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Would like to try editing


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Editing can be difficult if you have no idea how to straighten or clean up a image in Photoshop. Removing scuffs and dust particles on pages is also required. Merging double page ads together to look seemless as possible. It comes down to if your committed. Also time consuming. A mag can take weeks to fix up.

I would start on a cover and see how well you can clean it up. I cant help you with Japanese mags. Maybe ask a forum member.

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45 minutes ago, JhonnyD said:

I want to try to know how much time is required.

Probably it will be too much, at that point I’ll just upload them raw to archive .org 

It depends on the condition of the magazine and what was used to scan it.  For example, a flatbed scanner will require much more time to scan than an ADF scanner.  Also, since the flatbed will also scan the area around the page, cropping and rotation will take longer than an ADF scanner that auto crops and auto straightens.  Furthermore, flatbeds usually produce scans of lower quality than a good ADF, often appearing more washed-out with dimmer colors or lighter blacks than you might get from a good ADF, so you'll have to spend a bit of extra time correcting that in Photoshop.

No matter what scanner you use, you'll have to deal with correcting flaws in the magazine itself like tears, scuffs, scratches, creases, etc.  These all need to be eliminated with Photoshop or another similar tool and will eat up the most time.  Covers and back covers take the most damage and thus take the most time to clean up.  Depending on the condition of the mag, edit times can vary wildly.  I've often spent 4 hours just editing the front cover.  But a typical interior page can be edited much more quickly, especially if you've set up an action command within Photoshop to allow a single click to take care of certain corrections that will be applied to every page.  I find that once you've gotten some experience and can get into a steady rhythm of editing quickly, you can edit around 45 pages per hour (using pages that have already been auto-cropped and straightened.  Using pages scanned on a flatbed will slow things down considerably).

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