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Game collection value


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1 hour ago, twiztor said:

well at least you've got Madden '04 to balance out the value. 🤣

I don't seek out individual sports or racing games (they're my least-favorite genre) unless they have something unique or interesting to offer. A good example of this is Pete Sampras Tennis on the Genesis, which offers four-player play through two controller hookups wired directly into the cartridge (the only game on the Genesis to do this, as far as I'm aware).

Most of the other sports and driving titles, especially the likes of Madden or other EA franchise games, I wound up with because they came as part of a lot. Some I even have multiple copies of because of this. I don't want to just throw them away, but they also have zero sale or trade value to places that deal in retro games, so I'm kind of just stuck with them. Oh well...there are worse problems to have, and at least if I ever get in the mood to play an NFL game, I have Madden '04 to keep me company. :)

Areala :angel:

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2 hours ago, Rando1975 said:

And maybe I'm remembering wrong, but didn't Madden '98 come out on Genesis and Super NES even though the Saturn, PlayStation and possibly the N64 were out?

Yup. So did NHL 98 & NBA Live 98. Simple to just update the rosters and keep pushing those sports games out. That was, and still is, the EA Way.

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13 hours ago, Areala said:

 I don't want to just throw them away, but they also have zero sale or trade value to places that deal in retro games, so I'm kind of just stuck with them.


My solution to unwanted games is to donate them to Goodwill -- that  is where their endless inventory of sports and music games comes from. Even if they eventually get recycled/landfilled, you at least gave someone else a chance to acquire them.


There is a Goodwill donation depot close to my neighbourhood, and I regularly donate books that I have read, clothing that does not fit anymore, surplus coffee mugs, etc. I spent much of Summer 2020 clearing my closets and cupboards and most of it was donated. It is a very liberating feeling.


On the other hand, nobody is getting my JRPG collection -- though I would consider a trade for a light-duty pickup truck... 

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