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Image udpates for the video games db


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I noticed that I have access to update images and info for every game in the database section. However, there is very little incentive for all this work. Can we have the website give credit to the person helping out somehow? I wouldn't mind updating a few games every time I logged in. Even after updating 'Adventure' for the 2600, all it says is 'submitted by Phillyman 2014'

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No, he's right.  There isn't any field for credit in the videogame database template.  It automatically credits whoever created the entry, but after that, additional credit cannot be applied the way it can in the magazine database (allowing multiple names to be entered.)  I'm not sure if the template can be altered, but at any rate, I don't appear to have the power to do so.

I can't comment on whether or not it was like that before the upgrade, since I've never actually looked at the videogame database before today.:P

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We're always glad for any help we can get, thanks!

Perhaps @Phillyman can take a look at the video game template and see if a page credit field can be added.  I'll be honest - I've never paid any attention to the video game database because there are already other sites out there that do it better.  However, if we ever manage to realize the dream of linking everything together so that accessing a game's page would have info and links for all mags it appeared in, in addition to associated cover pics, advertisements, related publications, etc., we would at that point be offering something worthwhile, so any work on the VG DB right now is going to be valuable in the future.  And it doesn't make any sense to not be able to take credit for your work in some way.

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