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"Partial" Issues


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Some magazines have not (yet) been scanned in their entirety (or at least the scan is not publicly available), but sometimes individual articles have been scanned by different people for different purposes.


For the last several years, I have been collecting scans of miscellaneous pages from gaming magazines where the full version is unavailable. These have been scraped from a wide variety of places (websites, message board postings, etc.). Presently they exist only as an organized collection of scanned pages, but I am considering creating more easily handled PDF files. I would be doing this entirely for my own use, but I wonder:

1) Is it worth uploading these partial/incomplete issues somewhere? 

I would think that having access to some of the issues' content is better than no access at all.  


2) If so, where?

I have encountered at least one example on archive.org where only the first 20 (or so) pages of a magazine were scanned; nothing further. This was annoying because there was nothing in the description to indicate that the issue was incomplete. 


Any thoughts?

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We have a gallery here that could be used to store the pages until the respective issue is scanned. As a member you should be able to upload images and create a new folder for yours in the "Members Albums" area of the Gallery. If you can't create your own album, let me know and I'll make one for you to use. :)


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I don't think posting bunches of single-page scans to a gallery folder is what they have in mind.  As was stated earlier, they're considering sharing the incomplete scans as PDFs someplace (as such, not at Retromags.)

I have personal feelings about what constitutes an incomplete scan and it isn't the same thing as "some scanned pages."  If there are pages missing but the end result still resembles a magazine, then it's incomplete.  If all that is available are a few pages covering a single game or what have you, that isn't an incomplete magazine, it's just an article scan.

I think incomplete mags are worth sharing.  Hell, publishers SELL incomplete mags whenever they release digital PDFs that have the advertisements removed.

Article scans are better left in the places that suit them, in my opinion.  For example, let's say someone scans an article about Sonic the Hedgehog for a Sonic fansite.  That makes total sense, and the impetus for most article scans is something quite similar.  But taking a bunch of random articles and bundling them into PDFs isn't something that appeals to me personally.

That's just me though.  Others might be grateful for whatever they can get, who knows?

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I view these "partial" issues as a placeholder. Obviously, people would like to have full and complete issues, but a partial issue will serve until the full issue can be scanned. That is how I organize my (personal) files -- for missing scans, I gather together whatever content I can find from those issues. If I eventually acquire the whole issue, then the random pages become redundant.


Obviously for some issues, there are only one or two pages available. That is not worth creating a PDF, but what about 15 or 20 pages that include multiple different articles?

For example, source A scans articles relating to Sonic games, source B scans reviews of PS 2 RPGs,  source C scans all of the articles by a favourite columnist, and source D scans random advertisements. Organizing this content by its original source allows one to reconstruct a  magazine that has not been scanned in its entirety; it is imperfect but it is better than having nothing. 


I have not yet created an example; I shall do so and see what feedback I receive. 

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I'm with kitsunebi77 on this particular issue as far as OGM is concerned. There are a couple of factors in which I allow an incomplete magazine to be added to the download pool:

  1. Page/s missing due to it being removed by the original owner and where no other digital copy is available on another site that I can use to replace the missing page/s in question. In this instance I will make the magazine available as something is better than nothing and at some point someone may come along and who has the ability to scan the missing pages. This may include covers or posters in the center of the issue.
  2.  Pages with pieces cut out - same conditions apply as per above. Where the missing portion might include advertising, say on the reverse page, I try to locate another magazine issue with the advert in question to at the very least minimize the missing content

Both of the above are conditional on not having a significant amount of missing content. For example, missing four pages of a double sided poster are not the same as missing four pages of article content. Even missing the advertising content like publishers seem to do with their digital releases is abhorrent to me so I would not entertain your idea of having a PDF made up purely of some articles being made available on the site. My reason is that sites OGM are trying to preserve magazines for future generations to enjoy and to my mind preservation means the full magazine issue and not just bits and pieces.

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