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Beckett Cheat Codes Magazine


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Does anyone have any info on this magazine? The site for it is still up, even though the last issue was published in May/June 2007. The thing is, in the Cover Gallery for this magazine, some of the issues have issue numbers on them that don't make sense. There were only 7 issues, but two of the covers have issue numbers in the teens.

No comprende.

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  On 1/30/2019 at 6:57 PM, E-Day said:

Does anyone have any info on this magazine? The site for it is still up, even though the last issue was published in May/June 2007. The thing is, in the Cover Gallery for this magazine, some of the issues have issue numbers on them that don't make sense. There were only 7 issues, but two of the covers have issue numbers in the teens.

No comprende.


Sure, this is something that happens with Japanese mags all the time - it wasn't its own magazine.

"Becket Cheat Codes" were actually special issues of "Beckett Anime" magazine.  I'm not sure why they thought there was enough crossover appeal between the two that they should have included them in the same series, but that's what they did.  Personally, I would have been pissed as hell if I subscribed to a mag about anime and they sent me a worthless magazine full of video game codes I could have easily looked up online if I wanted to.  Maybe they skipped sending those issues if you were a subscriber?

Looking at it again, I'm guessing that even though they are clearly identified as special issues of Beckett Anime, the numbers on the "Beckett Cheat Codes" issues were separate from the "Beckett Anime Collector" series, otherwise the numbers would be higher than those in the teens.  So perhaps the reason why the numbers printed on the issues don't match the total number of issues is that earlier issues were published under a different title, possibly covering a completely different subject matter.  After all, Beckett Anime Collector was originally called Beckett Pokemon Collector before changing the entire focus of the mag (and thus its title.) 

This is reminding me more and more of Japanese mags.  If you had any idea of how much time I have to spend researching convoluted histories like this...Good luck with this one, though.  No way am I gonna put that kind of effort in for a code mag.😜

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