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Giving thanks where thanks is due

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As someone who has always edited my own scans, this doesn't really affect me, but it DOES bother me to see scans being released where the scanner and editor are different people, yet only the editor gets any credit when a "like" or "thanks" button is pressed.  This seems to me an injustice.  Sure, the editor typically puts in more effort, but that doesn't mean they could have done it without the work of the scanner.  For that matter, if the magazine was a donation, the donator should be thanked, as well.

I doubt it's possible with the software as is, but it sure would be nice if pressing the "thanks" or "like" button on a file's download page simultaneously gave reputation points to the scanner, editor, and donator (if there is one.)  Could this possibly be implemented (perhaps with a mod)?

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Yeah, and in the case of non-donated mags, the scanner also deserves thanks for sacrificing their own magazines if they were de-bound.  When a scanner scans their own mags, they essentially take on the role of donator as well.




Sometimes, all three are the same person, but when they aren't, each one should receive thanks. 🤘

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  • 5 months later...

@Phillyman Is this something that's impossible?  My post got ignored the first time around.  To reiterate, whenever a scanned mag is not the sole creation of a single person, EVERYONE credited in any way for any mag in our download section should receive reputation whenever that file is liked with the "like" or "thank you" buttons.  That means not just the editor, but the scanner and (if there is one) the donator as well.

I feel very strongly about this and am frankly amazed that our system only allows one part of the process to be recognized. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  On 10/28/2019 at 8:57 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

@Phillyman Is this something that's impossible?  My post got ignored the first time around.  To reiterate, whenever a scanned mag is not the sole creation of a single person, EVERYONE credited in any way for any mag in our download section should receive reputation whenever that file is liked with the "like" or "thank you" buttons.  That means not just


Very little is impossible, but it comes down to a few things.

1) Can I do it natively thru the existing software.......No

2) Is there an add on from Invision that can do this.....No

3) Is there anyone out there making a third party modification to do this.....No

So once all of those have been exhausted, we are looking at hiring someone to modify Retromags, and that usually comes out to somewhere around $50-$75 per hour in labor. Now I have no issues hiring someone to mod the software, but keep in mind that once modded, each time we do upgrades, that mod may break and I may need to rehire the guy to fix whatever broke. Lets say this functionality cost me $250, and then once a year it breaks and costs us $100 to fix it. Do we have 25 users that can chip in $10 to get this started? Do we have 10 users who can chip in $10 a year to keep it working?

So I am all for it, I can get a quote for the price, but we need to have the entire idea flushed out. These guys will code what I ask for, but nothing more. So you want multiple people to get reputation from the Download Manager? What about the forum post that gets posted along side of it?

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  On 11/24/2019 at 6:57 PM, Phillyman said:

So I am all for it, I can get a quote for the price, but we need to have the entire idea flushed out. These guys will code what I ask for, but nothing more. So you want multiple people to get reputation from the Download Manager? What about the forum post that gets posted along side of it?


I suppose that would be ideal, but I just assumed for whatever reason that fixing it so that multiple people would receive reputation from just the opening post of an auto-generated thread would be more difficult to implement, so I didn't mention it.🙂

This would obviously only benefit people who only scan magazines, or only donate magazines.  Anyone who edits is already receiving (all of the) credit.  As a scanner-only person yourself, think of the hundreds of "likes" you've missed out on!

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