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Depressor's WIP


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This topic was created just to have all progress in one place.

My intentions:

1) Scans of our Russian magazines. Mainly Game Land. Issues 50,63,65,66,86,87,88,93 are ready. More to come, when i have a free time.

2) Edit scans.

-- Super Play Issues 12,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22,23 are ready.

-- Ultra Game Players Issues 89,90,94,95,96,97,98,100,101,102,103 are ready.

3) Filling up the contents...

-- BLiP issues 2-7.

Edited by Depressor
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Computer Bild (7)
- 2010 - № 2
- 2011 - №№ 17(140), 21(144), 23(146), 29(152)
- 2012 - № 11(163)
- 2013 - № 17(196)

Computer Gaming World (1)
- 2003 - № 9(16)

Game.exe (105)
- 1997 - №№ 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10
- 1998 - №№ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8x2,12
- 1999 - №№ 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
- 2000 - №№ 1-12(54-65)
- 2001 - №№ 1-12(66-77)
- 2002 - №№ 1,2,3,5,6,7,12
- 2003 - №№ 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12
- 2004 - №№ 1-12(102-113)
- 2005 - №№ 1-12(114-125)
- 2006 - №№ 1-9(126-134)

Official PlayStation Россия (3)
- 1999 - №№ 3,4,5

PC Gamer Россия (1)
- 2003 - № 8

PC Игры (38)
- 2004 - №№ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
- 2005 - №№ 2(14), 7(19), 9(21), 10(22), 11(23), 12(24)
- 2006 - №№ 1(25), 2(26), 3(27), 4(28), 5(29), 6(30), 7(31), 8(32), 9(33), 11(35), 12(36)
- 2007 - №№ 1(37), 2(38), 3(39), 4(40), 5(41), 6(42), 7(43), 8(44), 9(45), 10(46)
- 2008 - № 1(49)
- 2010 - № 9(81)
- 2011 - № 6(90)

- 2004 - №4

PSM Russia (42)
- 2004 - №№ 1, 2
- 2005 - №№ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6(8), 7(9), 8(10), 9(11), 10(12), 11(13), 12(14)
- 2006 - №№ 1-13 (15-27)
- 2007 - №№ 3(30), 4(31), 5(32), 6(33), 7(34), 8(35), 9(36), 10(37), 11(38), 12(39) 13(40)
- 2008 - №№ 1(41), 2(42), 3(43), 10(50)

PlayStation Официальный Журнал - Россия (2)
- 2008 - № 7(24)
- 2009 - № 8(25)

PlayStation 2 Official Magazine Россия (20)
- 2005 - №№ 1, 2, 3
- 2006 - №№ 1(4), 2-3(5-6), 4-5(7-8), 9(9), 10(10)
- 2007 - №№ 1-6 (12-17)
- 2008 - №№ 1-6 (18-23)

Upgrade (226)
- 2000 - №№ 3-15
- 2001 - №№ 2-24(16-38)
- 2002 - №№ 1-45(39-93), 47-52(85-90)
- 2003 - №№ 1-26(91-116), 28(118), 31-34(121-124)
- 2009 - № 50-51(451-452)
- 2010 - №№ 1-3(453-455), 24-27(276-479), 46-52(498-504)
- 2011 - №№ 1(505), 3-19(507-523), 21(525), 22(526), 24(528), 25(529), 27(531), 28(532), 30(534), 31(535), 33(537), 36-51(540-555)
- 2012 - №№ 1-14(556-569), 17(572), 18(573), 20(575), 21(576), 24-35(579-590), 37-52(592-607)
- 2013 - 1-3(608-610)

UpGrade Special (1)
- №5

XBOX 360 World (EU) (7)
- 2006 - №№ 01,02,03,04,05,06
+ The Ultimate Game Guide
+ XBOX 360 WORLD Tips Books (4)

Домашний Компьютер (12)
- 1998 - №№ январь-декабрь

Игромания (104)
- 1998 - №№ 4(7)
- 2002 - №№ 12(63)
- 2003 - №№ 1-12 (64-75)
- 2005 - №№ 6(93), 7(94), 8(95), 9(96), 10(97), 11(98), 12(99)
- 2006 - №№ 1-12(100-111)
- 2007 - №№ 1-12(112-123)
- 2008 - №№ 1-12(124-135)
- 2009 - №№ 1-12(136-147)
- 2010 - №№ 1-12(148-159)
- 2011 - №№ 1-12(160-171)
- 2012 - №№ 1-9(172-180),12(183)

Компьютер И Мы (7)
- 1998 - №№ 3,4,5,6,7,9,12

Компьютерра (47)
- 1997 - №№ 40(217), 45(222), 46 (224), 48(225), 50(227), 51(228), 
- 1998 - №№ 1(229), 3(231), 8(236), 9(237), 10(238), 11(239), 12(240), 13(241), 14(242), 16(244), 17(245), 18(246), 19(247, 20(248),  21(249), 22(250), 23(251), 24-25(252-253), 26-27(254-255), 28-29 (256-257), 30-31(258-259), 32(260), 33(261), 34(262), 35(263), 36(264), 38(266), 39(267), 40(268), 42(270), 43(271), 44(272), 45(273), 46(274), 47(275), 48(276), 49-50(277-278)
- 1999 - №№ 1-2(279-280),  3-4(281-282), 13(291), 15(293)

Консоль (7)
- 2005 - №№ 3,5
- 2006 - №№ 1(6), 2(7), 3(8), 4(9), 6(11)

Лучшие Компьютерные Игры (35)
- 2006 - №№ 1-12 (50-61)
- 2007 - №№ 10(71), 11(72), 12(73)
- 2008 - №№ 1(74), 2(75), 3(76), 4(77), 8(81), 9(82), 10(83), 11(84), 12(85)
- 2009 - №№ 1(86), 2(87), 3(88), 4(89), 5(90)
- 2010 - №№ 7(104), 8(105), 9(106), 10(107), 11(108), 12(109)

Магия ПК (13)
- 2000 - №№ 10(32), 12(34)
- 2002 - №№ 1(46), 2(47), 5(50), 6(51), 7-8(52), 9(53), 10(54), 11(55)
- 2003 - №№ 1(57), 2(58), 3(59)

Мир ПК (22)
- 1998 - №№ 2,3
- 1999 - № 12 
- 2000 - №№ 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
- 2001 - №№ 1,2,3,4
- 2002 - № 7
- 2003 - №№ 6,8
- 2004 - № 6

Мой Интернет (1)
- 2008 - № 7(19)

Мой Компьютер (2)
- 2002 - №№ 16(187), 17-18(188-189)

Путеводитель PC (9)
- 2004 - №№ 7(11), 8(12), 9(13), 10(14), 11(15), 12(16)
- 2005 - №№ 1(17), 4(20) 5(21)

Страна Игр (184)
- 1998 - №№ 4(23), 6(25), 8(27)
- 1999 - №№ 17(50)
- 2000 - №№ 6(63), 8(65), 9(66)
- 2001 - №№ 4(85), 5(86), 6(87), 7(88), 12(93), 17(98), 19(100), 24(105)
- 2002 - №№ 2(107), 3(108), 4(109)x2, 5(110)x2, 6(111), 7(112), 8(113)x2, 9(114), 10(115)x2, 11(116), 14(119), 20(125), 23(128), 24(129)
- 2003 - №№ 1-24(130-153) (13(142)x2)
- 2004 - №№ 1-24(154-177)
- 2005 - №№ 1-24(178-201)
- 2006 - №№ 1-24(202-225)
- 2007 - №№ 1(226), 2(227), 3(228), 4(229), 5(230), 6(231), 7(232), 8(233), 9(234), 10(235), 11(236), 13(238), 16(241), 18(243), 21(246), 23(248), 24(249)
- 2008 - №№ 1(250)(без обложки), 2(251), 3(252), 4(253), 5(254), 6(255), 7(256), 8(257), 9(258), 10(259), 11(260), 12(261), 13(262), 14(263), 15(264), 20(269)
- 2009 - №№ 3(276), 9(282), 16(289)
- 2010 - №№ 1(298), 2(299), 4(301), 5(302), 6(303), 7(304), 8(305), 9(306), 10(307), 11(308), 12(309), 13(310)
- 2011 - №№ 7(323), 8(324), 9(325)
- 2012 - №№ 1(329), 2(330), 5(333)

Страна Игр Путеводитель (2)
- 2003 - 1(01), 4(04)

Хакер (1)
- 2002 - № 2(38)

Хакер Спец (1)
- 2002 - № 12(25)

Edited by Depressor
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I include posters if they are in magazine (UGP scans don't have them) or in scans.

About subscriber's newsletters that not in numbering - I refer them to category of bonuses, like extra books or reviews or tickets or postcards that sometimes came with magazine (look at the UK magazines). In other words - 156 pages of magazine - it's an issue scan (with poster if possible), other - extras (i edit them, save them, but not include in magazine scan file). If you just want to read - you download an issue, if you are a crazy collector - you download all the others.

P.S. One problem - here we don't have the possibility to upload extras separately from the magazine.

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Right, but as I pointed out before, those subscriber newsletters are printed as a part of the magazine.  They weren't a separate page included with the mag, they were a bound page inside the magazine just like everything else.  It may be true that they don't have a page number, but neither do posters (usually).  They're certainly more worthy of inclusion than subscriber cards and whatnot that many of our scanners include with their scans. 


Don't get me wrong - the Game Player's subscriber page was mostly worthless and not including it is no great loss, but it still makes the magazine incomplete, in my opinion.


Considering these are Marktrade's scans, perhaps he could weigh in on whether or not he thinks they should be included in the scans?

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New arrives)) Something about 200 magazines, mostly my love - Game Land. Amongst others - XBOX 360 World with TIPS BOOKS. Almost all magazines in incredible good condition with posters, stickers and CD's\DVD's... Good New Year present for me from me)))


Game Land (164)

- 2001 - №№ 4(85), 5(86), 17(98), 19(100), 24(105)

- 2002 - №№ 2(107), 3(108), 4(109), 5(110), 6(111), 7(112), 8(113), 9(114), 10(115), 11(116), 14(119), 20(125), 23(128), 24(129)

- 2003 - №№ 1-24(130-153)

- 2004 - №№ 1-24(154-177)

- 2005 - №№ 1-24(178-201)

- 2006 - №№ 1-24(202-225)

- 2007 - №№ 1(226), 2(227), 3(228), 4(229), 5(230), 6(231), 7(232), 8(233), 9(234), 10(235), 11(236), 13(238), 16(241), 18(243), 21(246), 23(248), 24(249)

- 2008 - №№ 1(250)(без обложки), 2(251), 3(252), 4(253), 5(254), 6(255), 7(256), 8(257), 9(258), 10(259), 11(260), 12(261), 13(262), 14(263)

- 2009 - №№ 3(276), 16(289)

- 2010 - №№ 1(298), 5(302), 6(303), 7(304), 8(305), 9(306), 10(307), 11(308), 12(309), 13(310)

- 2011 - №№ 7(323), 8(324), 9(325)

- 2012 - №№ 1(329), 2(330), 5(333)


PC Игры (10)

- 2004 - №№ 2(14), 4(16), 5(17), 6(18), 7(19), 8(20), 9(21), 10(22), 11(23), 12(24)

PSM (7)

- 2004 - №№ 1,2

- 2005 - №№ 3,4,5,6,7

PlayStation 2 Official Magazine Россия (1)

- 2005 - № 1

XBOX 360 World (EU)(7)

- 2006 - №№ 01,02,03,04,05,06

+ The Ultimate Game Guide

+ XBOX 360 WORLD Tips Books (4)

Консоль (7)

- 2005 - №№ 3,5

- 2006 - №№ 1(6), 2(7), 3(8), 4(9), 6(11)

Путеводитель PC (9)

- 2004 - №№ 7(11), 8(12), 9(13), 10(14), 11(15), 12(16)

- 2005 - №№ 1(17), 4(20) 5(21)

Страна Игр Путеводитель (1)

- 2003 - 4(04)

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Look at it this way. If you bought the magazine when it was new, those extras were included. You didn't have to be a "crazy collector," they were included with everyone's magazine. On top of that, as I mentioned before, they weren't just an extra included in a poly bag, they were actual printed pages within the magazine itself. Considering them "extra files" would be no different than considering the advertisement pages "extra files".

Thanks for including them!

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New Arrivals)

Almost all for free)

CHIP (12)
- 2007 - 10, 12
- 2008 - 04, 06, 07, 08
- 2009 - 04, 05, 12
- 2010 - 06, 10
- 2011 - 05

Computer Bild (52)
- 2006 - 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
- 2007 - 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
- 2008 - 01, 20, 23, 24, 25
- 2009 - 22
- 2010 - 05, 14
- 2011 - 04(127), 12(135)
- 2013 - 11(163)
- 2013 - 01(180)
- 2015 - 12(241)

PC Gamer (RU)(2)
- 2006 - 03(40), 04(41)

PC Игры (3)
- 2006 - 3(27), 4(28), 5(29)

PSM (5)
- 2006 - 04(18), 05(19), 06(20), 09(23), 13(27)

PlayStation 2 Official Magazine Россия (4)
- 2006 - 2-3(5-6), 4-5(7-8), 9(9), 10(10)

Upgrade (10)
- 2011 - 19(523), 21(525), 26(530), 27(531), 29(533), 31(535), 34(538), 35(539), 39(543)
- 2012 - 13(568),

Страна Игр (28)
- 1999 - 24(57),
- 2000 - 01(58), 02(59), 12(69)
- 2006 - 05(206), 07(208)-17(218), 19(220)-24(225)
- 2007 - 01(226)-03(228), 05(230), 06(231), 09(234)

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