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Submit OPM #18


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After managing to find some lost pages I have finally finished putting together OPM US #18, and some forum searching shows that the best way to submit is to ask and provide a link to Google Drive.  If someone would be kind enough to approve/deny that would be wonderful:


This was kind of an interesting experience for me.  It was a perfect storm of substandard magazine quality, substandard debinding, and substandard scanning equipment.  That being said I enjoyed the discovery of the process, despite the hardships caused by the issues I mentioned.  I would say the scanner is the biggest obstacle, along with it permanently being stuck at my place of employment.  It's a Xerox Workcentre 5335, which supports upload to USB, but tends to leave many scans at a bad angle .  The others were a Visioneering Patriot 430 (easy and straight scans, but far too many colored lines) and a Canon LIDE 700F (I can deal with slow but it causes far too much light bleed-through with magazines).  But I am at a point in my life where spending money is not an option, so I do what I can with what I have.

Anyway, thank you .  If anyone has any constructive criticism I would be happy to hear.  Despite my issues I would like to continue (though hopefully at a faster pace).  I have a number of US PC Gamer, Computer Games, and some US OPM and assorted strat guides I can contribute.

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awesome i'll take a look at it. To prevent page ghosting (which happens with these thin paper quality they use) use a black construction paper on top of the page while scanning. Another thing you can do if you dont want to use construction paper is actually spray paint the inner lid (the thingy that presses the paper down ) matte black.

About the scan. Great quality! Question pg. 129 and 131 are missing. Is that any content page or ads or just skipped??

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5 hours ago, MigJmz said:

About the scan. Great quality! Question pg. 129 and 131 are missing. Is that any content page or ads or just skipped

Bad numbering on my part!  I had lost a fold out when I was scanning and found it today. I wasn't sure on the orientation and what had been scanned  so I just stuck three "missing page" notes as placeholders, but didn't change the page numbers back.  Sorry about that!  On the positive side, no actual pages missing!

Thanks for the compliment on the quality.  Post scanning took a long while due to the amount of touch-ups.  I am reasonably good working with GIMP but there are just some things that can't be fixed.  This was a very well loved issue, lol.

Also, thank you for the tip with the construction paper.  I might just try that with the LIDE scanner I have at home.  Might just make that option feasIble!

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22 hours ago, bombatomba said:

After managing to find some lost pages I have finally finished putting together OPM US #18, and some forum searching shows that the best way to submit is to ask and provide a link to Google Drive.  If someone would be kind enough to approve/deny that would be wonderful:

This was kind of an interesting experience for me.  It was a perfect storm of substandard magazine quality, substandard debinding, and substandard scanning equipment.  That being said I enjoyed the discovery of the process, despite the hardships caused by the issues I mentioned.  I would say the scanner is the biggest obstacle, along with it permanently being stuck at my place of employment.  It's a Xerox Workcentre 5335, which supports upload to USB, but tends to leave many scans at a bad angle .  The others were a Visioneering Patriot 430 (easy and straight scans, but far too many colored lines) and a Canon LIDE 700F (I can deal with slow but it causes far too much light bleed-through with magazines).  But I am at a point in my life where spending money is not an option, so I do what I can with what I have.

Anyway, thank you .  If anyone has any constructive criticism I would be happy to hear.  Despite my issues I would like to continue (though hopefully at a faster pace).  I have a number of US PC Gamer, Computer Games, and some US OPM and assorted strat guides I can contribute.

I'm in a similar boat in that I have things I'd like to scan, but my scanner is a fifteen year old flatbed. It's so slow as to make doing anything other than covers or the smallest booklet-style mags completely impractical. I feel your pain. :)

That said, you did a really good job despite all those obstacles. I've seen some very minor errors as I've flipped through (page 20 isn't fully cropped to the bottom bleed, and there's a duplicate Retromags attribution page at the end of the file), but if this is your first attempt, I cannot WAIT to see your second! Top-notch work! :)

Areala :angel:


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On 10/14/2021 at 1:54 PM, MigJmz said:

To prevent page ghosting (which happens with these thin paper quality they use) use a black construction paper on top of the page while scanning. Another thing you can do if you dont want to use construction paper is actually spray paint the inner lid (the thingy that presses the paper down ) matte black.

Eek. I don't think I would go as far as spray painting. Using double sided tape to stick black construction paper to the inside lid will achieve the same result and is completely reversible.

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