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The 200 covers of Edge #200


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Edge magazine's covers were hands down the most elegantly designed covers of any gaming magazine ever published, in any country. 

For its 200th issue, they released an astonishing 200 covers which essentially tell the history of gaming in pictures.  It's amazing that they were never collected into a high-quality coffee-table book, but over the next several days, I'll be adding them all to the site.  I've reserved some additional spots on this thread so that I can continue to add them all here as well, for a larger view than you would get just by browsing the gallery.

I upload a lot of covers and am mostly jaded to them all, but I've got to admit, this is pretty cool.  Enjoy.



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  On 1/28/2019 at 9:10 PM, E-Day said:

Some of the nicest ones are the ones that are the most simplistic. Mr. Game & Watch and the Yoshi's Island come to mind.


I'd say that Edge always has minimalist cover designs compared to other mags, which is why it's so attractive.  Mags that plaster lots of text all over their covers are incredibly unattractive to me.  Japanese magazines are often the worst in this area - most of them are just fugly to look at on the stands.  The ones intended for young kids are even worse, since in addition to lots of random text, they cram as many pictures as possible on the cover to make the magazine equivalent of a pile of vomit.  Simply AWFUL.😵🤢🤮


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Because of all the covers you uploaded and entries you've created in the database for each new issue, I created the index table for Edge on the Publication page. The fact that it didn't have one yet was odd since Edge is pretty much the gold standard for gaming magazines these days, if everyone is to be believed.

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  On 1/29/2019 at 7:54 PM, E-Day said:

Because of all the covers you uploaded and entries you've created in the database for each new issue, I created the index table for Edge on the Publication page. The fact that it didn't have one yet was odd since Edge is pretty much the gold standard for gaming magazines these days, if everyone is to be believed.


I don't look at the Publication section ever, but looking at it now highlights one of the things I don't like about this site: pointless, empty registries.

I just clicked on about 5 different magazine entries in the Publication area, and all of them were blank - no info or index whatsoever.  After that, I gave up, since I assumed (correctly or incorrectly, who knows?) that most, or perhaps all of the entries (excluding the index for Edge you just made) are also blank.  I imagine most people visiting the Publication area have a similar reaction.

If only the publications that had anything useful entered were shown, it would at least allow the publication section to be useful to anyone wanting to use it for some reason.

Imagine if our download section listed every magazine ever published and the only way to find out if the download was actually available was to click on that mag's entry.😣

Galleries and databases are things that different people can add bits to over time.  But Publication information and indexes are more or less created by one person in a single go, so there's no need to create an entry unless you're going to also fill out the necessary information at the same time.


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Those records are there so that they can be filled in by users. That also seems to be something most people don't like doing. And I can't blame them. I did a few a while back and it was tedious. If there was some good OCR software that could take the table of contents from a scan and change it into good text, filling in those pages would be a lot less tedious.

The table at least gives you an at-a-glance view of when issues came out so you know how many there are and what months they came out.

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  On 1/30/2019 at 2:45 AM, E-Day said:

Those records are there so that they can be filled in by users. That also seems to be something most people don't like doing. And I can't blame them. I did a few a while back and it was tedious. If there was some good OCR software that could take the table of contents from a scan and change it into good text, filling in those pages would be a lot less tedious.

The table at least gives you an at-a-glance view of when issues came out so you know how many there are and what months they came out.


No, I'm talking about the publication database, not the magazine database.

It isn't possible for users to create an index table in the publication DB like you just did.  Hell, it isn't possible for me to do it either.  So unless you or Phillyman create the index at the same time as you add a title to the publication DB, it just leaves an empty entry that distracts everyone from the ones that have indexes attached.

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Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't work on Publication pages even if I could.😋 It's an area of the site I've never once used, so I don't care about improving it.  I didn't even know I didn't have the ability to add indexes until I tested it after your post.  Just pointing it out, is all.

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