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(GONE) lot of 32 Famitsus etc. 1988-1992. You pay shipping from Japan


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Magazines have been claimed.  Sorry!

Hi, folks.  I'm giving away doubles in my collection, so here are 32 Famitsu, Famimaga, plus a couple other magazines, mainly from 1988-1992.  Also some insert strategy guides.  A picture is attached.

If anybody wants these magazines, I'll send them to the first person who PMs me and is able to send me the money for shipping via PayPal.  We can talk about how you want them shipped, either AirMail or by sea, as I live in Japan.

General questions, please feel free to ask them in this thread.


Edited by ccovell
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I've offered to pay to have these shipped to me (living in Japan means I can get them cheap) and I would of course scan them once finished with my current pile of donated mags.  But if Kiwi or someone else who would actually scan them (and not just horde them or throw them in a pile with the rest of their collection) wants to take them and shoulder the burden of paying exorbitant international shipping, it makes no nevermind to me.  Just so long as we get them scanned.:)

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Just now, ccovell said:

Looks like this has been wrapped up quickly, so thanks to the couple of you who had replied.  Kitsunebi77 likely will take my magazines and then hopefully scan them too. ;-D

I take responsibilities seriously, so even if I decide to quit this hobby entirely, I'll get those mags scanned first.  I'm obligated, you see.:)  Of course, I could always be hit by a yaki-imo truck tomorrow, but here's hoping that doesn't happen (luckily it's hard not to hear them coming:P)

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On 3/28/2018 at 2:50 PM, kitsunebi77 said:

But if Kiwi or someone else who would actually scan them (and not just horde them or throw them in a pile with the rest of their collection) wants to take them and shoulder the burden of paying exorbitant international shipping, it makes no nevermind to me.

I'm way too busy scanning the 2000 mags in my collection and 100+ issues of Dreamcast Official Magazine (Japan) sent to me by Cuckooguy to deal with even more issues. And I'm still recovering from the rather large tax bill from the New Zealand Government for those mags to be in a position to afford postage costs shipping more mags out from Japan anyway.

Looking forward to seeing them though :)

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19 minutes ago, KiwiArcader said:

I'm way too busy scanning the 2000 mags in my collection and 100+ issues of Dreamcast Official Magazine (Japan) sent to me by Cuckooguy to deal with even more issues. And I'm still recovering from the rather large tax bill from the New Zealand Government for those mags to be in a position to afford postage costs shipping more mags out from Japan anyway

You know, regarding that...

I don't know if you are aware, but at some point Akane went back to her original files and rereleased all of the Dreamcast Magazine issues in a higher resolution.  They aren't as high-res as what you'll be doing, and aren't up to Retromags standards, either.  However:

(a) They look pretty good.  Totally readable, even with the more complex nature of the Japanese characters. 

(b) Whatever original files she quickly created the higher-res copies from are most likely at least 300dpi, so if only she were amenable to the possibility of releasing even bigger copies of those files (to be hosted on a site other than SegaRetro/RetroCDN), you wouldn't need to waste time scanning them at all, as she's already got edited high-res copies in her personal possession.

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No, obviously no one can use her full-res scans since she hasn't released them.  But she obviously still has her original files and if she were only willing to upload them somewhere, all I'm saying is that there are very nicely edited high-res scans already in existence.

Granted, you're sort of obligated to do something with those donated mags regardless, but...well, it's an interesting situation, at any rate.

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Sure. But there are lots of mags on SegaRetro like Sega Saturn Official (Japan) that are crap quality on their site that you would think there are high quality versions of on the scanners HDD but they just don't seem to turn up anywhere so we do what we have to do.

It's a little akin to Mort's old scans. He released raw scans in pretty crap quality and for years they were the only ones available. Now he's released 600DPI ones but they are still raw scans off some fairly so-so looking scanner and I'm still not happy using them as base scans for my website. I'd rather scan my own than deal with the editing making them usable. But that's just me.....

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I don't know anything about Mort, but I hear what you're saying.  A crap scan is a crap scan, regardless of the resolution. 

Akane's scans are really nice, though.  It's just that she saves them at small sizes (like 1500px high) in order to keep the filesize small enough to host on SegaRetro.  But she obviously still has her full res files available, since she rereleased over a hundred mags in a very short length of time (she obviously just resized the originals and reuploaded them).

The fact that she's Japanese probably has a lot to do with why they don't turn up elsewhere.  Piracy is super-uncommon in Japan.  Most manga/anime/games/whatever that gets pirated is done by people who aren't Japanese, and distributed on websites that aren't located in Japan.  This is why she's only released her mags via SegaRetro.  I'm not sure how she initially decided on affiliating herself with them, but the fact that it's a non-Japanese site makes it a slightly more acceptable avenue for her to do so.

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Package received.  How about that -- overnight COD delivery on a hefty box for under $10.

Suck it, USPS.:lol:

As mentioned in the OP, these are all duplicate issues, meaning the ones that got sent are probably in worse shape than the ones that got kept.  So some of these will take a bit more time than usual to make presentable in the editing process.

Regardless, it's a great contribution to the site (well, eventually, once I get them scanned), and there doesn't seem to be any overlap with issues of Famitsu or Famimaga that I own (most of these predate the issues I own).

Thanks again to ccovell, for donating them with an eye towards preservation, rather than simply throwing them up for auction or tossing them in the recycling.

I've got to work through the rest of Whiskcat's donations before starting on these, so everyone will have to wait for a bit before these start showing up, but rest assured they will be scanned eventually.

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2 hours ago, ccovell said:

 Some had pages missing or even stuck together along with some noodles!  :o


Don't worry, I've had to deal with my fair share of mags in far worse shape.  It's not unusual to have to spend 2-3 hours editing the front cover alone on older mags. 

When you consider that these things were probably originally owned by children, sometimes it's a wonder that they aren't ALL stuck together with noodles.

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