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Super Nintendo Classic Edition

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  On 9/5/2017 at 1:43 AM, Jie said:

The NES Classic was really nothing more than a holiday item, hence why supplies were limited.

As for the Switch, can you really blame them after the fiasco that was the Wii U? Nintendo is a very conservative company, and this works for and against them. Their original projections for the Switch was around 8 million for the whole year; when the success caught them off-guard, they said they would increase the supply to 13 million. The problem is that the Switch is also using components used in the newest iPhone so they are competing with Apple for hardware components in this regard. And no one can really hope to compete with Apple in this day and age.


I don't just take Nintendo's word that they made an innocent toy.  They are either mis-managed or incompetent from making important American and European "big business decisions".

I really look at Nintendo from their entire past and although it makes sense that they want to stop competing with Sony and Microsoft's powerful computer like power and instead stick to their type of Nintendo family fun home entertainment, it doesn't excuse their past mistakes going all the way to NES and treatment of 3rd party developers, their ignorance towards the optical media insurgency and the most recent mistep with the Wii U nor their notorious miscalculations for stock supply, in fact they are now starting a trend.

I'll be honest, I had never heard of these NAND flash shortages but it really must not be blamed on anyone but Nintendo.  The fact is Samsung makes these flash memory chips and the first one in line to receive the shipments are Samsung but it is lucky that Nintendo isn't going to have to wait too long.  Nintendo only has one system on the market now and the fact they are now saying they need twice as many console than originally thought says more about their research and development than it does about any cynics. 

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  On 9/6/2017 at 3:25 AM, Ethereal Dragonz said:

I am surprised how popular these things are and the price gouging involved.

You can buy a Raspberry Pi 3 for $36 and install RetroPie to get the exact same effect. 




Three things that you might not be considering:

-These are 100% legal, no gray area involved as far as ethics are concerned. Matters to some, I suppose.

-Not everybody has the skill set or confidence to tinker with computers. I've torn apart just about every aspect of my Supra and put it back together, yet I would still have a learning curve ahead of me to build an emulator machine.

-First part controllers tend to be pretty nice...


That said, you do make a solid point. I'm sure that Nintendo's foolish marketing is causing a spike in Pi sales.

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It's been a while since I used an SNES emulator, but I don't recall ever running into any incompatible games.  So for me, I find it hard to wrap my brain around the need for a separate system of any kind when the PC I already own will do the job.  The mini is cute, sure, but I just don't need the system or the extra wires lying around.  Otherwise, I'd have my actual SNES hooked up instead of packed away (obviously I'm not a purist about needing to play on the actual hardware, but then, neither is anyone wanting to play on a mini):)

But you're right, anyone concerned with playing all of these games legally is SOL without the mini, since Star Fox 2 isn't legally available elsewhere.  Of course, any of the other games can be legally purchased for the original SNES without Nintendo or any of the developers getting a single penny from it, so unless you're just feeling charitable towards every shmuck on eBay, the moral differences between emulation and buying used is debatable to some.

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To me, it's always been pretty darned satisfying, the "click" of inserting a cartridge, the slide of the power button, just... how it all felt. Purely a tactile thing, but it adds something for me that I have a difficult time describing. Won't get that with the mini here, but at least I'd be using an SNES controller rather than a PS style or Xbox controller...

Plus, I never owned an SNES, it's the only main console of Nintendo that I never owned.

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  On 9/5/2017 at 11:34 PM, KenMasters said:

Don't forget Retro Mags friends to pick up issue 172 of Retro Gamer magazine which comes with a very special supplement. Issue 48 of Super Play! https://www.retrogamer.net/blog_post/super-play-returns-with-retro-gamer-172-2/


Thanks for the heads up! I just ran to the shops and picked one up (actual old school physical shops for that authentic Super Play experience).

Bit annoyed it costs £4.99 including shipping online, but found in the shop it's £5.99! They don't even fetch it off the shelf for you.

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Wasn't going to post again about it, but now I've had a chance to read some of that special Super Play issue, it's so great I just had to.

Obviously Wil Overton drew the cover art, but they also got back the original writers, and the page layout inside looks so authentic I wouldn't be surprised if they dug out the original QuarkXPress project files. Colours, fonts, everything is spot on.

It's 52 pages which didn't sound a lot, but considering the lack of advert pages, content wise it feels close to a full length mag.

There's a feature on the Classic, and the beginnings of the SFC/SNES and Super Play itself, a preview of Star Fox 2 (no official review due to an NDA, they say), an interview with Dylan Cuthbert (Star Fox 2), an Anime World feature, 20 full reviews of the rest of the SNES Classic games (1 or 2 pages each), 5 smaller 'Import' reviews of the extra SFC Classic games, and a What Cart special of the games they wished had also made it onto the system.

Highly recommended.

I still can't get over how Nintendo didn't include Pilotwings, though.

Edited by sqwirral
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  On 9/7/2017 at 5:05 PM, sqwirral said:

I still can't get over how Nintendo didn't include Pilotwings, though.


I can't get over how Nintendo hasn't made a Pilotwings game since 1996... Consider how much fun, how much innovation they could have brought to the table with their newer systems. I always liked the short, challenging nature of the series. Made repeated failure until you got it right an odd sort of fun...

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  On 9/9/2017 at 5:17 AM, te72 said:

Haven't owned a Nintendo portable since the original GBA, so yeah, had no idea about the 3DS game!


Living in Japan, it's still hard for me to accept how ubiquitous portable systems are and how little anyone seems to care about home consoles.  I mean, obviously someone is buying PS4s and Switches, but I don't really know anyone who owns one, and I sometimes feel like I don't know anyone who doesn't own a 3DS.  In fact, just yesterday I was eating lunch in a classroom of students and they were talking about Mario games (Kart, Party, etc.), and one of the kids was explaining to all the others to their amazement that there are in fact Mario games for home consoles as well (aside from that one kid, they all had only ever played portable games).

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  On 9/9/2017 at 5:57 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

Living in Japan, it's still hard for me to accept how ubiquitous portable systems are and how little anyone seems to care about home consoles.  I mean, obviously someone is buying PS4s and Switches, but I don't really know anyone who owns one, and I sometimes feel like I don't know anyone who doesn't own a 3DS.  In fact, just yesterday I was eating lunch in a classroom of students and they were talking about Mario games (Kart, Party, etc.), and one of the kids was explaining to all the others to their amazement that there are in fact Mario games for home consoles as well (aside from that one kid, they all had only ever played portable games).


Forbes.com Switch sells more than PS4

In the 6 month period the Nintendo Switch has been available in Japan (March 4th - Sep 4th 2017),
the sales number have reached 1.5 Million units.  As of June 30 2017 according to wiki Wikipedia 3DS Sales 23.54 million 3DS units have been shipped.

Maybe you're sample of Nintendo fans haven't realized they want it yet, or maybe the price is too high.  I heard the 3DS has the means of playing games unlawfully so it could be looked at as higher value in this regard.

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I would own a portable again if someone else did the driving on long trips, or I had decent periods of downtime that I wasn't at home. As is, just doesn't really fit my lifestyle very much anymore.


Kinda funny though, what I've seen of portable games in recent years lines up with the games that I like to play pretty well, so... perhaps I've been misguided to not pay more attention to the DS family of systems.


Really funny to hear kids talk in surprise of home console Mario games! When I was their age, there were maybe TWO non-console Mario games.

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  On 9/9/2017 at 4:58 PM, Data said:

Maybe you're sample of Nintendo fans haven't realized they want it yet, or maybe the price is too high.  I heard the 3DS has the means of playing games unlawfully so it could be looked at as higher value in this regard.


You're probably right about the price.  These are kids aged 6-12, so it isn't as if they can buy it themselves, but then again, they probably can't afford their 3DSs, either.  As for hacking the 3DS, I can guarantee with almost 100% certainty that not a single one of them knows how to do that, nor that it's even possible (and even if they did, they'd never attempt to do it.)  Piracy isn't quite as ubiquitous here as most of the world.

Obviously, the demographics of my awareness are pretty skewed towards young children.  I suppose it's possible that they all become console players later in life.  Of course, it's still odd that they don't have consoles in their homes, since their parents likely played consoles when they were younger.  I'm sure lots of kids in America have a PS4 or Switch in their home because their parents wanted it just as badly as they did.  My unsubstantiated theory is that most console gamers in Japan are of the junior high school through college age, and once people enter the work force, they sell them off and leave their gaming days behind them.

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