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Miscellaneous Magazine Downloads

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I would normally post something like this in the team member's forum, but there's very little feedback there and this is something that would affect everyone, so I'm putting it here and asking for any ideas or opinions you might have.

This April Fools, a selection of odd magazines were added to the site, mainly as a joke.  They're currently in the Downloads section in the "Supplements & Misc" category under "miscellaneous magazines."

I'd like to add some non-gaming scans, but the organization as it is now is a bit wanting.  First of all, I don't care for the main heading of "Supplements & Misc."  Supplements of any particular gaming mag should be a subcategory of that gaming mag.  And as matter of fact, they already are - so having "supplements" in the title of this category is misleading.

Current subcategories of "Supplements & Misc" are "Miscellaneous Magazines," the category under which all of April 1st's files were uploaded, and the aborted "Searchable PDF Program."  Assuming "Supplements" is removed from the "Supplements & Misc" root category, that would leave a "Misc" category with "Miscellaneous Magazines" as its only real subcategory (since the searchable PDF thing was just an experiment that didn't quite pan out).  Seems a bit redundant, maybe?

At any rate, within the "Miscellaneous Magazines" folder, we currently have all of April 1st's mags lumped together.  I would of course be creating new title-specific folders for whatever I scan, since it would be more than one random issue of a given title being uploaded.  It's not so much those as-yet-uncreated-title-specific folders I'm concerned with, but rather how the parent folders discussed above should best be organized.  Any thoughts?

Also, I'm assuming that for non-gaming mags, we will not need to be creating any databases?  Would the same also apply to cover galleries, or would there be any reason/interest in having larger-than-thumnail sized covers available?

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