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What Retro Game are you playing now?


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  • 4 months later...

I started playing Fallout on PC. It is an interesting game; I don't know that I've ever played a PC game where you are so encouraged to think of new tricks or ideas on how to get through the game. It feels like many video game RPGs are designed around pure attack/fighting as the only way to get through, a la early Ultima/Wizardry and their numerous followers. It is cool to play one where you can find other ways of getting through the game. I don't think it is anywhere close to being comparable to a good tabletop campaign though.

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  • 1 month later...


I never had an SNES when they were new (my attention was on other things than video games at the time), so I am now exploring all of the great RPGs that I had missed.


I have just started Chrono Trigger. Despite it being almost 26 years-old, the graphics are still impresssive, and the gameplay has surprising depth. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m focusing on Super NES games, with the Super Famicom’s 30th anniversary last year, and the North American release’s anniversary in August! Then, I’m playing the Capcom Arcade Stadium games. It’s handy for celebrating Street Fighter II’s 25th anniversary! Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is like playing a retro game, being heavy on Ghosts ‘n Goblins & Ghouls ‘n Ghosts stages. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 2/28/2021 at 8:13 PM, WalterFCannon said:

I’m focusing on Super NES games, with the Super Famicom’s 30th anniversary last year, and the North American release’s anniversary in August! Then, I’m playing the Capcom Arcade Stadium games. It’s handy for celebrating Street Fighter II’s 25th anniversary! Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is like playing a retro game, being heavy on Ghosts ‘n Goblins & Ghouls ‘n Ghosts stages. 


I'm so terrible at Ghouls & Ghosts...i can't even make it past the first level lol. I guess I could try harder.


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  • 7 months later...

I'm replaying all the old Civilization games and doing a video series about to play them in HD on virtual machines. Also working to preserve thousands of old lost Civ2 scenarios.

The above can get tedious sometimes so to take breaks I've been replaying my beloved childhood game Wonder Boy in Monster Land for the Sega Master System. I'm trying to do a freaky time tricks to get triple monster kills and a super high score. Might do a video series show that some day too.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

If neo-retro counts, I'm 105 shines into Super Mario Sunshine.  I've finished the game before but am working to 100% the game this time around.  I'm playing via the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection on Switch, which I thought would make the goal easier - and being able to suspend the game easily is convenient - but I'd rather be using a Gamecube controller rather than a Switch Pro.

On deck, I have the TMNT Cowabunga Collection, Pac-Man World Re-Pac, and Capcom Fighting Collection.  All for PS4.

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  On 9/9/2022 at 11:05 AM, Rando1975 said:

I started playing my NES Classic for the first time in months. And am in the middle of Might & Magic 1. 


Good choice. The NES version is probably the best variant of M&M1. SNES wins for M&M2 (I own the MD version which looks similar but has a soundtrack that could wake the dead lol) and then after that the PC finally got it's act together for M&M3 onwards haha. World of Xeen (4&5) and M&M6.. sooooo good!

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I don't know if it technically counts as a retro game, but the PC port of Doom 64 has been eating up a bit of my free time lately. :)

Also, as we get into spooky season, I'll be dragging out ObsCure and ObsCure: The Aftermath for some creepy fun. Might see if I can entice my wife into picking up the controller for a little co-op. 😆

Areala :angel:

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  • 1 month later...


I bought an NES Classic several years ago when they were new, but for various reasons it was in storage until just a few months ago. It is now setup in my living room, and I have been playing the original Final Fantasy.


Since I did not have an NES when they were new (indeed, I was in University when FF first reached North America), this has no nostalgia for me, but I am still really enjoying this game. I played it before (on an emulator), but I did not get very far. 

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  On 10/13/2022 at 12:11 PM, JHD said:


I bought an NES Classic several years ago when they were new, but for various reasons it was in storage until just a few months ago. It is now setup in my living room, and I have been playing the original Final Fantasy.


Since I did not have an NES when they were new (indeed, I was in University when FF first reached North America), this has no nostalgia for me, but I am still really enjoying this game. I played it before (on an emulator), but I did not get very far. 


Growing up a Sega kid I didn't get much NES playtime other than at friends houses and it was of course usually Mario games and Ninja Turtles. When Final Fantasy detonated in the late 90s with FF7 I became a fan and decided that I should go back to where it all began and play through the first 6 via emulation. Graphics wise FF1 hasn't aged quite as well as the games that followed it so at first I wasn't sure if I'd stick with it but it still has its beauty and of course it wasn't long before the gameplay sucked me in. Throughout the 2000s I slowly on and off played and completed FF1-3 on NES via emulation, then in the 2010s I played and finished FF4-6 on PS1 (basically SNES versions with cool cutscenes), and am ready to do FF7-9 on PS1 via emulation this decade too. At this pace I should be playing the modern Final Fantasy games in like 2040-50ish! 😆

Edited by Blake00
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  On 10/14/2022 at 11:52 AM, JHD said:

Where did you find FF 3 in English? I understood that it was only translated for a re-release on the DS (or a similarly modern console). 


Yeah I think the original NES FF2 & 3 were translated by fans, so back in the early 2000s I got my hands on the Japanese roms and applied the translation patches. These days it's probably rather easy to find pre-patched english NES roms around the place so people don't have to worry about doing the whole messy patching stuff.

However now that we've got the nice official SNES style pixel remasters of the earlier FF games there's probably no need to hunt them down unless you really really really wanna play the original NES versions.

Edited by Blake00
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Taking a break from my regular retro backlog to enjoy some games fit for the spooky season.  Currently working on Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge for the Game Boy (via the Castlevania Collection) and - since I'm a glutton for punishment - Ghosts 'n Goblins: Resurrection on Switch.

Which reminds me - I should really give PS2 Maximo: Ghosts to Glory another go sometime.  An issue of Tips & Tricks has a really nice strategy guide for the game - I can't recall the issue number off hand but Maximo is on the cover - with some tips on manipulating the continue system so the game is actually finish-able.  :)

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  • 1 month later...
  On 11/28/2022 at 3:23 PM, namzep said:

The Atari 50 collection on my Switch.  Retro games but not hardware.


I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail - I didn't have any luck finding the game locally.  Looking forward to it!

Via the Sega Genesis Mini 2, my significant other and I have been playing Crusader of Centy.  I've spent a little time with some Switch eShop downloads as well - Ultracore, Clockwork Aquario, Namco Musuem Archives Volumes 1 & 2, and I just purchased Xeno Crisis.

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  On 12/1/2022 at 3:01 PM, FreneticZetetic said:

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES) for a YouTube video.


link it up after you post it. Zelda is my favorite franchise and i love Zelda 2. i wouldn't say it's my favorite, but it gets WAY more hate than it deserves. just beat it again last year.

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