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Ali's Work In Progress (Mainly UK Magazines)


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I have listed these here in the hope that some kind soul has the time and patience to edit these (cropping etc) as I sadly don't have the time at the moment.


Note that you will need to click the download pdf button as the quality is much higher in the pdf than the pages you can see on the site.


Total Control 01

The cover needs re-scanned as my scanner doesn't support the shiny silver:




PC Gamer (2002-Xmas) 117 (Future)




PC Gamer (2003-02) 119 (Future)




PC Gamer (2004-07) 137 (Future)



I will update this as I scan more :)

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The immediate problem I see is that none of those PC Gamers are currently allowed to be hosted on our site.  Anything after December 2001 for mags currently being published is not allowed.

Also, I find it ironic that you're posting links to mags hosted at OGM beseeching the aid of RM users, when in all likelihood, the only RM user who will come to your aid is OGM's Kiwi.


Don't let any of that stop you though!  MORE PC GAMER!  MORE PC GAMER! :)

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  • 2 months later...

The immediate problem I see is that none of those PC Gamers are currently allowed to be hosted on our site.  Anything after December 2001 for mags currently being published is not allowed.

Also, I find it ironic that you're posting links to mags hosted at OGM beseeching the aid of RM users, when in all likelihood, the only RM user who will come to your aid is OGM's Kiwi.


Don't let any of that stop you though!  MORE PC GAMER!  MORE PC GAMER! :)

Yes OGM's Kiwi has been fantastic in helping me in the past, however he has tons of gems of his own to scan/edit and it seems a shame to waste a scanners time in a task that anyone without the means of scanning could do. Ahh a PC Gamer fan! Should I remove the links that go to issues from after December 2001? or is that just from the database?


Yeah, I am literally swamped with raw scans from marktrade and other members of my site at present which adds to the stress of keeping the site humming along while trying to fit editing those and scanning of my own magazines. What a dilemma to be in, even if it's a good one   :lol:

haha exactly  :lol: There must be someone out there who has the skills to edit and the love of old game magazines.. right?


Yeah, the unedited scans are piling up, it seems.  It makes me roll my eyes whenever I see someone talking about how they'd like to contribute, but can't because they don't own a scanner. 

Someone will come along eventually, at least for now its possible to read and enjoy the magazines in their rough unedited form.


Between now and Christmas I aim to release a new bunch of scans every day, so here is the first batch:



Playstation Solutions v01 07 (Rapide)




Playstation Solutions v01 08 (Rapide)




Playstation Solutions v01 10 (Rapide)




Playstation Solutions v01 11 (Rapide)




Playstation Solutions v01 12 (Rapide)



Tomorrow I should be back with some PSW (PlayStation World) scans.


Enjoy :)

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Todays scans as promised are issues of PC Gamer (UK):



PC Gamer (2001-11) 102 (Future)




PC Gamer (2002-01) 105 (Future)




PC Gamer (2003-03) 120 (Future)



PC Gamer (2003-04) 121 (Future)




I should be back tomorrow with some N64 magazine scans, enjoy :)

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  • 1 year later...
On 22/12/2016 at 7:21 PM, amorri40 said:

Todays scans as promised are issues of PC Gamer (UK):



PC Gamer (2001-11) 102 (Future)




PC Gamer (2002-01) 105 (Future)




PC Gamer (2003-03) 120 (Future)



PC Gamer (2003-04) 121 (Future)




I should be back tomorrow with some Nintendo 64">N64 magazine scans, enjoy :)


I guess I am more than a year too late for what I promised but here is an N64 magazine scan to enjoy:


Download: https://archive.org/details/64SolutionsUK01 

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