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Anyone with EGM issues from 2004- through to May 2005?


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Since no one has these scanned anywhere, I'm wondering if anyone out there has these issues of EGM and could look quickly for something in them for me?  Basically only looking for a shot of one page, and I don't even know which issue it is since I have ambiguous info to go on. It's for an article for my (planned) site that I want to write. 

If anyone is willing to take a small time out for this, let me know.



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  On 9/27/2018 at 6:54 AM, lostfirst said:

Since no one has these scanned anywhere, I'm wondering if anyone out there has these issues of EGM and could look quickly for something in them for me?  Basically only looking for a shot of one page, and I don't even know which issue it is since I have ambiguous info to go on. It's for an article for my (planned) site that I want to write. 

If anyone is willing to take a small time out for this, let me know.




Why don't you go ahead and post what exactly you're looking for?  That way, if anyone owns the issue, they can go ahead and look it up without adding the unnecessary step of having to ask you what info you're after.

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OK, no edit button in sight. Guess it's because of my low post count.

Anyway, the thing I'm looking for is a supposed blurb about one of EGM's staff having taken a trip to India and finding a PS1 pirate titled Tekken 5 that turned out to be a prototype of Clayfighter Extreme. To date no one has been able to find the issue, but the original mention was made back in May 2005 and they said it was some "months" prior that they had read it back then, so I'm just being careful with a general 2004-2005 timeline.

Maybe others have heard this rumor. Anyway, if anyone wants to finally put it to rest, it'd be appreciated!


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Hmm I see an old forum post from 2005 that is stating the same story about finding a bootleg in India: https://forum.digitpress.com/forum/showthread.php?59761-WTB-TEKKEN-5-from-India!-Anyone-here-from-India!-Read-Me!

I don't remember anything like that coming from EGM during that year. I have the following issues:

2004 - Jan, Feb, Mar, May, June
2005 - Full year

I did not see any mention of Clayfighter Extreme skimming through the issues I had, although January 2005 has a Tekken 5 section and May 2005 has a Tekken 5 review.


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Interesting he mentions getting the magazine in 2004. I guess the supposed disc was from before Tekken 5 was even officially released then.

I'm assuming that whatever issue it's in, it's towards the beginning of the magazine before it gets to the previews section. Thanks for looking anyway. Really puzzles me why no one is finding it. Such an elusive mystery here.

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I'll be willing to eat crow if I'm wrong, but I'd bet quite a lot that there is no such article, at least not in an EGM. 

I own all issues of EGM from those years (they're in storage, so I can't check them, though), and although I wouldn't have remembered such an article even if it existed (since I don't care about Clayfighter or Tekken), the fact is that EGM is just about the most common gaming mag from that era.  If NO ONE can confirm that one guy's post, it's my belief that the whole thing is a hoax of some sort.

Again, it's just my gut feeling, but it's also the most likely answer for why no one has ever been able to confirm it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello! I'm also a newcomer looking for an article in the same boat. I believe it's from the March 2005 issue of EGM, but basically it's a preview of the release of the PSP and the Nintendo DS, and how Sony was going to completely overtake the portable entertainment market, and Nintendo would likely be forced to go the way of Sega, complete with cartoons showing the PS2 as a proud king with the PSP as a proud baby prince, and the GameCube and DS as old, archaic, and fat.

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  On 11/15/2018 at 8:45 PM, GodDuckman said:

Hello! I'm also a newcomer looking for an article in the same boat. I believe it's from the March 2005 issue of EGM, but basically it's a preview of the release of the PSP and the Nintendo DS, and how Sony was going to completely overtake the portable entertainment market, and Nintendo would likely be forced to go the way of Sega, complete with cartoons showing the PS2 as a proud king with the PSP as a proud baby prince, and the GameCube and DS as old, archaic, and fat.


The March and April issues have PSP preview statements, but I don't see anything close to what you are describing:



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Yeah, that kind of yellow journalism really didn't sound like the sort of thing any respectable magazine would publish.  Which is not to say it doesn't exist somewhere.  It's just unlikely to have been in any of the well-known video game monthlies.  Unless maybe it was something sent by a reader to the letter column. 

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  On 11/16/2018 at 8:49 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

Yeah, that kind of yellow journalism really didn't sound like the sort of thing any respectable magazine would publish.  Which is not to say it doesn't exist somewhere.  It's just unlikely to have been in any of the well-known video game monthlies.  Unless maybe it was something sent by a reader to the letter column. 


Yeaaaaah. Back in the GameCube/DS era basically every non-Nintendo exclusive gaming mag would let loose a non-so-subtle snarky comment in Nintendo's direction. One I remember for sure was OPM's review of Resident Evil 4 for the PS2, where they declared the PS2 version "kicked the GC version right in Las Plagas" because of the superior controls, widescreen support, additional content, and the fact that you "no longer had to play it on a silly purple lunchbox".

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Well, when I said "respectable magazine," I certainly didn't mean to include ANY console-exclusive mag like OPM.  Why would anyone expect an honest opinion from a magazine that only covers a single console, be it Nintendo, Sony, or whoever else?  Just like Fox News on one side and NBC on the other, they're in the business of telling their audience what it wants to hear.  It's a bias that's both expected and desired by their audience.  Now, had EGM or some other all-platform mag said that the PS2 version of RE4 had "superior controls, widescreen support, and additional content," well then, I'd believe that it was their honest opinion (although 2 of those 3 things are facts, not opinions), and one I would have valued, since I owned all 3 competing consoles at that time, so knowing if one port was better than another was desirable information.

By the way, it sounds like you're pretty sensitive over any criticism towards Nintendo.  But it would be very cool it you gathered scans of all of these snarky comments you mentioned and posted them here.  I've made my own snarky comments in the past - not about Nintendo, but about how mediocre most videogame journalism is, and having scans of a bunch of quotes like the ones you've mentioned would really help prove my point.😋

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  On 11/16/2018 at 9:31 PM, kitsunebi77 said:

Well, when I said "respectable magazine," I certainly didn't mean to include ANY console-exclusive mag like OPM.  Why would anyone expect an honest opinion from a magazine that only covers a single console, be it Nintendo, Sony, or whoever else?  Just like Fox News on one side and NBC on the other, they're in the business of telling their audience what it wants to hear.  It's a bias that's both expected and desired by their audience.  Now, had EGM or some other all-platform mag said that the PS2 version of RE4 had "superior controls, widescreen support, and additional content," well then, I'd believe that it was their honest opinion (although 2 of those 3 things are facts, not opinions), and one I would have valued, since I owned all 3 competing consoles at that time, so knowing if one port was better than another was desirable information.

By the way, it sounds like you're pretty sensitive over any criticism towards Nintendo.  But it would be very cool it you gathered scans of all of these snarky comments you mentioned and posted them here.  I've made my own snarky comments in the past - not about Nintendo, but about how mediocre most videogame journalism is, and having scans of a bunch of quotes like the ones you've mentioned would really help prove my point.😋


I will certainly work on putting that together, but many of my gaming mags are lost to time (or my Mom's attic) as well as lost to the internet garbage bin, so I will need to do some digging.


As far as sensitivity to criticism of Nintendo, yes and no. They've made some dumb decisions in the past that I cannot defend them for (and sales have reflected that), but one thing I've always had issue with is the constant labeling of Nintendo as for kids and their older fans as juvenile beta males that need to grow up, though that's more my issue with this idea that video games have to be this hyper-masculine experience and that anything that's marketed towards all-ages is automatically seen as insulting for the adult gamer to play. I can probably think of some good examples, not from video games, but from TV - G4 shows like XPlay and Judgment Day were VERY critical of Nintendo for this very reason back in the day. Either way, I'm glad this trend seems to have subsided, as millennial gamers that may have grown up with Nintendo and moved onto Sony or Microsoft are now having their own kids and moving back to Nintendo.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with saying that Nintendo's games are primarily aimed at kids any more than saying that Disney movies are primarily aimed at kids.  But it certainly doesn't mean adults can't enjoy them as well.  You use the term "all-ages," which is an important distinction from "kids-only."  Nintendo markets its systems primarily towards kids (especially here in Japan), so there are going to be lots of "kids-only" titles, just like there are lots of "kids only" programs made by Disney for their Disney Channel and home video departments that for the most part don't appeal to adult sensibilities.  But Nintendo's first-part titles, like Disney's animated features, are made for "all ages," which I think can be described as "stuff that's appropriate for kids, but that doesn't suck." 😜

I don't play games anymore, but when I did, I played on all systems, so I was never sensitive to fanboy shaming of any sort (it seems to be an activity that only people dedicated to a single system partake in or are subjected to).  But I don't remember ever getting the feeling that people were disrespecting Nintendo's first-party games.  There was definitely some warranted criticism of their 3rd-party game lineup, and the hardware itself, but I think even the most harcore Sega/Sony/Microsoft/PC fanboy would freely admit that Nintendo itself makes quality games.

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