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Pokemon vs. Teletubbies Comic


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Hey guys,

I'm trying to track down a satirical comic strip that I saw in a magazine when I was a little kid, that is to say, the late '90s. I recall it being one of those unofficial magazines like Pojo or Beckett. It was aptly titled "Pokemon vs the Teletubbies". It starts w/ the Teletubbies frolicking through a flower field, only to get attacked by Pikachu, Charmander, and either Bulbasaur or Squirtle. They seem to be inflicting great injury upon them, but then the Teletubbies retaliate by driving them insane with a song from the kids on their tummy screens. The speech bubble for the song read: "Ten little children sitting on a bench..." Suddenly, the narrator draws attention to the fact that the battle is three on four and explains that the 4th Pokemon just made a late entry; Onix, who falls onto the Teletubbies and squashes them into paste. Pikachu and company then scrape the paste into Poke Balls as to seal the Teletubbies away so they can never drive anybody insane again. I vividly remember this strip and found it quite humorous at the time, but I've had zero luck finding any mention of it anywhere. Any ideas as to what magazine it might have been in or where I could find it?

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