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Forum Tips and Tricks!


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Mentioning Users


You can easily mention a user by starting their username with an at sign....and clicking on their name as it appears!

@Areala is a warrior nun!

This should trigger a notification to Areala that she has been mentioned in a thread.

When you do this in the Chatbox, it will make that message a different color for Areala, so that she can easily track down mentions in the chat!

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Social Sign on

Hate having to type a username and password when you come to Retromags? You can tie your account to Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft or Google for easier access. If you have an existing account you can go to the following URL to link your accounts.



2017-02-07 16_36_55-Forums - Retromags Community.png

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8 hours ago, Phillyman said:

Mentioning Users


You can easily mention a user by starting their username with an at sign....and clicking on their name as it appears!

@Areala is a warrior nun!

This should trigger a notification to Areala that she has been mentioned in a thread.

When you do this in the Chatbox, it will make that message a different color for Areala, so that she can easily track down mentions in the chat!

You got me out of bed for this? Pain will be forthcoming... :)


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9 hours ago, kitsunebi77 said:

I'd like everyone to admire my new signature below and I encourage you all to add it to your own posts as well.:D



@Areala is a warrior nun!


I am going to set you on fire.

4 hours ago, Phillyman said:


Most people are trying to get @Areala into bed, I however am trying to get her out of it!

I am going to set all of you on fire.


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7 hours ago, kitsunebi77 said:

@Areala, where can we get a list of all the secret emoticons?

We can continue to ask at all hours of the night until you're ready to talk.

Edit: Nevermind.  Found them.

There are no secret emoticons. Belief in secret emoticons is heresy which shall be rooted out and corrected via genital excision therapy. Failure to allow Areala adequate rest will result in the resumption of random, violent beatings. The Computer is your friend. Have a nice day!


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