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Go! Magazine


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I spotted a collection of English magazines called Go! (subtitle: Hand-Held Video Games, published in early 1990s) in a local consignment store. The mags were rather expensive, so I'm not sure if I should buy them.

The thing is, I can't find any information about the mag. And with such a simple name, I can't even figure out if those have already been scanned...? There's a few on eBay (search for 'go magazine hand-held'). What exactly is this mag? It has a low page count, and evidently it was free but was published for over 20 issues. Seems to be an UK mag since the only issues listed on eBay are located there.

Does anyone happen to know if this mag has already been scanned? ...if not, are they worth scanning?

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  On 8/28/2019 at 11:00 AM, Zaltys said:

Does anyone happen to know if this mag has already been scanned? ...if not, are they worth scanning?


Those are free supplements included with issues of Computer and Video Games.  Some (not all) issues have been scanned and are available at The Internet Archive, though they are usually included in the same PDF as the C&VG issue rather than listed separately.

That said, the scans of C&VG at the Internet Archive are sort of crap quality, so if someone wanted to create nice new scans, it wouldn't be a complete waste of time.

@KiwiArcader may have some at his site, but I can't confirm, since he hasn't finished reuploading his issues of C&VG to the new site yet.

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Okay, thanks. Not worth the price the seller was asking for them, then. Except for possible missing issues, but trying to figure out which ones are missing seems problematic.

I own some issues of C+VG itself, but I don't remember ever seeing this supplement. I was buying the mag regularly in 1990-1991, so maybe the newsagents weren't bundling it over here in Finland... or maybe Go! was subscriber-only?  

Re-scans are usually low on my priority list, but if I ever get the other stuff out of the way I'll re-scan some of early 90s C+VG. The few that are in scannable condition, anyway: for some reason, many are missing covers but are in otherwise pristine condition. Not sure how that happened, probably a bad habit of picking up mags by cover as a kid and these seem to have been more fragile than a lot of other mags.

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I have 183 issues of CVG scanned over at OGM but as kitsunebi77 said, I haven't managed to get them uploaded to the site after migrating it back onto a web-hosting service.Some are really good quality, a lot are not as good but still better than Mort's scans. Part of this is to do with the scanning method and part to do with the age of the magazines at the time of scanning. Later issues were printed on cheap, thin type newsprint and are pretty fragile and depending on their storage life/previous owners handling etc haven't stood the test of time all that well. But it is what it is and anything that is readable is fine until such time as someone can scan a better quality version. Given the lack of people prepared to make such effort we make do with what we have.

On a personal note I also have most issues between issues 13 and 75 which are not yet scanned and are in nice condition so they will make for great scans at some point.

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