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EtherealDragonz upload thread - Update 11/17/2020 Famimaga Apr 20 1990

Ethereal Dragonz

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Thank you Ethereal Dragonz. It will be great if anybody have some The Super Famicom issues, I have about 6, I will try to scan and clean it when I have time, because some are dirty. I can help to scan some issues, but I take time because I only have a flat scan, and always need crop and give the right shape page by page. 😅

I already scan The Super Famicom 1992 No. 22 if anybody are interested, you can take it from my archive. 



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  • 6 months later...


Newest upload [05/09/2020] - Weekly Famitsu 48 April 9 1988

Hey there, its been awhile. I've been too lazy/depressed to do anything other than hit a "like" button. I have a bunch of new #notmyscans to upload and I have a partially edited Xbox Famitsu that I should get around to finishing.

There is also a giant box of old Japanese magazines that I never got around to mailing to E-Day that has some pretty special stuff.

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It's a real shame that Retromags has essentially become E-Day Mags, with all other scans on the net originating at the Internet Archive or OldGameMags.  It would be great if some of the people scanning Japanese mags came to us first so that we could have a few more exclusives that didn't come from E-Day.  Alas, the foreigners who scan Japanese mags can't be bothered to edit them, and the Japanese who scan mags are thoroughly useless when it comes to sharing them.  So I suppose we will have to continue to have to rely upon the Internet Archive for everything that isn't a mainstream American release.

At the very least, I ardently hope that every Japanese mag you upload to the Internet Archive causes at least one Japanese scan hoarder to shake their fist in rage at you for de-valuing their collection of scans to privately trade.😋

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  On 5/10/2020 at 2:00 PM, E-Day said:

You can still mail them. If you send them I'll scan them 🙂


How would you feel about receiving 600 or so Japanese mags (I'm just guessing, really, but it's A LOT OF BOXES  full of thick mags)?  If anyone wants to front the 10 million dollars in shipping from Japan to Canada, I'd be happy to unload my Japanese mags to you if you'd scan them.  Well, no, that's a lie.  To be honest, even just boxing them up and taking them to the post office is more work than I feel like putting into it at this point.  Recent times have got me reevaluating my life and I've realized that it's asinine to spend one more second scanning magazines I don't care about.  I've got no more interest in video game mags than I do in mags about cross-stitching.  They just aren't my thing.  Too bad you can't just drive over and pick them up.  THAT I'd be fine with.  So whaddaya say?  Fly to Japan, take a train to my place, box em up and ship em back to yourself, and then fly home.  You could even do some sightseeing while you're here!😂😓

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  On 5/24/2020 at 1:24 PM, JonnyCGood said:

Famimaga seems to be one of those right to left magazines. I can't seem to find any coherent way to determine if a Japanese mag is right to left or left to right. Only by checking 2 page spreads.


It's actually very simple.  Just like all Japanese magazines or books, if the text is printed vertically, it will be read right to left.  If the text is horizontal, it will be read left to right.

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Btw, when you're uploading these, you should probably include the full date.  Family Computer Magazine was published biweekly, so, for example, this is the March 20th issue.  But there was another issue published in March as well (probably March 6th).  So to keep things organized, best to include the full date, not just the month.

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Considering all the times I've seen people selling loose debound pages on Yahoo auctions, it's obvious that SOMEBODY is scanning stuff.

You'd think there was some sort of Japanese Copyright Gestapo busting down doors and locking people away judging by the way people are terrified of publicly sharing the stuff.  I think they see the stories of people distributing manga scans being arrested and think the same thing will happen if they release 30 year old magazine scans.  But it's completely different - the manga is continuously in print, so pirating it, no matter how old, is eating into potential profits for the publishers and creators.  But no one's making money of of old periodicals, so no one's going to bother prosecuting anyone for sharing copies.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/14/2020 at 2:03 AM, JonnyCGood said:

GameCenter CX (ゲームセンターCX released some books. Might wanna check for those. There's also Continue magazine that interview Arino (like around 2009) and  I've never seen them anywhere.


I did a search for GameCenter and ゲームセンタ. I was not able to find any books or magazines, but there were a number of game review videos. No hits for Continue magazine.

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  On 6/14/2020 at 4:18 PM, Ethereal Dragonz said:

I did a search for GameCenter and ゲームセンタ. I was not able to find any books or magazines, but there were a number of game review videos. No hits for Continue magazine.


That was always going to be a long shot. Thanks for searching.

There's another P2P Japanese program called "Share". Might be worth checking out.


And here's some common phrases to check. Just "Guide", "Official Guide", "Perfect Guide", etc that commonly appears in guidebook names.




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