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I have some various Japanese guidebooks and other material on my HDD, so I figured I'd upload them somewhere. As far as I can tell, these aren't anywhere on archive or other sites.

Silent Hill Perfect Navigation Book

1999 Guidebook by Famitsu for the game Silent Hill. Konami themselves produced several official guidebooks for the game. The scan quality of this is unfortunately rather poor, but it's mostly readable. If anyone comes across another copy of this, please re-scan it.


Akumajou Dracula All

1991 Guidebook by the magazine Hippon Super for the 1991 "Super Castlevania IV" (known in Japan as "Akumajou Dracula", the same title as the first game in the series). I believe this guide features original artwork exclusive to this guide book. Correct me if I'm wrong on this.



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None of these were scanned by me, but as far as I know none of these are on Archive.

1.Street Fighter Collection Official Guidebook: The Ultimate Arts

Capcom's Official Guidebook for their 1997 PS/SS ports of Street Fighter II.

2.Die Welt Von Panzer Dragoon Zwei

Artbook for Panzer Dragoon Zwei.

3.Final Fantasy III Volume 3 Complete Capture Edition

Square Guidebook for FFIII. The one for the Famicom. Not quite sure if the title refers to this being the 3rd guide for the game, or the third guide in the series (with guides 1-2 being for the first two games).

4.Final Fantasy I + II Offical Complete Guide

Famitsu guidebooks for the PS versions of FF1-2.
Artbook for the 1994 Final Fantasy Anime. Yes, it got one, and it's pretty forgettable.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Been uploading a lot of Gamest material. Mook means "Magazine book", and the GM series was a line of strategy guides.  Here's a site which lists all of them, there are 197 in the main line, and several more in the Plus line.

None of these were scanned by me, it's just stuff I've been finding but as far as I can tell isn't on archive.org.

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  • 9 months later...

Here is yet another Gamest Mook that I found, this time for R-Type Delta. That's the good news. The bad news is that when scanned it cuts off a sizeable amount of text near the bindings as shown with the two-page spreads (the "Y" and "P" are almost gone). This affects the interview near the end of the mook. Unfortunately this means the whole thing will have to be re-scanned. But it's better than nothing I guess.



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Looks like they didn't debind the mag and then just cropped the hell out of it to hide the page curvature at the center...as if that was somehow preferable.

Either that or they DID debind it using a cutter and misjudged the location of the spine by a couple of inches.😆

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news:

There's someone scanning and uploading Silent Hill Japanese guidebooks. The version of Perfect Navigation File that I uploaded was some really sloppy scan where they just threw it into the scanner without unbinding it so I'm glad someone re-scanned it. They are uploading the raw .tiff images and then cleaning them up and uploading as .pdf. I've left a message explaining how cbr/cbz is a better format.




Bad news:

I don't know who Sketch the Cow is but they upload a lot of files but  they upload downscaled files sometimes. So first they uploaded the same R-Type Delta guidebook, but it's 80MB rather than the original size and they messed up the title! "R-Type Official Guidebook Gamemezz EX69". "Gamenezz" must be some kind of mangling of "gamest" More blatant is the Wizardy Gaiden 2 book I uploaded. My copy is 198 MB and I got it right from the original scanner's source. His copy is just 14 MB.

I think he's getting this stuff from places and they're using some kind of bot to mass download and then downscale files for efficiency. Problem is that sometimes they're the only person that I can find that has certain files. Are those the original files or are they downscaled copies? And I really don't know. A lot of the stuff I get is from Japanese language manga sites and they always make sure to upload the original unaltered files.

A few Guides that seem exclusive to them:





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  • 4 weeks later...

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