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Magazine prices up or down?


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I haven't signed in here in ages. I'm just wondering how prices for vintage magazines are doing? I have some high-grade, older ( from the '80's, early issues including some #1's) magazines that I'm occasionally tempted to sell, but not if prices are down.


Has access to the e-versions affected prices adversely?



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I haven't signed in here in ages. I'm just wondering how prices for vintage magazines are doing? I have some high-grade, older ( from the '80's, early issues including some #1's) magazines that I'm occasionally tempted to sell, but not if prices are down.


Has access to the e-versions affected prices adversely?



it really depends on the magazine. if it's sought after and considered rare, they can go for decent bucks. if it's a faily common issue, despite being older, then the price isn't going to be that high.


of course, there's also plain, stupid luck. sometimes prices will jump up out of nowhere for one sale, but be lower for the same item a week later.

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Back when I started RM the #1 issue of Nintendo Power was $20 in mint condition, Nintendo Fun Club in mint was $50. Now that Nintendo Power has closed up, I see NP1 going for $60+ in very good condition with all inserts, and NFC1 just doesn't show up under $100 any longer

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Thanks for the answers everyone, I appreciate them. 

I've played video games since the mid-1970's, and when magazines the first magazines started coming out, I put away copies of the first several issues of several titles, never read them, so they're still in really nice shape, and I was wondering what they might be worth now. I understand how a lot of it depends on luck, as it's not a huge market. If you stumble on someone who's hunting for the magazines that you have, you might get a good price, and if not, they're just keepsakes, memories from back in the old days.  :)

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In general Yes prices are going up. I've observed that for the last two years more or less that they are climbing a lot. Though deals can be found. Sometimes on lots, but I've seen good lots that I've been outbid on that went into the hundreds. Some of it is speculators putting stuff out at high prices and hoping someone will bite. I've found offers where I've offered sellers a deal when the listing just started and they accepted before I could get outbid. But ya scans seems to have only increased interest rather than decreased interest.

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But ya scans seems to have only increased interest rather than decreased interest.


Yeah so donate your reading copies to us so we can scan them for the site, and in the process increase the value on all those pristine copies that have been sitting in your closet for the past 30 years. :P  Win/win.

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