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I wasn't sure if this warranted a new thread, but in the interest of keeping things organized for everyone, I'm posting this here anyway. I've been in the process of selling off much of my retro game collection, and a portion of that is a small stack of magazines. Of the ones I have, two are classified as "Missing" in the database.

  • Nintendo Power Vol 128
  • Nintendo Power Vol 143

They are in good condition, and so I would like to donate them to the cause to be scanned. That is, if they are not already in anyone's possession waiting to be scanned. I do not want them back, so I do not care what method you use to take them apart and scan them - as long as they are good quality scans, of course! I would prefer to ship inside the United States, but that is only a preference. :)

If anyone is interested, feel free to ask questions here or message me.

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I am pretty positive I have both of those issues. The entire run of Nintendo Power is on my list to be redone. Most of them were scanned over 10 years ago and we can do a much better job now. Back in 2012/13 I bought a stack of 100+ Nintendo Power magazines, just need to find which one of the boxes they got off to :)

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