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Pet and Animal Thread


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Okay, now it's the time for talking about animals, which can be really close to your heart (pets), but some of you can really afraid of them. Are there animals which you really are afraid of? Or is there something that you love? Do you have any pets? Want to tell us about it/them?

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My 12-year old chihuahua likes to climb my bed. But, recently I need to carry her to my bed because she got difficulty in climbing, maybe due to her age. Can anyone suggest me on how I can help my pet climb my bed independently?



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Hey did you guys know that there is such a thing as pet stairs? Upon surfing online I saw these pet stairs which I think is simple and functional I would have never thought there would be a need for this type of product, it says that it can be use household pets that are old or has a medical condition because it will reduce the strain on their legs when climbing onto the bed and it is also helpful for pets who have overweight. What do you think about the pet stairs? I'm open for more suggestions, though.

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we've got two cats. one is not so good at jumping and also can't make it atop the bed. We set a stool next to the bed. The cat is able to jump onto that and then onto the bed. I know numerous people who have some sort of "pet stairs" and they all are appreciative for their pets being able to make it onto the bed.

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Love dogs and cats, and most other pets, but not home enough to feel right in owning one.


EDIT: About 20 minutes after posting this reply, neighbor down the street stops by asking if we have a brown lab, which is super full of energy and runs through the open door. I tell the girl that we'll try to figure out where it belongs and go from there. Ended up hanging out with it in the garage for about half an hour and got it some water and chicken to snack on. Poor thing seemed like it had been a bit since it last had nourishment, but it was happy and healthy, full of energy too, sheesh.


Pretty sure it was a Boxer / Pit Bull mix. Pretty dog and really friendly, but no collar to identify it with. Protip: make sure your dog has a collar...

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