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Unpopular Gaming Opinions: Air Your Grievances Here!


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Everybody's got one: an opinion that runs completely counter to prevailing gaming wisdom. Whether you love a game that sucks, think a beloved classic deserves to be knocked down a peg or two, or earnestly believe the Atari Jaguar deserved to win the console wars, step up to the mic, take your unpopular position, and defend it like you've just been digitized into the sequel to Shaq-Fu. :)

Hey, who knows? Maybe you'll discover your opinion isn't that unpopular after all... ;)

Since it's hardly fair to post a question and not answer it myself, I hereby submit one of your Retromags Goddess's very own unpopular opinions: Killzone 2 is the most godawful piece of garbage console FPS I've ever played in my life. Seriously, beyond the graphics (which are quite good, and were phenomenal for 2009), everything about this game just feels like a chore: the controls are beyond terrible, the AI is ridiculous, and the story is almost non-existent. 

If you like Killzone 2, lose my number, m'kay? ;)

There, I feel much better now.

Your turn.

Areala :angel:

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On 7/30/2021 at 8:39 PM, Areala said:

Everybody's got one: an opinion that runs completely counter to prevailing gaming wisdom. Whether you love a game that sucks, think a beloved classic deserves to be knocked down a peg or two, or earnestly believe the Atari Jaguar deserved to win the console wars, step up to the mic, take your unpopular position, and defend it like you've just been digitized into the sequel to Shaq-Fu. :)

Here's a few minor beliefs:

Donkey Kong Country, without Donkey Kong himself, is not worth playing. I know, DKC2 is regarded as the better game, but if i can't play as the titular character, why bother? 

Bomberman, while popular, should have always been one of the stalwarts of a video game console. i have NEVER played a multiplayer Bomberman session that didn't result in EVERY SINGLE PERSON having an absolute blast. Bomberman should be a pop culture icon and regarded as one of the greatest video game icons of all time.

Captain N: The Game Master was an excellent cartoon and it should have a bigger impact on Nintendo culture. I would shell out big bucks for a Captain N/Duke/Princess Lana/narcissistic Simon Belmont/green Mega Man/mini Kid Icarus amiibo set. Hell, i'd even splurge for Mother Brain/King Hippo/Eggplant Wizard.

this is probably not controversial, but i really wish Captain Rainbow had been released in North America. as it is, i own a Japanese copy and settle for Youtube playthroughs. Totally not the same!

On 7/31/2021 at 11:47 PM, Areala said:

I'm not so sure that's an unpopular opinion, at least around here. 🤣

OK, now you've gone too far. absolute power corrupts, absolutely!

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  • 2 months later...

I think collecting physical games is stupid!


Please understand this is a personal opinion about myself, not anyone else, but previously I was a collector (had quite a impressive collection around 2007), but one day about a year ago I went into my basement, looked at all of my stuff, and realized that once I was dead (not dying here!) my son's future wife was going to make him throw 99% of it in the garbage, because it does nothing more than take up space!  Some of it might end up on auction sites, but since that takes time most likely the valuable stuff would be cherry picked and the rest chucked into a bin.

In actuality that is the primary reason I have come back to RetroMags, that being my collection of gaming magazines and the need to get them the hell out of my basement (while still being able to enjoy them in some fashion).

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