they wouldn't be the majority of my gaming. The old group broke up and like everyone else is saying it gets tiring playing with randoms. It's good as a break in between whatever else I'm playing. I don't have any friends on my list that play the same games I do. Or because of my backlog I'm late getting into certain games. Had to play things like Borderlands, LBP, and RB3 by myself.

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  On 10/7/2016 at 11:06 PM, RetroDefense said:

Not that I'm opposed to online multiplayer.  But I'd much rather have the option for split-screen, LAN, console server, etc.  Anything reliant on servers outside of my control only hurts the overall value, imo, as I'm not really buying that portion of the game - I'm only renting it.  (Same goes for digital downloads, btw.)


A point I agree with. I almost never buy a game without SP knowing that some day the servers will close and MP ceases to function. Games should never turn into coasters. I understand BF is weighted towards MP but there's still some value left on the disc.


Since I tend to wait for sales there's more time to see their plans for DLC. Paying $30 makes it easier to get your moneys worth. And yeah physical versions are a priority for me.

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let me join in the chorus of people who would rather avoid the multiplayer (unless it is friends on my couch with me or etc.)


have played Mario Kart 8 with some friends online but it's never as much fun as being with those people.


i'm a big fan of the game series "Diablo" on PC. even in d3, which is online-only, i play single player and avoid any interaction with anybody else. the way that i play doesn't mesh up with the way other people play, so i just don't have any fun.

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  On 10/14/2016 at 9:02 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

I think the lesson here is that aside from vice350z, all of us here at Retromags are a bunch of antisocial misanthropes. :)


The word you're looking for is "introverts", Kitsu-chan. "Introverts." ;)




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Using DewM as a reference, multiplayer may as well not even exist, considering how few assets AAA companies devote to it, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.


Public multiplayer is mainly populated by children and idiots. Conversely, you can only play with the same people in a group or private server so many times before they start grating on your nerves. The potential for amusement exists while a game is still new, but this is mainly because the entry barrier of new pricing keeps the rabble out. Not that I like Team Fortress 2, but ask anybody who played it when it was new, if the playerbase improved when it became free to play. They'll probably shout in the most harsh negative they can muster before you finish the question.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I usually play both to be honest. I'll dig in to what single player has to offer, hone my skills there and jump onto multiplayer. Probrably the most recent online multiplayer game I got addicted to was Splatoon. Before that was PvZ Garden warfare. And I was kind of a pro Team Fortress 2 player on PC. I put over 4000 hours into that game. But when they went hat crazy and just kept releasing more and more weapons I had to stop playing. I was getting addicted to crates instead of the game so I had to let it go.

But yes I always play the single player stuff if it's available. And use multiplayer to extend the life of the game.

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Very few games have both a great mp and sp in the same package. It usually ends up I buy the game for one or the other and not both so if I get an mp game for the mp then that is what I will play, same goes for the sp. Some people seem way too sensitive in regards to online interactions. But then I am use to online gaming since the early 90's. I think you will find a great experience if you have the patience, does the mp look like fun then stick with it, as with women likewise with online gamers there are "plenty of fish in the ocean," online gaming when it works is an amazing experience just as a great LAN party. Remember that "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

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