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Okay I posted the scans, all I did was assign the profile to the Epson I calibrated and auto leveled in Photoshop. With the Fujitsu all I did was auto level as well. Both were saved at 90 JPEG Quality in Photoshop from their original TIFFs. They are here - https://www.gamingalexandria.com/scantest/

The Epson does better in darker areas, the Fujitsu just refuses to capture these without doing some sort of compression, even with Scansnap (Though it's much better via Scansnap). I even tried a RAW scan from Vuescan and it still had some compression artifacts which makes me think the Fujitsu's have something in their hardware doing... something to cause this. I tried contact support about it a month ago but they weren't much help unfortunately.

There is some weird resizing going on though and I'm not sure which is more correct... the Fujitsu scans to my eyes seem correct? I also measured and they were closer to the actual measurements than the Epson. Makes me think the Epson is doing some sort of resizing, or maybe it's the Fujitsu. I'm just not sure how to know.

I've cleaned the Epson like crazy and it's still streaking though which is unfortunate. Are they all like that? Who knows, but this one has about 10k scans total which isn't much. I have no idea how long it's been sitting though.

Anyway the Fujitsu's are still great scanners, they just aren't as great in dark areas. Will your average person even notice? Probably not. If this is just a lemon Epson though and they don't normally streak like this and they are resizing the pages improperly these are fantastic cheap ADFs on Ebay.

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4 hours ago, hardcorehubz said:

Okay I posted the scans, all I did was assign the profile to the Epson I calibrated and auto leveled in Photoshop. With the Fujitsu all I did was auto level as well. Both were saved at 90 JPEG Quality in Photoshop from their original TIFFs. They are here - https://www.gamingalexandria.com/scantest/

When posting reference pictures for comparison purposes, it would be best not to alter them in Photoshop at all.  And as an FYI for anyone out there considering editing mags, auto level should never be used in the editing process.

4 hours ago, hardcorehubz said:

There is some weird resizing going on though and I'm not sure which is more correct... the Fujitsu scans to my eyes seem correct? I also measured and they were closer to the actual measurements than the Epson. Makes me think the Epson is doing some sort of resizing, or maybe it's the Fujitsu. I'm just not sure how to know.

You're right, to my eye the Epson scans have wildly distorted the aspect ratio of the page.  That alone would disqualify that particular scanner from being useful for our purposes (unless you simply have it configured incorrectly and it can be corrected to do a proper scan).

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Sure i was just throwing it together quickly to show the obvious. Yeah it's too bad both scanners have flaws the other one doesn't, but what can you do. Glad you agree with the Epson resizing, I don't notice anything that would cause it to do that by default but I haven't played with Epson Scan much with this. Maybe it's the auto sizing that's distorting it.

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On 4/19/2019 at 4:44 PM, hardcorehubz said:

It produces a better image, but it's streaking like crazy. Dunno if they all do that could be just because this one is used. The newer models seem to use CIS instead of CCD too. Odd that they went to that?

I was looking at an Avision AV5200 which uses CIS to replace the fi-5650c but after reading up about the differences in quality between CCD and CIS scans I decided against it. CCD appears to be better for photographic reproduction while CIS is better for text oriented pages according to a few sites so it seemed better to stay with CCD. That and the non-straight paper path ADF dropped the Avision purchase dead in its tracks.

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5 hours ago, E-Day said:

It's here already. 



If you want Quickscan Pro to try with this thing let me know. The software was discontinued some time ago so I have no qualms about giving it to you (mine isn't legit anyway). It doesn't have built in drivers for the fi-7 series (only goes to fi-6xxx) but there is an import driver feature so it should allow you to add yours. Worth a try anyway. The ScandAll software on the CD is pretty horrible as I recall.

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Sure, that wound be great. I installed the software that came with the scanner, but I'm not sure what I would actually use from all the stuff that installed. Rhythm hosting the software was a pain because it seemed like I could only update one component at a time. 

So what is it that I need to use this thing properly? I'm hoping to run some test scans on it tonight. 

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7 hours ago, KiwiArcader said:

I was looking at an Avision AV5200 which uses CIS to replace the fi-5650c but after reading up about the differences in quality between CCD and CIS scans I decided against it. CCD appears to be better for photographic reproduction while CIS is better for text oriented pages according to a few sites so it seemed better to stay with CCD. That and the non-straight paper path ADF dropped the Avision purchase dead in its tracks.

Yeah I really want to avoid CIS if possible, i hate that it seems all the low end stuff only has this as an option. I'm sure it's for cost savings but it sucks. Hell my flatbed Canoscan 9000F Mark II just died over the weekend and I went to buy a new one and they apparently discontinued them late last year and I can't find a new one anywhere. They also apparently aren't replacing it with a new model which seems stupid. I may have to go with an Epson V550 I guess but I really loved my Canon. I have an Epson 10000XL but it's slower and it lacks edges to catch my ruler with on two sides so that's annoying.

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10 hours ago, E-Day said:

Sure, that wound be great. I installed the software that came with the scanner, but I'm not sure what I would actually use from all the stuff that installed. Rhythm hosting the software was a pain because it seemed like I could only update one component at a time. 

So what is it that I need to use this thing properly? I'm hoping to run some test scans on it tonight. 

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