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Got a bunch of old magazines...


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Hey all, been a browser of Retromags for a long time, but never really posted anything here. Doing so today because I'm in the process of moving and I'm finding that I have a fair number of magazines that appear to be missing from this database. Unfortunately, I do not currently have the time or equipment to scan them in, and I'm not in a position to bring them with me when I move. I really hate to get rid of anything that the community might be missing, but I'm not too sure that there are any options available to me at this point. Can anyone offer any advice here? Very much appreciate any thoughtful responses.

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Absolutely! We're always interested in donations from people who can't scan themselves. We only have a few active scanners at the moment (I'm more of the database admin and general forum moderator), but your best bet would be to reach out to @E-Day by sending him a PM with the information on the issues you have. He's working his way through a massive donation that came in last year, so he'll be able to cross-reference what he already has with what still needs to be scanned. If what you've got fills in some gaps, and you're willing to ship them out (the USPS Medium Flat-Rate boxes work best for this, since magazines are heavy and its the most economical way to ship heavy things), we can go from there. :)

Even if you have material we already have archived, it's not the end of the world. Some of the scans on this site came from rough or incomplete magazines, or are several years old and in need of an update, so don't assume that just because we already have a copy, we couldn't use on in better condition. :)

Thanks for reaching out! Good luck with your move, and if there's anything else we can help with, just let us know. Otherwise, enjoy your time here and thanks for being awesome! :)

Areala :angel: 

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1 minute ago, daemonZ said:

Oh awesome, that makes me really happy - I hate get rid of these things! I'll get my catalog together and reach out. Thank you for the super fast response and also for the awesome site!

My pleasure! And you're welcome, although I don't really do all that much around here except index the occasional magazine and upload cover images (which I've been busy working on for most of the day today). @Phillyman and @E-Day are the owner and second-in-command -- the place exists because of their hard work. I'm the one who goes around filling potholes. ;)

Areala :angel: 

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