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some of these Game Players magazines have been in the scanning phase for months now i think


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ok ive downloaded from archive Game Players issue 88 and ive extract the cbr file.Now what kind of edit should i do with photoshop?.I ll need some instructions to do a perfect edit

Good day sir, and thank you for participating.

We have a guide for all the steps involved hidden away over here.  https://www.retromags.com/guides#.WFwln1zJp_l


I recommend starting a new thread for specific help questions.

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It's possible I marked about half of those as "scanning." That's because they actually did go through the scanning phase, but not the editing phase. I wanted to see if there was anyone interested in helping to edit, so I uploaded them unedited to an external site. Also the original donor, aloram, really wanted to at least have them scanned, so I quickly obliged.


So far no one has expressed interest in editing them, which is a shame because it's a good way to get patron or team member status here at Retromags. People sometimes complain about being asked to donate to get patron status. Well no one has to! They can help edit scans.

Now, the mystery is that I only scanned and uploaded issues past #80. Everything that's marked "scanning" that's before issue #80, I really have no clue what's going on there.

Sorry, you guys just let anyone edit including new members?  I'd be happy to help edit, I have experience animating with studio pro 8 and editing with paint.net, which is pretty much like photoshop, I just don't have photoshop.  What do you do to these scans in particular, just make sure they're all straightened out and have the same lighting?  I have an interest I just don't know where to apply towards editing scanned magazines.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm... I'm considering trying my hand at editing these. Based on the guide I think I can get by with Paint.NET, but I'm wondering if my artistic sensibilities are probably not up to the task. I had a really hard time seeing the differences in the before and after images in the sample. If there is a more... objective guide to how the saturation, contrast, and color balance should be, it would make it a lot easier for me. 

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All that you need to edit the scans (from my point of view) it's just Paint.NET and WinRAR or similar. With good scans (marktrade's for example):

- rotate the page if it were scanned curved ("Ctrl+Shift+Z" and change the angle);

- crop all except page) with rectangle select and Ctrl+Shift+X...

- pack images in *.cbr with minimal archiving.

Of course it's basic. You can work with colors, deleting attritions and the torn sites, but basic it's just - rotate and crop)

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I use Photoshop.

It takes practice using the shortcuts.  If you can play a first person shooter with a wasd keys, you can edit magazines.


Do it systematically.  Make a template, resize all, straighten, fix stuff, export, rename, done.


I edit almost entirely different from Eday but his is a good introductory.

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If I can get away with just rotating, cropping, and a little cleanup before packing it into a CBR, then that's what I'll do. I'm pretty useless when it comes to subtler stuff like color balance and contrast adjustments.


It's true that some of us lavish perhaps a bit too much attention on our scans.  Technically, so long as they're readable, the main purpose of preservation has been served.  Personally, I would never want someone else editing my scans - even though it takes longer, if I'm going to destroy one of my mags by scanning it, I want to also be the one to edit it so I can guarantee that I'll be completely happy with the results.  That said, I'm guessing anyone comfortable with allowing other people to edit their scans isn't going to be too picky with the results, so you should be fine with the basic adjustments you mentioned.

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I hope so. Besides, the way I figure it, they can always re-edit my results to alter the subtler things right? And besides, no one else is stepping up, and I would like to see all the GP and UGP preserved. I've already snagged GP80u, so we'll see how long it takes me to get through that before I make any kind of commitment to the rest.

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I hope so. Besides, the way I figure it, they can always re-edit my results to alter the subtler things right? And besides, no one else is stepping up, and I would like to see all the GP and UGP preserved. I've already snagged GP80u, so we'll see how long it takes me to get through that before I make any kind of commitment to the rest.


Yes, that's right.  Get in and get you're hands dirty that's the only way you will learn.

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