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Hi, I'm new, and time is a bit short, so I hope I'm posting in the right place.

I'd like to have a copy or scan of S.W.A.T. Pro July 1995, and it's currently missing from the site. The only copy I can find for sale is on eBay. The price is great, but shipping to Canada is about $40 (it's ~$3 to the States). If somebody was interested, I'd be happy to buy it and have it sent to someone, provided it would get scanned fairly quickly.

I feel like that would not only save me the shipping money, but also the cost of sending it to 1dollarScan or whatever to have it scanned.

Is that an arrangement that can be made here?

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DISCLAIMER: Retromags cannot guarantee that any magazine donated to any particular individual will be scanned/edited in a timely manner, or even at all.  All donations are private negotiations between donor and donatee and the donor accepts all risks involved.  It may behoove potential donors to consider any donatee's previous history of accepting and following through on releasing previous donations, in what timeframe as well as in what quality if that is a concern, but this is still not a guarantee that future transactions will be treated similarly.

OK, now that that unpleasantness has been said, have at it kids! Donate away! (Just don't send anything to me - I've got more than enough already).

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Just received  Vanguards Swatpro. It is in beautiful condition the pages are nice and crisp. It has all the inserts too!  Its a shame i'll have too unbind it.  😞

Now if you excuse me I'll need to peel off the Electronics Boutique sticker on the cover. 😂

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19 hours ago, MigJmz said:

Just received  Vanguards Swatpro. It is in beautiful condition the pages are nice and crisp. It has all the inserts too!  Its a shame i'll have too unbind it.  😞

Now if you excuse me I'll need to peel off the Electronics Boutique sticker on the cover. 😂

Don't! I already scanned that issue!

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5 minutes ago, E-Day said:

Don't! I already scanned that issue!

Where were you when this thread started, before the poor guy bought the issue on eBay and shipped it internationally???😫😅

EDIT- actually, I guess he just had the eBay seller ship it direct to MigJmz, but still...what a waste of money.

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2 minutes ago, kitsunebi77 said:

Where were you when this thread started, before the poor guy bought the issue on eBay and shipped it internationally???😫😅

Unfortunately busy, otherwise I would have intervened! If MigJmz already destroyed the issue, I told him in a private message that I would give him my scan files and he could take the credit for everything. I have it scanned but not edited yet (it was next on my list).

It's also reminded me to update the thread I started to avoid situations just like this!

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12 minutes ago, E-Day said:

Unfortunately busy, otherwise I would have intervened! If MigJmz already destroyed the issue, I told him in a private message that I would give him my scan files and he could take the credit for everything. I have it scanned but not edited yet (it was next on my list).

It's also reminded me to update the thread I started to avoid situations just like this!

I'd like to point out that if I was a visitor to the site, I would have no idea that there was a "E-Day already scanned this stuff" thread in the forum.  However, I MIGHT be more likely to look up the issue in question in our database.  And every issue in the database has a handy drop down status that can be flagged as "scanning" or "editing," to let people know that those issues are on the way so no one else wastes any time or money on them.  I'd make using that feature priority one, followed by your thread.

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40 minutes ago, E-Day said:

If MigJmz already destroyed the issue, I told him in a private message that I would give him my scan files and he could take the credit for everything. I have it scanned but not edited yet (it was next on my list).

This is another example of why we need a mod that allows people other than the editor to receive reputation credit.  You allowing Migjmz to take credit for the scan is nice, but as editor, he'd receive all of the credit and thanks/likes, anyway.  Meanwhile, neither the guy who donated that issue to you nor the guy who donated that issue to MigJmz will receive any reputation/thanks/likes at all (regardless of whose actual donation gets scanned and released).

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5 minutes ago, E-Day said:

The problem with flagging stuff is that it might be a very long time before the flagged items get scanned. We've had that problem before too. 

No no.  The flags I'm talking about are "scanning" (which you only flag once something is being scanned, or in the case of someone using an ADF and can finish quickly, has already been scanned), or "editing" which is kind of unnecessary, but would be flagged after something has been scanned.

We did away with the pointless tag of "owned" or "acquired" or whatever it was.  Which just indicated that some member of the site had the issue - not that they had any immediate plans to scan it.  Justly excised from the site.

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In my case, when I scan a mag, I debind and scan it in the same day, but it may take months to finally get around to editing the entire thing.  So for me, I wouldn't bother marking the "scanning" button, since the time between "unscanned" and "editing" is so brief.  Myself and others using ADF scanners (like you, I assume) would really only need the "editing" button.

Someone scanning on a flatbed that may take multiple days or longer to finish may want to use the "scanning" button during that time, followed by the "editing" button once finished.

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3 hours ago, kitsunebi77 said:

In my case, when I scan a mag, I debind and scan it in the same day, but it may take months to finally get around to editing the entire thing.  So for me, I wouldn't bother marking the "scanning" button, since the time between "unscanned" and "editing" is so brief.  Myself and others using ADF scanners (like you, I assume) would really only need the "editing" button.

Someone scanning on a flatbed that may take multiple days or longer to finish may want to use the "scanning" button during that time, followed by the "editing" button once finished.

The thing is, a lot of the items I have prepped for scanning don't exist in the database yet (Strategy Guides), and at night I don't feel like spending my time creating entries in the database so that I can mark them as scanning when I could actually be scanning or editing. Maybe I can do it from work when I have some down time or something.

But for the other stuff I already have scanned (and edited), I will change their status in the database tonight.

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D'oh! I'm glad I didn't pay for shipping to Canada! I'm not bothered by the cost at all - it was a cost I was prepared to spend as soon as I saw it wasn't available on Archive.org or here - and getting help from you guys beat the heck out of shipping it internationally, only to have to send it back to the States for scanning.

I don't need a physical copy, but I appreciate the offer; I really just wanted the content for research purposes. I'm working on a remake of Quarantine and wanted the walkthrough for some of the mission info. Also, I had actually originally bought it as a kid for the walkthough of Myst, and was captivated by a lot of the other games mentioned, so I figured it'd be a fun little trip down memory lane.

I guess this can be a lesson to keep on top of updating documentation and statuses on the site - the issue just said "Missing" so I figured I'd provide one. There was only a day and a half left on the auction so I couldn't spend too much time figuring out the best plan, and just pulled the trigger. Maybe there needs to be a more formal submission/donation system? I know that might represent a big logistical issue but if it's feasible it may help in the future.

In any case, thanks to everyone who helped with this. I had no idea there was such a big community around this sort of thing but it's awesome that there is. I really only came here for that one scan but I may fall down a rabbit hole of all the Nintendo Power magazines I used to have as a kid.

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I'll just have to start marking entries in the database as "Scanning" once I am ready to process a batch of magazines. Updating a thread is easier, but not everyone will think about looking for a thread on the topic. They'll most likely first see the database and the status there.

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I had noticed a few "What's In Progress" type threads, but I hadn't noticed the one I was looking for. Of course, SWATPro is a bit of a difficult thing to search, as it can be written several different ways (S.W.A.T. pro, SWATPro, SWAT pro, etc). The most effective in my opinion, and as someone new to the site, would be the progress indicator in the database.

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