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6-film Star Wars Anniversary Dvd Box Set Planned


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For the Star Wars fans out there...

The Digital Bits' rumor mill recently reported that Lucasfilm is planning a box set for release next year that will contain all 6 Star Wars movies. This will correspond with the 25th anniversary of the first Star Wars (later re-titled "Episode IV: A New Hope"). As you might expect from Lucas, further revisions will probably be made to the films. You can read more about this HERE.

As usual, I have mixed feelings about this release. Lucas can't seem to leave his films alone and he won't release a good quality DVD of the original original trilogy (sans all the new effects). On the other hand, I have been looking forward to the 6 movie mega-box for years. One cool thing is that the box is supposed to contain a lot of cool extras that have previously been held back. Unless you unquestioningly love everything that Lucas does with these films, I'd suggest waiting for details on this release before getting too excited.

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I'm done buying Star Wars movies after the disappointing DVD original trilogy with BunchaCrap?

Sorry to say it, but Lucas has lost his touch and shouldn't hack up the original trilogy which he made at a time when the circulation to his head was pristine.

The prequel trilogy was a flop and I don't want to see elements from it in the originals anymore than I would want to see Zelda Animated Series or CDI scenes while playing Zelda 1. In this case it's far worse, it's canonical and no amount of re-releases will make Star Wars seem cool to me again. :@

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In response to gameguy: It probably won't be priced at $200. I would imagine that the price point will be closer to $100-$130. The six movie/two TV series/14 disc ultimate Planet of the Apes box set that came in a big replica ape head sold for around $120 (I picked it up for $85 B) ) so I can't imagine that the price of the Star Wars set would be higher than that since it will likely have less material as well as a wider market.

As far as the issue of rereleases goes, ideally, a high quality product will be released to begin with. Sometimes rereleases are a good thing. Technology advances and therefore allows for better picture and sound on more modern releases. Also, extra bonus material that was not included on previous releases can be added for a rerelease of a film. One of the best examples of a quality rerelease is the Criterion edition of Dazed and Confused. Universal released this film on DVD back in 1998 when the DVD format was young. The picture was non-anamorphic widescreen, the transfer was decent, the sound was Dolby Surround (2.0) and there were no extras. Later Universal rereleased it with improved picture (anamorphic; new transfer) and Dolby 5.1/DTS 5.1 sound along with a few paltry extras. This version was dubbed the "Flashback Edition" and it wasn't really that great of a rerelease. Finally, Criterion cane along and released an AMAZING 2 disc DVD set with a spiffy new anamoprphic transfer that was made under the supervision of the director, excellent sound (Dolby 5.1 and DTS), and a wealth of bonus material including a great commentary by the director, deleted scenes, out takes, production notes, and cool new packaging. I'd take the Criterion release any day, even over the barebones hi-def version that Universal has planned for the not too distant future.

With the original Star Wars trilogy, I just want a good quality version without the crappy new effects. I refused to buy the compromised version that was originally released in 2004 and I refuse to buy the discs that were released yesterday that have a poor quality transfer of the original films included as a "bonus". I also didn't buy episode 3 because I'm waiting for the big box to eventually be released. As a collector, I love comprehensive box sets and I love quality so I'll wait and wee what happens with the big set when it finally comes out. I may just cave in and buy the compromised versions or I may stick to my guns and resist the power of the dark side. Since Lucas hasn't recieved ny of my money foir these films yet, I won't feel bad about finally buying them when an acceptable release comes along.

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