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New Release - Famitsu Issue 0054 (July 29, 1988)


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41 minutes ago, Ethereal Dragonz said:

Hell yeah 😁

Just hell, really. 😩 If you look at the dates of the jpg files, you can see that this mag was scanned 4 months ago (along with some others still yet to be edited) and edited very infrequently off and on in the intervening months.  Lately it's just too hard to justify wasting my free time editing mags I don't really have much interest in in the first place. 

What I need is my very own alternate version of Melki - but instead of being obsessed with Gamepro, it would be someone with a passion for Japanese mags that's willing to edit whatever I throw at them.  And then if we ever get the cash to pay for the mod allowing scanners and donators to receive thanks, I'd be able to churn out the scans. (Not on a daily basis like E-Day, but I'm positive I could manage one per week, no problem, if all I have to do is debind and scan).  But there are so many unlikely what-ifs in that scenario that I don't expect it will ever come to be, unfortunately.


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18 hours ago, kitsunebi77 said:

What I need is my very own alternate version of Melki - but instead of being obsessed with GamePro, it would be someone with a passion for Japanese mags that's willing to edit whatever I throw at them.  

I'm willing to give this a shot. My interest in Japanese magazines is more academic than nostalgic, so I'll happily give some of my time to have more of them up, and I'm not particular about which ones. I have an Adobe CC subscription and a powerful machine, so I'm good on this front, but I've never done editing before so I'd need some initial guidance. I'm not a total newbie on image manipulation, though, so it won't be a lot.

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4 hours ago, orenronen said:

I'm willing to give this a shot. My interest in Japanese magazines is more academic than nostalgic, so I'll happily give some of my time to have more of them up, and I'm not particular about which ones. I have an Adobe CC subscription and a powerful machine, so I'm good on this front, but I've never done editing before so I'd need some initial guidance. I'm not a total newbie on image manipulation, though, so it won't be a lot.

Awesome, a volunteer!  You might decide after having 300 pages of Dengeki PlayStation or what have you dropped into your lap that editing isn't something you want to do after all, but we've at least got a tentative "I'll give it a shot" on record. 

Of course, I'm still waiting for a system to be put in place where the scanner and donator can receive thanks, not just the editor.  It may seem like a petty thing, but anyone who spends their time and money scanning and editing magazines is grateful for every "like" or thank you they receive - and if they say otherwise, they're lying.  If I ever went to the trouble to scan and edit a mag and it didn't get a single sign of appreciation, that would be the last scan I ever released, I promise you.  So call it vanity, call it what you like, but I'm not really going to feel like wasting my free time debinding and scanning mags until there is a system in place where I can at least be thanked for my time and money spent (and for donating my magazine collection to the garbage bin in the process - because let's face it, if a scanner is scanning their own collection, they're also technically a donator.)

But anyway, let's suppose we get such a modification to the software paid for, and scanners and donators are finally able to receive the thanks they deserve (has anyone thanked ccovell for donating the Famitsu at the top of this thread? Nope.  And hitting "like" only gives rep to me (as the editor), which is just rude, really.)   But supposing all of that, in regards to your concerns about editing, most pages are simple matters of (maybe) straightening and setting up an action which will take care of level adjustments, brightness, colors, etc (as needed) with a single button press.  Front/back covers and inside front/back covers take more time and Photoshop skill since they are almost always damaged in some way, so things like the content aware fill tool and clone stamp will need to be used to erase scratches, creases, stains, rips/tears, and sometimes even missing chunks of the page.  And my scans are edge-to-edge scans of the entire page (unlike most of the scans released here which have the gutter side of each page chopped off with a paper slicer), so the gutter side will also need a bit of attention, in particular any pages (such as ads) where an image stretches across both facing pages.  On scans where the gutter side of the page has been chopped off during debinding, there's no point in trying to join images, since too much of the page got cut off (and thus was never scanned) for the image to be joined in a way that doesn't look terrible.  But with my scans, two-page spread pages can and should be joined, so those pages would require more time and effort than others.


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3 hours ago, orenronen said:

Getting likes (or any credit at all, really) is the least of my concerns (I understand and support your thoughts on the subject, though), so if you have something already scanned we can use as a test case send it my way and I'll give it a try.

LOL, well, as editor, you'd have no cause to be concerned, since as it stands currently, you'd be the only one to receive any likes.

You're not the only one who doesn't care much about credit - Phillyman has never edited a single magazine during the entire time I've been a member of this site, and thus has never received a single thanks for the mags he's scanned during that time (not sure how many, but it's in the triple digits.)  Obviously, if he was concerned about being denied his deserved likes, we would have had something done about it by now.  But it is somewhat of a tricky issue, since the site's software can't handle it natively, and so fixing it so that everyone who deserves credit for contributing scans is able to receive it will require paying a software programmer to create a mod for the site.

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