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Missing Mags Series


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Hi guys, i've been doing research for quite some time on coverdisc demos. I wanted to share some info about series this site is missing.


  • "PlayStation Magazine" ran for Issues 1-47 in France (example).
  • Starting with Issue 48, the magazine was rebranded as "PlayStation 2 Le Magazine Officiel". Presuming that the magazine ran until March 2007 (when it was rebranded), that would have likely put it at a final Issue of #95. Note: Demo Disc # and Issue # packaged together don't match, they restarted the demo numbering with PS2 demos while continuing the issue numbering since it was a PS1 magazine.
  • "PlayStation Le Magazine Officiel" which started as an Issue #1 in April 2007. I don't know when this magazine series ended or it could still be going on to current times.

Denmark: PlayStation 2 Officielt Dansk Magasin was released. Not sure of the Issue info.

Benelux: "PlayStation 2 Officieel Nederlandstalig Magazine" ran for at least 80 issues.


  • "Das Offizielle Playstation-Magazin" was released promoting PS1, probably ended when the ps2 magazine started
  • "Das Offizielle PlayStation 2" ran from "01/2001" to at least "04/2007"

Italy: "PlayStation 2 Magazine Ufficiale Italia" ran for 60 issues, possibly some special issues additionally.

Russia: "PlayStation 2 Official Magazine Россия: Гоночный" was released.

Portugal: "PlayStation 2 Revista Oficial" ran for at least 54 issues starting on 2002-10


  • "PlayStation 2 Revista Oficial - España" ran for 80 issues before it was rebranded:
  • "PlayStation Revista Oficial - España" started it's run at Issue #81


That covers PS2 magazines for all of Europe with a couple other mentions.

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Ammendum - the Russian magazine is called:  "PlayStation 2 Official Magazine Россия", i accidentally left an extra word in the above post.

If you add these above in, I can give you more details on the Xbox series magazines which I researched equally as well.

Thanks for all your hard work.

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