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Are we allowed to upload Video Game Comic Book scans?


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Not "sure."  Not exactly.

The easy answer is that comic book scans are NOT allowed at Retromags.  This is because most comic book publishers offer their back catalog of comics in either trade collections, digital format, or both.  The bottom line is that most comics, even those dating back 80 years and more, are still available to purchase from the publisher in some way or another, and thus are not permitted here.

In this particular case, however, you're talking about a promotional comic that was never actually sold, nor has it been reprinted since, to my knowledge. 


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Btw, we may not allow them here, but pretty much every Mortal Kombat comic ever has already been scanned and are available at a number of places.  I personally recommend this site:


Not sure about the quality of those - they aren't my cup of tea.  But for anyone interested...

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The promo Mortal Kombat comic there is a low res scan and the Mortal Kombat II promo comic they have looks like butt, it has a severe moire pattern on it because the idiot that scanned it didnt low pass filter it before scaling the scan down to the low resolution it is in. But thanks for pointing me to that, it is an incredible collection.

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2 hours ago, MkMoveList said:

The promo Mortal Kombat comic there is a low res scan and the Mortal Kombat II promo comic they have looks like butt, it has a severe moire pattern on it because the idiot that scanned it didnt low pass filter it before scaling the scan down to the low resolution it is in. But thanks for pointing me to that, it is an incredible collection.

Yeah, I never said the MK scans were any good, just that they exist.  You've got to remember, those MK comics are both old and (no offense) godawful, so they were likely scanned years and years ago when comic scanning was in its infancy (thus low res/low quality) and there has been no interest in re-scanning them because comic fans have no real interest them.

Mortal Kombat fans, however, would be interested in better scans, regardless whether or not the comics themselves are any good, so any re-scans of MK comics will likely come from video game fans, not comic scanners.  Indeed, there are very few people left who scan printed comics at all, since most everything these days is just digitally ripped.  But again, bad/unpopular comics from years past have less of a chance of being released digitally, and licensed ones like these where the publisher no longer owns the rights to the property are almost certainly never going to be released digitally.  So a new scan from a MK fan is likely the only way we'll ever see an improvement released.

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