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Areala's Work In Progress


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Folks who have been following my uploads have no doubt noticed that right now, I'm working through a collection of compilation guides (mostly produced by Brady Games). Most of these revolve around the PlayStation, but I have three coming up which are focused entirely on the Sega Genesis, so if that's your 16-bit machine of choice, you have some goodies to look forward to shortly! :)

Areala :angel:

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Currently working on:

Official Sega Genesis Power Tips Book, Volume 2

After this scan is done, my output will likely slow down for a while. I've got six larger computer guides coming up next, everything from an unofficial Final Fantasy VII for PC strategy guide to 3D Game Alchemy. And just so I could get it out of my house, one of the single worst guides ever written for a Super Nintendo game. Which one is it? Well, you'll just have to wait and see. ;)


Areala :angel:

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Currently working on:

3D Game Alchemy for Doom, Doom II, Heretic, and Hexen

This is the second/updated edition of Tricks of the DOOM Programming Gurus, so if you liked that one, you'll get a kick out of this one too. The upload will contain the .iso from the CD included with the book, which is itself 500MB, so this will be an enormous download when all is said and done. :)

Areala :angel:

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  • 9 months later...
  • Retromags Curator

Currently working on:

Diablo II Ultimate Strategy Guide

Currently listening to for inspiration:

Also, since my wife and I upgraded to gigabit fibre for our internet from the 3mpbs DSL connection we've had for the last 12 years, expect higher resolutions on my scans from here on out. :)

Areala :angel:

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  • Retromags Curator

Having finished the Diablo II Ultimate Strategy Guide, it's time to turn my attention to:

Prima's 3D Action Gamer's Bible

Another in their long-running "Secrets of the Game" series, this out-of-print oddity from the halcyon days of 1996 covers Ultimate DoomDoom IIHexenHereticQuake, and Duke Nukem 3D! 350+ pages of FPS madness are coming your way from your beloved Retromags Goddess. Happy holidays! ❤️

Currently listening to for inspiration:

Areala :angel:

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  • Retromags Curator

You know what the world can never have enough of? Classic 90's-era first-person shooters!

You know what your Retromags Goddess has entirely too many of? Strategy guides for classic 90's-era first-person shooters!

So let's remedy that. The next several releases from me will all be based around this theme.

"Which games are those, Areala?" Ooooh, the suspense is just killing you, isn't it? Or maybe that's the Quad Damage . . . difficult to tell them apart sometimes! :)

Areala :angel:

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  • 5 months later...
  • Retromags Curator

First off the chopping block will be Sybex's Ultima Online Unofficial Strategies & Secrets!

We can always use more Ultima content around here, and this one's surprisingly expensive considering it covers a version of the game that hasn't been playable since before 2000. :)

"But Areala, what about versions of the game playable after the year 2000?"

Yes, yes, we'll have some of those too. Don't worry. Your Retromags Goddess will not forsake you in your hour of need. She's just doing this one first. :)

Areala :angel:

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  • Retromags Curator

We'll be in the world of Ultima for a little while longer. Next off the chopping block comes Ultima Online: The Second Age Official Strategy Guide, which covers the first major update to the game from 1998. While it's still all in black and white, this guide at least offers a number of maps and pictures (including a full-color poster map which, sadly, my copy was lacking) unlike the Sybex unofficial guide, which was an all-text affair.

The Second Age introduced an entirely new area to explore (the marsh-themed Lost Lands), along with a host of new creatures and monsters, two towns, and the ability for players to construct their own cities.

Amazingly enough, while Ultima Online in its current incarnation is still available to play, a cadre of devoted players and developers have come together to build an almost 100% accurate version of The Second Age, which is free to access for anyone interested (which may explain why these books still retain value twenty-five years after they were published). If you'd like to experience what UO was like back in the day for yourself, hit up https://www.uosecondage.com/, download their client, and go to town! :)

Areala :angel:

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With Ultima Online: The Second Age Official Strategy Guide done, we're skipping ahead a few years to a much more interesting piece of MMORPG history. Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge Official Strategy Guide was published in 2002 to coincide with the release of that expansion, which was noteworthy for none other than Todd "You're Damn Right, I Created Spawn!" McFarlane joining the design team to populate a new zone within the now much larger map of Britannia with all sorts of twisted nightmares from his imagination. :)

For some reason, the two expansions that happened prior to Lord Blackthorn's Revenge (Ultima Online: Renaissance and Ultima Online: Third Dawn) both dropped without getting corresponding strategy guides, official or otherwise. Because of that, the guide to Lord Blackthorn's Revenge has to cover an awful lot of territory as the playable world within the game had more than doubled since Second Age, with entire new continents now populated with extensive new dungeons. But in addition to covering all the updated content, this book offers a slew of extra content of use/interest to fans of Ultima who were not interested in playing the MMO. This includes an overview of the grand Ultima timeline featured in all the games which had released up to that point, a character glossary for major NPCs, major events that had taken place both in the online and off-line games, a guide for new players, and (as promised on the cover) an interview with Todd "Did I Mention I Created Spawn?" McFarlane, and a bunch of other goodies. Even if you couldn't care less about a twenty year old expansion to an MMO, you'll probably find something worth reading if you have even a passing interest in the Ultima world.

I can't wait to get this one to you all! :)

Areala :angel:


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With the guides for both Lord Blackthorn's Revenge and Age of Shadows now released, it's time to pivot away from the MMORPG. Next up on the chopping block? How about some full-colour Quake III Arena fun, with Prima's official strategy guide!

I know y'all can't wait, and neither can I! :D

While you're waiting, enjoy some Lofi music to relax and chill to:

Areala :angel:

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"Areala, you just released both a Duke Nukem 3D and a Quake II strategy guide. How can you possibly top that?" I do not hear you asking (because this is the internet, and I cannot hear you through your monitor).

Well, let me assure you that when it comes to books about first-person shooters, I'm just gettin' warmed up. The last two books were about playing them, but the next two are about making them. That's right, a double-header coming soon to a website near you (hint: it's Retromags)! The Quake Unofficial Level Design Handbook and the Official Duke Nukem 3D Level Design Handbook are coming down the pipeline.

And of course, I wouldn't be your Retromags Goddess if I didn't include the CD-ROMs as well, so rest assured, you'll be able to mount your own ISOs to browse and play to your heart's content.

Ready to rip and tear? Prepared to come get some? Hell yeah you are! And just to get you revved up, here's the full Quake soundtrack. Get hyped, you animals! :D 

Areala :angel:


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  • 6 months later...
  • Retromags Curator

Moving backwards through time with the last couple of uploads. Look forward to more of the same, with two fresh entries in Prima's "Secrets of the Game" series, and a big book of really old-school adventure game maps and solutions!

Stay tuned for more excellent oldies from Areala's library in the coming weeks! :D

Areala :angel:

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  • 2 weeks later...

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