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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door


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What's up you guys, I saw that Emuparadise already has a scan of Paper Mario Thousand Year Door but they didn't do a very good job, the guide was still together so information that goes into the spine is dark, some are crooked, so I just got the last Nintendo Power guide for under 20.  Then I noticed that for some reason there's a Players choice and was wondering what the difference was?  Also if anyone has any recommendations as far as which heat gun they use, that'd be great!  I'll be getting a heat gun when I come back from vacation.


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"Player's Choice" was a designation given to GameCube titles that sold very well (over a million, if I remember correctly), kind of like the "Greatest Hits" bestowed on PS1 games back in the day. The "Player's Choice" version of the strategy guide looks like it was published two years after the original, so my guess is they updated the cover artwork to coincide with the game earning the badge. Otherwise, I doubt there's a difference in the actual content of the guide. :)



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