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Goodbye, and Thanks


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A couple weeks ago, I decided to quit playing video games and sell or donate all my systems, Everdrives, etc. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this forum. I didn't play video games for well over a decade, until fall of 2013, when I decided to connect my old systems and play games once again. Video games have been a positive, helpful presence in my life these past few years, but it's time to move on. It was a pleasure being part of this community. Thanks for everything. Best wishes to all of you. Take care.


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I hear ya.  I almost never play anything (I've played 2 games in the past 12 months), and all of my systems have been in storage in a different country for the past 9 years:).  Luckily, as someone with an interest in retrogaming, all you really need is a PC and some emulators should you ever get the urge to play anything again, so selling off your stuff is no problem.  Actually, getting rid of collections like that is usually pretty liberating.  If I ever suffer massive hard drive failures on all 6 HDDs at once I might be in trouble, but otherwise I couldn't be happier with my decision to stop amassing physical stuff.

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Hi Matt,

There's no need to cut yourself off from Retromags, or any other site for that matter, just because you choose not to play video or computer games. People make communities irrespective of what or how they choose to use their spare time. I'm sure you will be most welcome here or OGM any time you want to turn up for a chat about whatever you feel like  :)

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On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 3:29 PM, aloram said:

A couple weeks ago, I decided to quit playing video games and sell or donate all my systems, Everdrives, etc. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this forum. I didn't play video games for well over a decade, until fall of 2013, when I decided to connect my old systems and play games once again. Video games have been a positive, helpful presence in my life these past few years, but it's time to move on. It was a pleasure being part of this community. Thanks for everything. Best wishes to all of you. Take care.


Hi, Matt

You're the first person I've ever met online or offline whom have decided to quit playing video games and drop off from the gaming community.  We all know that video games is a great leisure activity--stress relieving, a way to leave "reality" for a short while, nostalgia from childhood (if you grew up with video games), keeps relationships going strong, good eye-hand coordination, stimulates the mind (depends on what games you play though), keeps you out of trouble (compared to societal influences, drugs, alcohol), builds patience, can be inspiring, admiration for a form of art & literature (like music, movies, paintings, books, etc.), and can be spiritually uplifting in times of need.  The list could go on.  But you see my point. 

I can't say that stop playing video games, reading, watching, or talking about it is "moving on" like it's an addiction to alcohol or a bad relationship.  LOL.  Seriously though, I see video games as a great addition to my life, and nothing has been negative about it throughout my 29 years of gaming.  In fact, it built a foundation for me and created a lifetime of accomplishments.  Because of video games, I went to school for Computer Science (to make games) and Business Administration (to run a games business).  I launched a career in making and publishing video games.  I opened 2 game stores.  I've made some great friends throughout the years, both professionally and just to play games together.  Finally, video games also launched my spiritual, philosophical, and religious background.  I'm currently a spiritual teacher because I interacted with so many people through my game stores and realized life is much, much more. 

I know that not everybody's gaming career is as inspirational and impactful as mine.  But it's a fantastic hobby that no one should miss.   



Edited by ctophil
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1 hour ago, Raijin Z said:

Video games are there to fill in the gaps between doing things that may be considered more worthwhile. Trying to play them just because they exist is a quick way to burn out.

God yes.  Playing games just to "beat" them or cross them off a list is no way to enjoy yourself.  You should only play what you want, when you want.  For some people like myself, that might mean going 6 months or more in between gaming sessions, but that's fine, too.  Adults have busy lives, and we all choose how to use our limited free time in different ways.  Just because I almost never make time for gaming doesn't mean I don't have an interest in games, and it doesn't disqualify me from hanging out here on a daily basis (although maybe if I stayed away from RM I actually would have some time to play games :lol:)

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I understand completely.  I feel I've spent too much of my time playing videogames not in my childhood but in adulthood.  I probably wont touch another game until;

1 - I get the urge to play Super Mario World

2 - My Mamecade is operational

3 - Diablo 4 is released in 2022

4 - Forza Horizon improves the world graphics to the level of the cars


Keep you're original controllers.  You can plug them into adapters and it feels like the real thing if you ignore that the console has been replaced by computer software.

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On 3/21/2017 at 0:49 AM, Raijin Z said:

Video games are there to fill in the gaps between doing things that may be considered more worthwhile. Trying to play them just because they exist is a quick way to burn out.

Well said. I find that I played games as a kid mostly because I didn't have too many other hobbies, or the weather was miserable outside, that sort of thing. Plus, played a lot with friends and my brother and sister. Now that the siblings live 1800 miles away and almost all my friends have families of their own, I don't play a whole lot myself. Watch plenty on youtube, I must admit.


Good Lord, I just realized that I've been playing games, in one way or another, for THIRTY years now. What year IS it? :P

22 hours ago, Data said:

I understand completely.  I feel I've spent too much of my time playing videogames not in my childhood but in adulthood.  I probably wont touch another game until;

2 - My Mamecade is operational


Please start a thread on this when you make some progress. This is something I'll be doing eventually myself, but I'm no carpenter, so it's possible mine will be made of metal. Very much looking forward to what you come up with, after seeing the work on the PC case you did a while back.



Matt, been a pleasure chatting with ya over the years, always feel free to stop by and say hello! :)

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/19/2017 at 2:29 PM, aloram said:

A couple weeks ago, I decided to quit playing video games and sell or donate all my systems, Everdrives, etc. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this forum. I didn't play video games for well over a decade, until fall of 2013, when I decided to connect my old systems and play games once again. Video games have been a positive, helpful presence in my life these past few years, but it's time to move on. It was a pleasure being part of this community. Thanks for everything. Best wishes to all of you. Take care.


well, why did you decide to quit VG's?

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