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elderly gamers


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Do you know any old gamers? I've always thought it was cool to see old folks playing video games. I remember being surprised when I played Ghost Recon Online how many people in there 50's and 60's were playing. I'd love one day to see some 70 year old playing a 1st person shooter and finding out it's his/her favorite hobby. It'd be especially nice if it was a woman who was a 70 year gamer (action-oriented stuff not solitaire or something), just for showing me the unexpected.

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I just came to post my general offense at the title of this thread. As if gaming is owned by the young or something.

But I think I've played online once with a late 50's guy. I don't think gaming has been around enough to have to many 60-70 year olds who are into it. But I'm sure that will change with time. Really the upper end is guys who came of age in the 70's with the dawn of gaming and arcades. So I'm sure there are tons of people in their 50's. Most people older than don't seem to have more than a passing interest in games, or where like literally the programmers of those games.

Myself it sometimes irritates me to no end to get owned by a 13 year old online. Fuck child savants.

But really though I do enjoy playing with gamers across all ages and meeting new people.

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Suppose I might be on the younger end of the golden age gamer, but yeah, I'll still be playing... something... when I'm that old. Hopefully I still have all my digits and decent eyes by then.


I believe it was Jim Gaffigan, or perhaps Nick Swardson, who once said, "You know how old people listen to the music they grew up listening to? How weird is it that in like 20 years, we're gonna have old people cruising down the street bumping Gin & Juice? Grandma's a straight up gangsta..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be gaming into my golden years too. Hopefully at that point I will be able to buy brain implants that will let me finally beat Gradius 3, as a gray-haired old man!

Heh, if you haven't beat it yet, good luck. I find that my gaming skills were FAR sharper as a kid than they are these days. Probably just a matter of where I dedicate my time though... I have a bigger variety of hobbies these days.


That said, stick to it, and you'll get there eventually bud.

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