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Spring cleaning - ~30 Tips & Tricks mags looking for a home


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Basically what it says on the tin. Loved the mag but times are ruff and housing space is ruffer, so these have to go. Not sure if these are in anyone's stash or queue (from 97 to 00, ) Would be willing to ship from California at cost (or entertain someone willing to pick them up in Vallejo).

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2 hours ago, MigJmz said:

not sure which ones E-day have done or will do but what are the condition of these mags?

Don't you know by now that E-Day has already done ALL the mags?😉

Seriously though.  I think maybe he has done them all.  I came across an American mag in my closet, checked all of the E-Day threads to see if he was working on it, and found a post from 4 months ago saying it had already been scanned and edited.  It still hasn't been released, though, so who knows how many completed files are just sitting around waiting to get uploaded.

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Again, I suggest addressing this to E-Day personally.  He sometimes doesn't read forum posts like this, which results in people donating or scanning mags he's already got in the pipeline.  Best to be safe and PM him to find out how many of those mags he's already scanned before worrying about what to do with the rest.

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Fired off a PM to E-Day, based on the reply I'll go down my list of priorities. Sorry for the delays but work has me spending all but 2 of my waking hours at home (which is eaten up by things like showers and meal prep and dragging myself out of a warm bed)

I'm curious though Chris - how big is your collection and why is Jul 2000 the sole nonsurvivor? x3

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I was the editor in chief of Tips & Tricks; I worked on every issue! I brought home at least one or two copies every month - not just as a memento, but also because my son enjoyed reading it. When the magazine folded, I grabbed a few boxes of back issues from the office and brought them home. I also had my dad on the complimentary subscription list for almost the entire 150-issue run, and I recently reacquired almost all of the magazines I sent him over the years, because they were sitting there in a box and my mom wanted to get them out of their house.

And somehow, despite all that, I currently don't have a copy of the July 2000 issue (#65). I have no idea why. (Last night I discovered that #90 is also missing, but I'm pretty sure I have a copy of that one around here somewhere, because I remember looking at the Urban Yeti strategy guide a couple months ago. :D )

If you're willing to send me just that one issue, I can Paypal you some $$. Let me know!


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holup you're THAT Chris B? shiiii

I was a huge gamer as a kid and T&T was the only mag I subbed to. NP and GP and the rest just didn't strike the same chord with me.

Def part of it was reading those blurbs someone wrote in the power up section. One of the fav games listed there for you was Space Channel 5; fiancee ended up cosplaying Ulala lastyear at Fanime (we did a few others but Ulala didn't make it onto Twitter:



So yeah, I'm nerding out hard that I got a reply from you haha. DM me an addy and I'll mail it over when I can!



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7 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

Awesome, thank you!

I have a folder with scans of the covers of the first 100 issues; if somebody could explain to me how to get them into the database, I'd be happy to fill in the blanks.

Sure.  Mouse over the image you uploaded.  See that number in the url?  That's the image number.  Go to that issue's database entry and click edit.  Put the image number in the box labeled "Single Cover Image."  Save, and you're done.

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